1. Pathological changes to the basal ganglia, thalamus, and brain stem
2. Motor changes appear early
3. Changes to intellect and language appear later
What are the American Psychiatric Association's defined symptoms of Dementia?
1. Impaired short-term memory
2. Impaired long-term memory
3. Impaired in at least one of the following:
Abstract thinking, personality, judgement, constructional abilities (interpreting), language, praxis (skill, habitual practice), visual recognition
What is Mixed Nonfluent Aphasia?
Lies somewhere between Global and Broca's with severe anomia, relatively poor auditory comprehension, poor repetition, with performances in these modalities being neither as poor as Global or good as Broca's
Retrospective memory: What is the difference between declarative and procedural memory?
Declarative: What we know about things (how to do something). 2 types: episodic and semantic
Procedural: collection of habits that can be applied automatically (knowing how to perform a task)
What are some cognitive-communication problems that can occur from right hemisphere damage?
1. Attention
2. Left-side neglect
3. Memory
4. Organization
5. Orientation
6. Problem solving
7. Reasoning
8. Social communication (pragmatics)
What is the neural pathway for SILENT READING comprehension?