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Click two or more of the word chunk buttons on the left to form words that match the clues listed below.
12 letters 1. Sorts through semantic representations to finding meaning of words 2. Syntactic rule system is applied to determine _____ 3. Literal interpretation determined 4. Figurative meaning determined (via RH) 5. Instructions sent to respond
6 letters 1. Memory failure 2. Disorientation 3. Lapse in judgement 4. Difficulty performing activities 5. Difficulty performing mentally challenging activities 6. Misplace items 7. _____, loss of initiative 8. Change in mood
9 letters Assessing _____: Phasic alertness?
12 letters 1. Eye 2. Optic nerve 3. Optic Chiasm 4. Optic tract 5. Lateral Geniculate (_____) 6. Optic Radiations 7. Primary Visual Cortex (17) 8. Visual Association Cortex (18 & 19) 9. Wernicke's Area (posterior 22)
8 letters 1. Impaired short-term memory 2. Impaired long-term memory 3. Impaired in at least one of the following: Abstract thinking, personality, judgement, constructional abilities (interpreting), _____, praxis (skill, habitual practice), visual recognition
6 letters FLUENT Word-finding problems _____ tasks requiring retrieval of specific words
6 letters Cognitive and communication problems that significantly impair the ability to live independently due to brain _____. TBI patients may have anomia. Deficits will mostly be cognitive, but aphasia may result from a TBI causing language deficits too.
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Created by: aly435
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