AP Human Geography Chapter 6
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | universalizing, ethnic, traditional/tribal
show | global; all people
show | Christianity, Buddhism, Islam
universalizing religions are divided in to __________, _____________ or ____________ | show ๐
universalizing religions are ________________ throughout the world | show ๐
a religion with a relatively concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely to be based on the physical characteristics of the particular location in which its adherents are concentrated | show ๐
where are ethnic religions mostly distributed | show ๐
show | traditional (tribal) religion
show | animism
show | Indonesia
show | Jesus Christ
what is the belief of Christianity | show ๐
what are the 3 denominations/ branches of Christianity | show ๐
what is the holy book of Chrsitianity | show ๐
why is there no no architectural style of churches | show ๐
show | bury in a cemetery
what branch of Christianity is a hierarchical religion | show ๐
missionaries carried the teachings of Jesus to different places | show ๐
spread widely through the Roman Empire | show ๐
the empire's elite accepted Christianity in the 4th century, including Emperor Constantine; later kings and queens of Europe would enforce Christianity as the state religion | show ๐
what kind of religion is Islam | show ๐
is Islam monotheistic or polytheistic | show ๐
show | disagreement in succession
what are the beliefs of Islam | show ๐
show | a religious struggle-some suggest that Muslims should engage in holy war others believe it is an internal strugle
show | conquest
show | Africa, Asia, Europe
show | mosques
show | sequent occupancy
where do most sects of Islam come from | show ๐
what kind of Muslims make up 83% of world's muslims | show ๐
show | Shia (Shiite)
show | Quaran and written in Arabic
show | Mecca
how many inhabitants does Mecca have | show ๐
what is in Mecca that is also holy | show ๐
show | Ka'ba
what Islamic holy site also has 1.3 million inhabitants and contains Muhammad's tomb | show ๐
what Islamic holy site is where Muslims believe that Muhammed was taken into heaven by Allah | show ๐
show | mosque
show | minarets- balconies to call people to prayer
moral code and religious law of Islam | show ๐
show | the way it is enforced
Islam is the _______________ growing religion in the world | show ๐
show | burial- cremation is forbidden
show | awakened or enlightened one
show | Four Noble Truths
show | -all living beings must endure suffering
-suffering leads to reincarnation
-goal of existence is to reach Nirvana
-Nirvana is attained through the 8 fold path
Asoka, emperor of he Magadan Empire around 250 | show ๐
show | relocation diffusion of Buddhism
show | Tipitaka
show | 3
show | mahayana, theravada, tanrayana
show | stupas
show | mound like
place of worship that is intricately decorated | show ๐
show | pagodas
show | Bodh Gaya
where did Buddhism begin | show ๐
where is Buddhism most commonly practiced | show ๐
Buddhism________require you to stop your own religion if you want to follow Buddhism | show ๐
life's natural law | show ๐
who does Judaism come from | show ๐
what was the name of the son that God promised Abraham and Sarah would have | show ๐
show | monotheistic
Judaism is the 1st _______________________ religion recorded | show ๐
show | "chosen people"
unlike most ethnic religions, Judaism is practiced in ________________, not just its place of origin | show ๐
the Romans forced the Jews to dispersed after they unsuccessfully rebelled against the Roman Empire, migrated to Europe | show ๐
show | Nazi rule; Israel
show | Europe; 15%
what did Judaism spread because of | show ๐
holy book of Judaism | show ๐
rock of Abraham's sacrifice; Solomon's Temple, The Western Wall | show ๐
where do Jews worship | show ๐
where are there large populations of Jews | show ๐
why is Judaism scattered throughout the world | show ๐
how many laws are in the Torah | show ๐
what kind of religion is Hinduism and is it mono or polytheistic | show ๐
what is the origin of Hinduism | show ๐
belief of Hinduism: up to the __________________ to decide the best way to worship god | show ๐
show | path of knowledge, path of renunciation, path of devotion, path of action
you can pursue your own path, follow your own convictions, as long as you are in harmony with _____________ | show ๐
show | spread their faith
Hinduism is concentrated in one specific area and _______________________ | show ๐
show | divisions; particular god
worships the god Vishnu (a loving god incarnated as Krishna); makes up 70% | show ๐
show | Sivaism
show | Shaktism
the theme of spiritual oneness between the one ultimate ______________, known as Brahma, and the soul, or atman, is mandated | show ๐
show | illusion
show | no one official book
show | vedas
show | physical geography
show | Ganges River
show | Mount Kailas
Hindu religious functions take place at ________________ | show ๐
show | shrines
show | congregational worship
show | Hinduism
where are 97% of all Hindus found and where can the remaining 3% be found | show ๐
show | caste system
outcasts, they are not part of the Hindu caste system | show ๐
show | philosopher and teacher whose sayings were recorded by his students- origin of Confucianism
show | correct behavior was most important
show | 1-following traditions
2-fulfilling obligation
3-treating others with sympathy and respect
where is Confucianism practiced | show ๐
what is the origin of Daoism | show ๐
belief of Daoism: emphasized mystical and magical aspects of life rather than the ________________ | show ๐
what does "dao" mean | show ๐
belief of Daoism: only by ______________________ of daily activities, and _____________________ can one achieve harmony with the principles of the universe | show ๐
sects of Daoism: split into many, some embracing elements of __________________ | show ๐
show | illegally in China and legally in Taiwan
what is the origin of Shintoism | show ๐
show | orally-no written text until 5th AD
main belief of Shintoism: forces of _____________ are divine | show ๐
belief of Shintoism: eventually deceased ________________ and ______________________ became more significant than forces of nature | show ๐
show | divinity
today Shintoism is no longer official state religion but still _______________ in Japan | show ๐
holy sites of Shintosim | show ๐
show | Zionism
location of traditional or tribal religions | show ๐
belief of traditional or tribal religions | show ๐
show | texts; word of mouth and tradition
show | globalization and diffusion
shamanism: holds a particular ____________, the shaman, as the one with special _______________________ | show ๐
secular means that something is _____________ | show ๐
show | religious beliefs
show | Europe
believes there is something | show ๐
belief there is no God | show ๐
what could explain the trend towards secularism | show ๐
show | religion vs government
what are some examples of religion vs government in the United States | show ๐
affected Muslims in the attempts of government to ______________ the economies several Islamic countries | show ๐
what are the 4 types of religious conflict | show ๐
Czar made ________________ an official religion of Russia | show ๐
show | communist
show | Buddhist shrines
show | discourage
show | globalization
banning of "western" things | show ๐
________________________ of non-Islamic activities or religious sites | show ๐
show | caste system
due to the resurgence of fundamentalism caused __________ | show ๐
show | fundamentalism
__________________ North Ireland vs ________________ Republic of Ireland | show ๐
____________ vs _______________ in Israel/Palestine | show ๐
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Popular AP Human Geography sets