In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Term: meal Definition: using the resources of skills, money and time to put together nutritious Term: food
Definition: a food product that has some preparation finished
Term: unit Definition: the cost per standard unit of weight or measure for a Term: open Definition: a dating process of food that gives information about the freshness of Term: pack Definition: date on stating when it was processed
Term: pull Definition: date on food products the last day they should be sold, also called the sell-by date
Term: freshness Definition: date indicating the end of the 's peak quality
Term: date
Definition: the last day the food be eaten or used
Term: food Definition: a substance to food for a specific purpose
Term: product code (UPC)
Definition: a group of bars and numbers appearing on a that contains price and product information
Term: Definition: the edible of animals, including muscles and organs
Term: poultry
Definition: any bird used for meat or eggs
Term: finfish
Definition: fish that have fins and Term: shellfish
Definition: fish that have shells instead of a , for example, crabs, lobster, scallops
Term: legume
Definition: that grow in the pods of some vegetable plants
Term: meat Definition: a plant based protein product made to resemble various kinds of Term: Definition: fruits and vegetables
Term: cereal
Definition: a starchy grain used as food, such as wheat, rice, corn and Term: pasta
Definition: grain products such as spaghetti, noodles, and Term: pasteurization
Definition: a process that destroys harmful bacteria in dairy products
Term: homogenized
Definition: by which milk fat is broken down into tiny particles that remain suspended throughout the milk
Term: cheese
Definition: made from milk, whey or cream
Term: process Definition: cheese made by blending or melting two or more cheeses
Term: food Definition: storing the freshest foods at the back of the so that the oldest foods will be used first
Term: aseptic Definition: technique in which food and containers are sterilized before food is packaged into the container in a sterilized chamber
Term: packagingDefinition: shelf stable food packaging method in which foods are sealed in a foil pouch and then |
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Popular Family and Consumer sets