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Human Geo. Ch.6 Fill In The Blanks

In each blank, try to type in the word that is missing. If you've typed in the correct word, the blank will turn green.

If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed.

When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on.
Question: what are the 3 of religionAnswer: , ethnic, traditional/tribal
Question: a religion that attempts to be ___________ , to appeal to ______________ wherever they may live in the world, not just to those of one culture or locationAnswer: ; all people
Question: what are 3 religionAnswer: Christianity, , Islam
Question: universalizing religions are divided in to __________, _____________ or ____________Answer: branches, , or sects
Question: universalizing religions are ________________ throughout the worldAnswer: distributed
Question: a religion with a relatively concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely to be based on the physical characteristics of the particular location in which its are concentratedAnswer: religion
Question: are ethnic religions mostly distributedAnswer: east, India, and Asia
Question: ethnic religions that are practiced by small, local cultural groups, typically blended religions that combine belief system of the ethnic group, , or village with animism and possibly a forced religionAnswer: traditional (tribal)
Question: belief everything has a Answer: animism
Question: _____________ has many tribal religions being practiced, most show syncretismAnswer:
Question: Christianity origin: founded upon the teachings of ____________________Answer: Christ
Question: what is the of ChristianityAnswer: Jesus died on a cross in Jerusalem to atone for the sins of , raised from the dead by God
Question: what are the 3 denominations/ of ChristianityAnswer: Catholic, Christian (Eastern) Orthodox, Protestant
Question: what is the holy book of Answer: Bible
Question: why is there no no architectural of churchesAnswer: many
Question: how do Christians dispose of the Answer: bury in a
Question: what branch of Christianity is a hierarchical Answer: Roman Catholic
Question: missionaries carried the of Jesus to different placesAnswer: diffusion
Question: spread through the Roman EmpireAnswer: contagious
Question: the empire's elite accepted Christianity in the 4th century, Emperor Constantine; later kings and queens of Europe would enforce Christianity as the state religionAnswer: diffusion
Question: what kind of religion is Answer:
Question: is Islam monotheistic or Answer: monotheistic
Question: what were the branches of formed fromAnswer: in succession
Question: what are the of IslamAnswer: 5
Question: what does believe Jihad is Answer: a religious struggle-some suggest that Muslims should engage in holy war others believe it is an internal
Question: how is Islam primarily Answer:
Question: what 3 regions did the army take overAnswer: Africa, Asia,
Question: when Islam took over what did they often convert buildings intoAnswer: mosques
Question: when the Islamic armies took over Christian buildings and them into Mosques, what is this an example ofAnswer: sequent
Question: where do most sects of come fromAnswer: disagreement of who be the leader after the death of Muhammad
Question: what kind of Muslims make up 83% of 's muslimsAnswer: Sunni
Question: what kind of Muslims are in Iran, large groups in Pakistan and Iraq and are much stricter in their interpretationAnswer: Shia (Shiite)
Question: what is the holy book of and what language is it written inAnswer: Quaran and in Arabic
Question: what is the holy site of Answer:
Question: how many does Mecca haveAnswer: 1.3
Question: what is in Mecca that is also Answer: Ka'ba
Question: cube structure encased in silk at the Great Mosque and contains the black stone given to Abraham by as a sign of the covenant with Ishmael and the Muslim peopleAnswer: Ka'ba
Question: what Islamic holy site also has 1.3 million inhabitants and Muhammad's tombAnswer: Medina
Question: what Islamic holy site is where Muslims that Muhammed was taken into heaven by AllahAnswer:
Question: where do Muslims Answer: mosque
Question: what most mosque look similar to one anotherAnswer: minarets- to call people to prayer
Question: moral code and religious law of Answer: Law
Question: why are different interpretations Shria LawAnswer: the way it is
Question: Islam is the _______________ growing religion in the worldAnswer:
Question: how does Islam get rid of dead Answer: burial- cremation is
Question: what does Buddha Answer: awakened or one
Question: what do Buddhist believe Answer: Four Truths
Question: what are the 4 TruthsAnswer: -all living beings must endure suffering -suffering leads to reincarnation -goal of is to reach Nirvana -Nirvana is attained through the 8 fold path
Question: Asoka, emperor of he Empire around 250Answer: hierarchical of Buddhism
Question: merchants to ChinaAnswer: relocation diffusion of
Question: holy book of Answer:
Question: how many branches/ does Buddhism haveAnswer:
Question: what are the 3 /sects of BuddhismAnswer: mahayana, theravada,
Question: location where the relics of great Buddhist are housedAnswer: stupas
Question: what are stupasAnswer: like
Question: place of worship that is decoratedAnswer:
Question: prominent and visually element of the Buddhist landscape found in Southeast AsiaAnswer:
Question: what is the holy site where Buddha attained enlightenment calledAnswer: Bodh
Question: where did beginAnswer:
Question: is Buddhism most commonly practicedAnswer: East Countries
Question: Buddhism________require you to stop your own religion if you want to follow BuddhismAnswer: does
Question: life's lawAnswer: Dharma
Question: who does come fromAnswer: Abraham
Question: what was the name of the son that God Abraham and Sarah would haveAnswer: Isaac
Question: is monotheistic or polytheisticAnswer: monotheistic
Question: Judaism is the 1st _______________________ religion recordedAnswer:
Question: Jews believe they are the ___________________ because God selected them to live according to God's ethical and moral principles (The Ten Commandments)Answer: people"
Question: unlike most ethnic religions, Judaism is practiced in ________________, not just its place of originAnswer: many
Question: the Romans forced the Jews to dispersed after they unsuccessfully rebelled against the Empire, migrated to EuropeAnswer:
Question: WWII- 6 million Jews die as a result of _________________; survivors of the Holocaust would migrate to _________________Answer: Nazi rule;
Question: 100 years ago 90% of world's Jews live in ____________________ now _______________ of world's Jews live in EuropeAnswer: ; 15%
Question: what did Judaism because ofAnswer: forced
Question: holy book of Answer: (first 5 books of Old Testament)
Question: rock of Abraham's sacrifice; Solomon's Temple, The Western Answer:
Question: where do Jews Answer:
Question: where are large populations of JewsAnswer: Israel and Northeast United
Question: why is scattered throughout the worldAnswer: relocation
Question: how many laws are in the Answer: 613
Question: what kind of religion is Hinduism and is it mono or Answer: ; polytheistic
Question: what is the of HinduismAnswer: existed prior to recorded history; cant find a back to specific founder
Question: belief of Hinduism: up to the __________________ to decide the best way to worship godAnswer:
Question: what are the 4 to knowing god in HinduismAnswer: path of knowledge, path of renunciation, path of devotion, path of
Question: you can pursue your own path, follow your own convictions, as long as you are in harmony with _____________Answer:
Question: as an ethnic religion, Hindu does not demand that followers _____________________Answer: their faith
Question: Hinduism is concentrated in one specific area and _______________________Answer: has not
Question: no real theological ____________; Hindu's can have an allegiance to a _____________Answer: divisions; god
Question: worships the god Vishnu (a loving god as Krishna); makes up 70%Answer:
Question: to Siva ( a protective and destructive god) about 26%Answer:
Question: form of worship dedicated to the consorts of Vishnu and SivaAnswer: Shaktism
Question: the theme of spiritual oneness between the one ultimate ______________, known as Brahma, and the soul, or atman, is mandatedAnswer:
Question: in accordance, everything in the world is an _________________, merely a part of Brahma, praised as CreatorAnswer:
Question: is an holy book of BuddhismAnswer: no one official
Question: Hinduism's sacred Answer:
Question: Hinduism's holy sites are closely tied to ___________________ of IndiaAnswer: physical
Question: Hindu holy site: purification by bathing in holy rivers; holiest river because it springs from the hair of SivaAnswer: Ganges
Question: Hindu holy site: of the Ganges in the Himalayas, holy because Siva lives thereAnswer: Kailas
Question: Hindu religious functions take place at ________________Answer:
Question: ____________________ are built for particular godsAnswer:
Question: temples are built to house shrines for gods but not for _______________Answer: congregational
Question: what is the 3rd largest religion in the Answer: Hinduism
Question: where are 97% of all Hindus found and can the remaining 3% be foundAnswer: India;
Question: a social hierarchy which divides people into social classesAnswer: system
Question: outcasts, they are not part of the caste systemAnswer:
Question: who was Answer: philosopher and teacher whose were recorded by his students- origin of Confucianism
Question: what was the of ConfucianismAnswer: correct was most important
Question: what are the ethical principles to be according to ConfucianismAnswer: 1-following traditions 2-fulfilling -treating others with sympathy and respect
Question: is Confucianism practicedAnswer:
Question: what is the of DaoismAnswer: Lao-Zi's
Question: belief of Daoism: emphasized mystical and magical aspects of life rather than the ________________Answer: importance of service
Question: what does meanAnswer:
Question: belief of Daoism: only by ______________________ of daily activities, and _____________________ can one achieve harmony with the principles of the universeAnswer: ; introspections
Question: sects of Daoism: split into many, some embracing elements of __________________Answer:
Question: is Daoism practicedAnswer: illegally in China and legally in
Question: what is the of ShintoismAnswer: ancient
Question: how was passed downAnswer: orally-no text until 5th AD
Question: main belief of Shintoism: forces of _____________ are divineAnswer:
Question: belief of Shintoism: eventually deceased ________________ and ______________________ became more significant than forces of natureAnswer: ;ancestors
Question: Shintoism: after losing WWII Emperor Hirohito renounced his _________________Answer:
Question: today Shintoism is no longer official state religion but still _______________ in JapanAnswer:
Question: holy sites of Answer: 80,000 housing deities
Question: Jewish claims that Israel is their rightful Answer: Zionism
Question: of traditional or tribal religionsAnswer:
Question: belief of or tribal religionsAnswer: objects such as plants and stones have spirits and conscious life
Question: little is known about tribal African religions because there are very few _____________, religious practices are mostly passed down through _______________________Answer: texts; word of and tradition
Question: why is animism and tribal declining in AfricaAnswer: globalization and
Question: shamanism: holds a particular ____________, the shaman, as the one with special _______________________Answer: person; healing or magical
Question: secular means that something is _____________Answer: not
Question: secularism: rejection of all ______________Answer: beliefs
Question: secularism: spreading rapidly in certain areas of the world such as ___________________Answer:
Question: believes there is Answer: agnostic
Question: belief there is no Answer: atheist
Question: what explain the trend towards secularismAnswer: religion was created to explain things we couldn't understand but now that we have we can understand and explain more things
Question: government policies can be seen as promoting social that conflicts with traditional religious valuesAnswer: vs government
Question: what are some examples of vs government in the United StatesAnswer: -legalizing gay marriage -abortion -taking Jesus out of schools
Question: affected Muslims in the attempts of government to ______________ the economies several Islamic countriesAnswer:
Question: what are the 4 of religious conflictAnswer: religion vs government; religion vs communism; vs social change; religion vs religion
Question: Czar made ________________ an official religion of RussiaAnswer: Orthodox
Question: ________________ pursued anti-religious policiesAnswer:
Question: what did the War destroyAnswer: Buddhist
Question: communist governments ___________________ religious activitesAnswer:
Question: LCDs can be exposed to values and beliefs originating in MDCs due to _______________Answer:
Question: banning of thingsAnswer: television and
Question: ________________________ of non-Islamic activities or religious sitesAnswer:
Question: vs Social EqualityAnswer: system
Question: due to the resurgence of fundamentalism caused __________Answer: religious
Question: adherence of religionAnswer: fundamentalism
Question: __________________ North Ireland vs ________________ Republic of IrelandAnswer: ; Catholic
Question: ____________ vs _______________ in Israel/PalestineAnswer: Jew;
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