Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
Pharmacy/o | show 🗑
show | via mouth
IV | show 🗑
IM | show 🗑
show | subcutaneous
show | via rectum
SL | show 🗑
PV | show 🗑
show | topical
show | twice a day
show | three times a day
show | four times a day
OD | show 🗑
Noctre | show 🗑
Mane | show 🗑
show | two hourly
show | six hourly
4/24 | show 🗑
show | eight hourly
What are schedule 8 drugs? | show 🗑
What is the difference between generic & trade name drugs? | show 🗑
show | Cures pain
show | Lowers blood pressure
Anticoagulant | show 🗑
show | Blocks the action of histamine
show | nerve
Cephal or cerebr | show 🗑
show | skull
Enceph | show 🗑
show | study of
show | Study of the nervous system
show | Medication to relieve pain
Anaesthetic | show 🗑
show | Paralysis of lower body
show | Pins & needles
Epidural | show 🗑
show | Inflammation of the brain
CNS | show 🗑
CP | show 🗑
show | Electroencephalogram
MS | show 🗑
CSF | show 🗑
CVA | show 🗑
show | Lumbar puncture
TIA | show 🗑
Paralysis affecting both legs? | show 🗑
show | Quadriplegia
show | Hemiplegia
show | Skull & cerebral hemisphere of brain removal
show | Abnormal electrical activity in the brain
show | Pain affecting back, hip & outer side of leg
show | Fluid accumulating in brain
show | Abnormally small head, incomplete brain
show | Cardiovascular system
GIT | show 🗑
show | Antidiuretic hormone
show | Glucose tolerance test
HGH | show 🗑
TSH | show 🗑
show | Life threatening condition, not enough cortisol produced
show | Chronic condition, pancreas produces little or no insulin
show | Swelling of the neck from enlarged thyroid gland
show | Intermittent muscle spasms, malfunction of parathyroid glands
show | Abnormally great thirst
Thyrotoxicosis | show 🗑
show | Deficient adrenocortical secretion
show | Not enough insulin produced
Diabetes Mellitus type 2 | show 🗑
Thyroidectomy | show 🗑
home/o | show 🗑
estr/o | show 🗑
show | secrete
show | sodium
acr/o | show 🗑
show | stimulating
glyc/o | show 🗑
show | potassium
andr/o | show 🗑
show | thirst
-ism | show 🗑
calc/o | show 🗑
show | increase or excessive
show | decrease or deficient
poly- | show 🗑
show | Endocrinologist
show | heart
show | muscle
show | blood vessel
show | vein
arteri or arter | show 🗑
coron | show 🗑
show | blood
erythr | show 🗑
show | clot
leuc | show 🗑
show | bone marrow or spinal
pericardis | show 🗑
show | Inflammation of a vein
bradycardia | show 🗑
show | constriction of blood vessels
vasodilation | show 🗑
anteriogram | show 🗑
show | Puncture of heart chamber for diagnosis or therapy
show | slow
tachy | show 🗑
-aemia | show 🗑
-cardia | show 🗑
show | study of
aneursym | show 🗑
show | heart ceases to beat
show | temporary stoppage of the heart
ischaemia | show 🗑
syncope | show 🗑
show | chest pain
show | abdominal aortic aneurysm
AMI | show 🗑
ECG | show 🗑
show | blood pressure
show | deep vein thrombosis
show | pulmonary embolism
CCF | show 🗑
haematoma | show 🗑
haemorrhage | show 🗑
leucopenia | show 🗑
thromboctopenia | show 🗑
show | less than normal red blood cells
show | disease
The study of diseases? | show 🗑
show | pathologist
haematology | show 🗑
show | study of immune system
show | study of body electrolytes
microbiology | show 🗑
C/S | show 🗑
MSU | show 🗑
FBC | show 🗑
show | urine analysis
show | liver function test
show | taking blood from veins
show | taking cells from cervix
What is culture & sensitivity test? | show 🗑
show | in the body
show | in test tube
show | check body after death
show | Check full blood analysis
Cross match | show 🗑
show | urea & electrolytes
show | fasting blood sugar
show | x-ray
ech/o | show 🗑
show | slice or section
What is a Doctor of medical imaging called? | show 🗑
Someone who takes pictures in x-rays? | show 🗑
x-ray | show 🗑
show | computed tomography
MRI | show 🗑
show | ultrasound
show | position emission tomography
-graph | show 🗑
-gram | show 🗑
-oedema | show 🗑
-rrhaphy | show 🗑
-immune | show 🗑
lymphadi/o | show 🗑
show | lymph gland
show | bursting forth
show | self
show | between
show | to place
show | enlargement
splen/o | show 🗑
thym/o | show 🗑
Organ that filters unwanted material from lymph? | show 🗑
Leukocytes that eat unwanted material? | show 🗑
Lymphoid tissue that stores red blood cells? | show 🗑
show | tonsils
show | T-cells
Cells that produce antibodies? | show 🗑
Accumulation of fluid in body tissue? | show 🗑
Any substance causing an allergic reaction? | show 🗑
show | allergy
bronchitis | show 🗑
show | Technique to look inside airways
show | A flexible, lighted tube used to examine inside the larynx
show | Surgical incision into the throat
apnoea | show 🗑
spirometry | show 🗑
show | bronchus
show | mucus
thorac/o | show 🗑
show | pleural cavity
trache/o | show 🗑
-ptysis | show 🗑
tonsill/o | show 🗑
ox/o | show 🗑
show | dilation
pector/o | show 🗑
phren/o | show 🗑
show | few
show | lung
show | nose
-ar | show 🗑
show | normal
ortho- | show 🗑
-phonia | show 🗑
Root word meaning a condition of breathing? | show 🗑
show | -sphyxia
Why is it important to adhere to Policies & Procedures while working in health care? | show 🗑
Name some of the legislation & nursing codes of practice in Australia? | show 🗑
What is the AHPRA & some of it's functions? | show 🗑
stomat or 'or' | show 🗑
show | stomach
enter | show 🗑
show | colon
chol | show 🗑
show | abdomen
show | liver
show | Examination of upper digestive tract
show | Inflammation of the gums
show | Excessive loss of enteric plasma proteins
gastroscopy | show 🗑
pancreatitis | show 🗑
Surgical procedure where large intestine is brought through abdominal wall? | show 🗑
Surgical procedure making large incision through the abdominal wall? | show 🗑
anorexia | show 🗑
ascites | show 🗑
show | destruction of
malaena | show 🗑
show | hidden blood
show | Little stones in gall bladder
cholecystitis | show 🗑
D & V | show 🗑
NG | show 🗑
show | nil by mouth
BNO | show 🗑
show | irritable bowel syndrome
show | ulcerative colitis
Ba | show 🗑
show | crushing
show | gallbladder
show | mouth
show | flow
show | bile duct
show | abdomen
show | common bile duct
hepat/o | show 🗑
gingiv/o | show 🗑
labi/o | show 🗑
show | tongue
ile/o | show 🗑
show | appetite
show | vomiting
-phagia | show 🗑
-stomy | show 🗑
mal- | show 🗑
show | BLUE
show | RED
show | YELLOW
show | BLACK
show | PURPLE
show | BROWN
Colour for Evacuation | show 🗑
show | through/complete
show | formation/development
py/o | show 🗑
pyel/o | show 🗑
vesic/o | show 🗑
meat/o | show 🗑
show | night
show | stone
-lysis | show 🗑
show | condition of urine
UTI | show 🗑
show | intravenous pyelogram
anuria | show 🗑
dysuria | show 🗑
show | blood in the urine
show | abnormal amounts of sugar in the urine
show | pus in the urine
show | excessive urination during the night
show | frequent urination
orchid/o | show 🗑
show | dilated, twisted veins
-potence | show 🗑
show | opening
-cele | show 🗑
balan/o | show 🗑
show | before
show | vulva
colp/o | show 🗑
show | woman
show | fallopian tube
show | month
show | beginning
metr/o | show 🗑
oophor/o | show 🗑
-rrhaphy | show 🗑
lact/o | show 🗑
mamm/o | show 🗑
Another name for bulbourethral gland? | show 🗑
show | urethral oriface
show | glans penis
show | scrotum
show | prepuce
Tube carrying semen from testes to urethra? | show 🗑
show | ovary
Holds the foetus during pregnancy? | show 🗑
show | bartholins
show | fallopian tubes
Ovulation occurs in? | show 🗑
Acts as the birth canal? | show 🗑
# | show 🗑
a.c. | show 🗑
show | activities of daily living
show | atrial fibrillation
AKA | show 🗑
ARF | show 🗑
show | basal cell carcinoma
c/o | show 🗑
CA | show 🗑
show | absent or without
show | away from
ad- | show 🗑
show | outside
show | inside
show | above/upon
-ac | show 🗑
-aesthenia | show 🗑
-centhesis | show 🗑
-crine | show 🗑
-emesis | show 🗑
show | normal/good
show | out of
hemi- | show 🗑
Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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Popular Nursing sets