CNHP 2010 Chapter 8 Word Scramble
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Normal Size Small Size show me how
Normal Size Small Size show me how
Question | Answer |
1. chromat/o | color |
2. chyl/o | juice |
3. cyt/o | cell |
4. hem/o | blood |
5. hemat/o | blood |
6. immun/o | immune, resistant |
7. lymph/o | clear fluid |
8. morph/o | form |
9. myel/o | bone marrow or spinal cord |
10. phag/o | eat or swallow |
11. blast/o | germ or bud |
12. chrom/o | color |
13. plas/o | formation |
14. reticul/o | a net |
15. splen/o | spleen |
16. thromb/o | clot |
17. thym/o | thymus |
18. microcytosis | presence of small red blood cells |
19. hypochromic | pale in color; lighter in color than normal |
20. macrocytosis | presence of large red blood cells |
21. anisocytosis | presence of red blood cells of unequal size (an = not, without; iso = equal) |
22. poikilocytosis | presence of large, irregularly shaped red blood cells (poikilo= irregular) |
23. reticulocytosis | an increased number of immature erythrocytes in the blood |
24. erythropenia | an abnormally reduced number of red blood cells |
25. lymphocytopenia | an abnormally reduced number of lymphocytes |
26.neutropenia | a decreased number of neutrophils |
27. pancytopenia | an abnormally reduced number of all cellular components in the blood |
28. thrombocytopenia | an abnormally decreased number of platelets in the blood, impairing the clotting process |
29. hemolysis | breakdown of the red blood cell membrane |
30. immunosuppression | impaired ability to provide an immune response |
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