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TGD vocab

Vocab from The God Delusion

insouciant Free from concern, worry or anxiety; carefree
Vet (vetting, vetted) to appraise, verify, or check for accuracy, authenticity, or validity
indignation (adj indignant) anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy.
pusilanimous lacking courage; cowardly
Filicidal killing one's own song/daughter
sadomasochistic getting pleasure from pain esp. sexually
megalomaniachal delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
interpose to place between; cause to intervene. to put (a barrier, obstacle, etc.) between or in the way of. To introduce or interject (a comment, for example) during discourse or a conversation.
intercede To plead on another's behalf. to attempt to reconcile differences between two people or groups; mediate.
TAP Temporary Agnosticism in Practice. There really is a definite answer, one way or the other, but we so far lack the evidence to reach it.
PAP Permanent Agnosticism in Principle. No matter how much evidence we gather, the question can never be answered because the very idea of evidence is not applicable.
reconcile To reestablish a close relationship between. To settle or resolve. To bring (oneself) to accept. To bring into consonance, accord or harmony.
intercessory Having the function of interceding.
salient prominent or conspicuous; projecting or pointing outward.
decry to speak pejoratively of; express centure of.
impinge to collide or strike; encroach; to tresspass; to have an effect or impact.
inoculate to introduce a serum, vaccine, or antigenic substance into body, especially to produce or boost immunity to a disease; to protect; to introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of.
comeuppance payback; A punishment or retribution that one deserves
aver to assert or affirm with confidence; maintain
ignominious Marked by shame or disgrace; discreditable; humiliating.
supine laying on back
odious hateful; destestable; repugnant
disavow To disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with.
colossal extraordinarily great in size
Created by: maw247
Popular Religion sets




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