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In each blank, try to type in the word that is missing. If you've typed in the correct word, the blank will turn green.

If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed.

When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on.
Question: /oAnswer: Drug or
Question: Answer: via
Question: IVAnswer:
Question: Answer: intramuscular
Question: SCAnswer:
Question: PRAnswer: via
Question: Answer: sublingual
Question: Answer: via
Question: TOPAnswer:
Question: BDAnswer: twice a
Question: TDSAnswer: times a day
Question: QDSAnswer: four times a
Question: ODAnswer: once a
Question: Answer: night
Question: Answer: morning
Question: 2/24Answer: two
Question: 6/24Answer: six
Question: 4/24Answer: four
Question: 8/24Answer: eight
Question: What are schedule 8 ?Answer: Controlled drugs & poisons for therapeutic use that has for abuse & addiction.
Question: What is the difference between generic & trade name ?Answer: No difference except in & inactive ingredients. Active ingredients remain the same.
Question: Answer: pain
Question: Anti-hypertensiveAnswer: blood pressure
Question: AnticoagulantAnswer: Thins the
Question: Answer: the action of histamine
Question: NeurAnswer:
Question: Cephal or Answer: head
Question: CraniAnswer:
Question: EncephAnswer:
Question: -logyAnswer: of
Question: NeurologyAnswer: Study of the system
Question: Answer: to relieve pain
Question: AnaestheticAnswer: Causes insensitivity to
Question: ParaplegicAnswer: Paralysis of body
Question: Answer: Pins &
Question: Answer: Anaesthetic dura matter of spinal cord
Question: EncephalitisAnswer: of the brain
Question: CNSAnswer: nervous system
Question: CPAnswer: Cerebral
Question: Answer: Electroencephalogram
Question: MSAnswer: sclerosis
Question: Answer: Cerebrospinal
Question: CVAAnswer: Cerebrovascular or stroke
Question: LPAnswer: puncture
Question: TIAAnswer: Trans ischaemic attack or mini
Question: affecting both legs?Answer:
Question: Paralysis 4 limbs?Answer: Quadriplegia
Question: of one side of the body?Answer:
Question: AnaencephalyAnswer: Skull & cerebral hemisphere of removal
Question: Answer: Abnormal electrical in the brain
Question: Answer: Pain affecting back, hip & outer side of
Question: HydrocephalisAnswer: Fluid accumulating in
Question: Answer: small head, incomplete brain
Question: Answer: system
Question: GITAnswer: actions
Question: ADHAnswer: hormone
Question: GTTAnswer: Glucose tolerance
Question: HGHAnswer: Human growth
Question: Answer: Thyroid stimulating
Question: Adrenal Answer: Life threatening condition, not enough cortisol
Question: dependent diabetesAnswer: Chronic condition, pancreas little or no insulin
Question: GoitreAnswer: Swelling of the neck from enlarged gland
Question: Answer: Intermittent spasms, malfunction of parathyroid glands
Question: PolydipsiaAnswer: Abnormally thirst
Question: ThyrotoxicosisAnswer: quantities of thyroid hormone
Question: Addisons Answer: Deficient adrenocortical
Question: Diabetes Mellitus type Answer: Not insulin produced
Question: Diabetes Mellitus type Answer: Long term metabolic
Question: Answer: Surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid
Question: home/oAnswer:
Question: estr/oAnswer:
Question: crin/oAnswer:
Question: natr/oAnswer:
Question: acr/oAnswer:
Question: -tropicAnswer:
Question: glyc/oAnswer:
Question: kal/oAnswer:
Question: andr/oAnswer:
Question: -dipsiaAnswer:
Question: -ismAnswer: process or
Question: calc/oAnswer:
Question: hyper-Answer: increase or
Question: hypo-Answer: decrease or
Question: poly-Answer: many or
Question: A Doctor who specialises in the system?Answer: Endocrinologist
Question: CardiAnswer:
Question: Answer: muscle
Question: vasc or Answer: blood
Question: ven or Answer:
Question: arteri or Answer: artery
Question: coronAnswer: coronary vessel or circle,
Question: haemat or Answer: blood
Question: Answer: red
Question: Answer: clot
Question: leucAnswer:
Question: myelAnswer: bone or spinal
Question: pericardisAnswer: Inflammation of the pericardium (around the )
Question: Answer: Inflammation of a
Question: Answer: slow pulse
Question: vasoconstrictionAnswer: constriction of blood
Question: Answer: dilation of vessels
Question: Answer: x-ray of blood (arteries)
Question: cardiocenthesisAnswer: Puncture of heart chamber for diagnosis or
Question: bradyAnswer:
Question: tachyAnswer:
Question: -aemiaAnswer: condition of
Question: -cardiaAnswer: condition of the
Question: -logyAnswer: study
Question: Answer: Excessive enlargement of an artery
Question: asystoleAnswer: heart to beat
Question: cardiac Answer: temporary stoppage of the
Question: Answer: Restriction of blood supply to
Question: syncopeAnswer: loss of
Question: pectorisAnswer: pain
Question: AAAAnswer: aortic aneurysm
Question: Answer: acute myocardial
Question: ECGAnswer:
Question: Answer: pressure
Question: Answer: deep vein
Question: Answer: embolism
Question: CCFAnswer: cardiac failure
Question: haematomaAnswer: localised filled with blood
Question: Answer: escape of blood from vessel
Question: Answer: low white cell count
Question: thromboctopeniaAnswer: low platelet count
Question: Answer: less than normal red cells
Question: path/oAnswer:
Question: The of diseases?Answer: pathology
Question: who studies diseases?Answer: pathologist
Question: haematologyAnswer: study of the
Question: Answer: study of immune
Question: Answer: study of body
Question: Answer: of microbes
Question: C/SAnswer: & sensitivity
Question: Answer: midstream sample
Question: FBCAnswer: full count
Question: U/AAnswer: analysis
Question: Answer: function test
Question: venipuntureAnswer: taking from veins
Question: pap Answer: taking cells from
Question: What is & sensitivity test?Answer: Finding which antibiotics a microbe is susceptible
Question: in Answer: in the
Question: in Answer: in test
Question: autopsyAnswer: body after death
Question: Full CountAnswer: Check full blood
Question: matchAnswer: Find blood group & against others
Question: U/EAnswer: urea &
Question: FBSAnswer: blood sugar
Question: radi/oAnswer: x-ray
Question: ech/oAnswer: sound
Question: tom/oAnswer: slice or
Question: What is a Doctor of medical imaging ?Answer: Radiologist
Question: Someone who takes in x-rays?Answer: Radiographer
Question: x-rayAnswer: electromagnetic
Question: CTAnswer: computed
Question: Answer: magnetic imaging
Question: U/SAnswer:
Question: Answer: position emission
Question: -graphAnswer: instrument for something
Question: -gramAnswer: a written
Question: -oedemaAnswer: of fluid in body tissue
Question: -rrhaphyAnswer:
Question: -immuneAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: lymph
Question: /oAnswer: lymph
Question: -rrhagiaAnswer: bursting
Question: auto-Answer:
Question: -Answer: between
Question: -stitialAnswer: to
Question: -megalyAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: spleen
Question: thym/oAnswer: gland
Question: Organ that filters unwanted material from ?Answer: node
Question: Leukocytes that eat material?Answer: phagocytes
Question: Lymphoid tissue that red blood cells?Answer:
Question: Structure in the that filters bacteria?Answer: tonsils
Question: White blood cells that kill cells?Answer: T-cells
Question: Cells that antibodies?Answer: B-cells
Question: Accumulation of fluid in body ?Answer: oedema
Question: Any substance causing an allergic ?Answer: allergen
Question: Abnormal hypersensitivity to an ?Answer: allergy
Question: bronchitisAnswer: Inflammation of the breathing
Question: Answer: to look inside airways
Question: Answer: A flexible, lighted tube used to inside the larynx
Question: Answer: Surgical into the throat
Question: Answer: stopping of breathing
Question: Answer: A test to diseases of the lungs
Question: bronch/oAnswer:
Question: muc/oAnswer:
Question: thorac/oAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: cavity
Question: /oAnswer: trachea
Question: -ptysisAnswer:
Question: tonsill/oAnswer:
Question: ox/oAnswer:
Question: -ectasisAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: chest
Question: /oAnswer: diaphragm
Question: olig/oAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: lung
Question: rhin/oAnswer:
Question: -arAnswer: pertaining
Question: eu-Answer:
Question: ortho-Answer:
Question: -phoniaAnswer:
Question: Root word meaning a condition of ?Answer: -pnoea
Question: Root word pulse?Answer: -sphyxia
Question: Why is it important to adhere to Policies & Procedures while working in care?Answer: A high level of patient care; Keep nurses on task; Safety for patients & ; Ensures patients receive the care they need; Ensures nurses can work quickly to stabalise a patient; Prioritising critical issues.
Question: Name some of the & nursing codes of practice in Australia?Answer: Drugs, Poisons & Controlled Substances Act; Mental Health Act; Nurses Act; Coroners Act; Health Professions Registration Act; Anti Discrimination Laws; Code of Conduct for Nurses in Australia; Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia; OSH.
Question: What is the AHPRA & some of it's ?Answer: Responsible for the national registration & accreditation scheme across Australia. It works with 14 National Health Practitioner Boards. It undertakes domestic & International history checks.
Question: or 'or'Answer:
Question: Answer: stomach
Question: enterAnswer:
Question: Answer: colon
Question: cholAnswer:
Question: laparAnswer:
Question: hepetAnswer:
Question: gastroscopyAnswer: Examination of upper digestive
Question: Answer: Inflammation of the
Question: enteropathyAnswer: loss of enteric plasma proteins
Question: gastroscopyAnswer: Visual examination of the
Question: Answer: Inflammation of the
Question: Surgical procedure where large is brought through abdominal wall?Answer: colostomy
Question: Surgical procedure making incision through the abdominal wall?Answer:
Question: Answer: no appetite
Question: ascitesAnswer: of fluid
Question: cirrhosisAnswer: of
Question: malaenaAnswer: in gastro tract
Question: bloodAnswer: blood
Question: Answer: stones in gall bladder
Question: cholecystitisAnswer: Inflammation of the gall
Question: D & Answer: diarrhoea &
Question: NGAnswer: gastric
Question: Answer: nil by
Question: BNOAnswer: bowels not
Question: IBSAnswer: irritable syndrome
Question: Answer: colitis
Question: BaAnswer:
Question: -tripsyAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: gallbladder
Question: /oAnswer: mouth
Question: -fluxAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: bile
Question: /oAnswer: abdomen
Question: choledoch/oAnswer: bile duct
Question: hepat/oAnswer:
Question: gingiv/oAnswer:
Question: labi/oAnswer:
Question: glossAnswer:
Question: ile/oAnswer:
Question: orex/oAnswer:
Question: -emesisAnswer:
Question: -phagiaAnswer:
Question: -stomyAnswer: new
Question: mal-Answer:
Question: Colour for EmergencyAnswer: BLUE
Question: for Fire/SmokeAnswer: RED
Question: Colour for EmergencyAnswer: YELLOW
Question: Colour for Personal Answer:
Question: for Bomb ThreatAnswer: PURPLE
Question: Colour for External Answer:
Question: for EvacuationAnswer:
Question: diaAnswer: /complete
Question: -plasiaAnswer: /development
Question: py/oAnswer:
Question: pyel/oAnswer: pelvis
Question: vesic/oAnswer:
Question: meat/oAnswer: of urethra
Question: noct/oAnswer:
Question: lith/oAnswer:
Question: -lysisAnswer: /breakdown
Question: -uriaAnswer: of urine
Question: Answer: tract infection
Question: Answer: pyelogram
Question: Answer: absence of
Question: Answer: painful
Question: haematuriaAnswer: in the urine
Question: glycosuriaAnswer: abnormal of sugar in the urine
Question: Answer: pus in the
Question: nocturiaAnswer: urination during the night
Question: polyuriaAnswer: urination
Question: /oAnswer: testicle
Question: varic/oAnswer: dilated, twisted
Question: -potenceAnswer:
Question: -spadiasAnswer:
Question: -celeAnswer: /hernia
Question: balan/oAnswer: penis
Question: ante-Answer:
Question: episio-Answer:
Question: colp/oAnswer:
Question: gyne/oAnswer:
Question: /oAnswer: fallopian
Question: men/oAnswer:
Question: -archeAnswer:
Question: metr/oAnswer:
Question: oophor/oAnswer:
Question: -rrhaphyAnswer: birthing
Question: lact/oAnswer:
Question: mamm/oAnswer:
Question: Another name for gland?Answer: gland
Question: The urinary is also known as?Answer: urethral
Question: Tip of the is called?Answer: glans
Question: The sac containing the testes is ?Answer:
Question: Another name for ?Answer: prepuce
Question: Tube carrying from testes to urethra?Answer: vas
Question: Secretes oestrogen & ?Answer: ovary
Question: Holds the during pregnancy?Answer:
Question: Lubricates the vagina intercourse?Answer:
Question: Transports the egg to the ?Answer: fallopian
Question: occurs in?Answer:
Question: Acts as the canal?Answer:
Question: #Answer:
Question: a.c.Answer: before
Question: ADLAnswer: activities of living
Question: Answer: fibrillation
Question: AKAAnswer: above knee
Question: Answer: renal failure
Question: BCCAnswer: cell carcinoma
Question: c/oAnswer: of
Question: CAAnswer:
Question: a- or an-Answer: or without
Question: ab-Answer: away
Question: ad-Answer:
Question: ecto-Answer:
Question: endo-Answer:
Question: epi-Answer: /upon
Question: -acAnswer: to
Question: -aestheniaAnswer: lack of
Question: -centhesisAnswer: puncture to fluid
Question: -crineAnswer: to
Question: -emesisAnswer:
Question: eu-Answer: /good
Question: ex-Answer: out
Question: hemi-Answer:
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