In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Classic Hebrew: ה־Modern Hebrew: הַ־, הָ־, הֶ־English Pronunciation: HahEnglish Translation: THE-definite article
TOnight, TOday, Advanced: ה־ follows: לְ־, בְּ־ כְּ־ they merge consonant after ה־ gets dagesh except=א,ה,ח,ע,ר in which case the vowel in the ה־ changes:
If הָ־=ר,ע,א
If unstressed הֶ־=ע
If stressed הַ־=ה,ח
If unstressed kamats/kkamats+ הֶ־=ה,ח Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: לְ־, ל־, לִ־, לַ־, לֶ־, English Pronunciation: l'-, l-, li-, la-, le-, la-English Translation: PREP
TO/FOR-use w destination
TO/FOR-use w recipient of action or possessorAdvanced: סָגוֹר=close
לִסְגּוֹר=to close
pa'ál construction:
#1 vowel=לִ
#2 vowel=לַ
#3 vowel=לֶ
#4 vowel=לָ
Rare vowel=לֵ or ל
pi'él, hitpa'él, hitpu'al, & hif'íl construction:
Vowel=לְ Classic Hebrew: ו־Modern Hebrew: וִ־,וּ־,וַ־,וֶ־,וָ־, וְ־ English Pronunciation: W', Wah, Weh, Oo, Wee English Translation: And_
*used before listed items except 1st
*ו־ attached to Vb may flip its conjug
*Vb in perfect tense uses suffix conjug
*Vb in imperfect tense uses prefix conjug
*vav hahipúkh=ו of flipping
*vav hakhibúr=ו of connection, which may have diff vowelAdvanced: וְ=default
starts w:
labial consonant וּ=בומפ
shva וּ=בְ =non-kvowel וַאֲדָמָה וֶאֱיָל וָחֳדָשׁים
kvowel +י =kvowel can be shva & ו can be וִ or וֶ (ו־ + הֱיִיתֶם =וֶהֱיִיתֶם, וֶהְיִיתֶם, & וִהְיִיתֶם)
stressed 1st vowel=וָ Classic Hebrew: יוםModern Hebrew: יוֹםEnglish Pronunciation: YohmEnglish Translation: Advanced: Classic Hebrew: וModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: English Translation: ThemAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: OolEnglish Translation: And the__, And for__Advanced: Classic Hebrew: אתModern Hebrew: אֵת, אֶת־English Pronunciation: EhtEnglish Translation: 1)THOU-proto-sinaitic
*def DO is a noun
*def DO is a personal pn-where it is incorporated into the form of את
*noun phrase beginning with ה־
*noun phrase headed by a noun compound endingAdvanced: a particle used in front of the direct object of a verb, in this case "the heavens and the , indicating that this is what is being "created" Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: אֱלֹהִיםEnglish Pronunciation: Ehloh'heeymEnglish Translation: God(s)Advanced: Classic Hebrew: ימיםModern Hebrew: 1) (2 יַמִּיםEnglish Pronunciation: 1)Yahmeeym 2)YahmeeymEnglish Translation: 1)Days 2)SeasAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: לילהModern Hebrew: לַיְלָהEnglish Pronunciation: Liy'LahEnglish Translation: Advanced: Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: בֹּקֶר-, English Pronunciation: BohkehrEnglish Translation: MorningAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: ערבModern Hebrew: עֲרָב,עָרַב,עֶרֶב, עֶרֶב־ English Pronunciation: English Translation: 1)Day __
3)Guarantee, Pretty
4)Arabia (Peninsula)Advanced: Classic Hebrew: מועדModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: Moh'AydEnglish Translation: 1)Appointment
3)FestivalAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: מועדיםModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: Moh'AhdeeymEnglish Translation: 1)Appointments
3)FestivalsAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: שנהModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: ShahnahEnglish Translation: 1)Year (time)
2)Repeat another timeAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: שָׁנִיםEnglish Pronunciation: Shah'NeeymEnglish Translation: 1)Years (time)
2)Repeats many timesAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: רקיעModern Hebrew: 1)רָקִיעַ
2)רְקִיעַ־ singular constructEnglish Pronunciation: 1)Rah'Keey'Yah
2)R'Kee'YahEnglish Translation: 1)Firmament-the concave surface on which the heavenly bodies appear to move
4)ExpanseAdvanced: Firmament (Hebrew Mythology): a separating the various levels of heaven Classic Hebrew: רקיעיםModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: R'Keey'YeeymEnglish Translation: 1)Firmaments
4)ExpansesAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: 1)אוֹת (m)
2)אוֹת (f)English Pronunciation: OhtEnglish Translation: 1)Sign (m)
2)Omen (m)
3)Cue (m)
4)Letter (f) consonant?Advanced:
Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: אוֹתוֹתEnglish Pronunciation: Oht'OhtEnglish Translation: 1)Signs (m)
2)Omens (m)
3)Cues (m)Advanced: Classic Hebrew: אותיותModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: Oht'Eey'OhtEnglish Translation: (f) consonents?Advanced: Classic Hebrew: כיModern Hebrew: כִּיEnglish Pronunciation: KeeyEnglish Translation: )So
4)BecauseAdvanced: Hint=KEY is FOR a door or Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: 1) טוֹב
2) English Pronunciation: 1)Tov
2)ToohvEnglish Translation: 1)To be/do good (v), Kind (adj)
2)Goodness (n), Virtue (n)Advanced: Classic Hebrew: מיןModern Hebrew: מִיןEnglish Pronunciation: English Translation: 1)Species*
3)TypeAdvanced: *GREEK SEPTUAGINT uses:
γένος (genos)-->genus [Latin]
γένη (gene)
*LATIN uses Speciem
Classic Hebrew: אשרModern Hebrew: 1)אֲשֶׁר
2)אָשֵׁר English Pronunciation: 1)AhShehr
2)AhShayrEnglish Translation: 1)PRONOUN: That, which, who, whom (relative pn used to introduce a relative clause). CONJUNCTION: (relativizer, used to a relative clause)
2)Asher=a son of JacobAdvanced: אֲשֶׁר as a conjunction is a relativizer, which is something Standard English doesn't Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: בֵּיןEnglish Pronunciation: BaynEnglish Translation: 1)Between
3)AmidAdvanced: Hint=B__n Classic Hebrew: מעלModern Hebrew: 1)מֵעַל
2)מָעַלEnglish Pronunciation: 1)May'Ahl
2)Mah'AhlEnglish Translation: 1)PREPOSITION=Above, over, higher than, more than
2)VERB=commit sacrilege, steal something from the Temple in Jerusalem, use sacred for personal useAdvanced: 1)CONTRACTION of מ- (mi-, “of”) + על (al, “on”).
Hint:Mal= to from temple, to profane Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: מִתַּחַת English Pronunciation: Meetah'ChatEnglish Translation: BelowAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: ב־Modern Hebrew: בְּ־, בַּ, בִּEnglish Pronunciation: Beey-, Bah-, B'-English Translation: 1)PREP=in (place/time), at, Advanced: בְּ־ rarely means into, is strictly a PREP, & always takes an object-ie בִּפְנִים “in/inside” is w/o object; לְ־ more often = in/into. Hebrew Months; ie 17th of Tammuz (17 in Tammuz) = 17 בתמוז
לְ־ is used with months. Classic Hebrew: בוModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: BohEnglish Translation: in them (in+3rd person masc singular personal prounoun as an object)Advanced: Classic Hebrew: שמיםModern Hebrew: שָׁמַיִםEnglish Pronunciation: Shah'Mah'YeemEnglish Translation: PLURAL NOUN=the sky, skies, heavens, Advanced: Sky-Water=Sham (שָׁמַ) derived from samu meaning "sky" & Hebrew mayim (מַיִם) meaning "water" Classic Hebrew: יםModern Hebrew: יָםEnglish Pronunciation: YahmEnglish Translation: Sea, West (Biblical Cardinal Direction)
Advanced: Not to be confused with יום (day) even though their plural ימים is identical in Hebrew Classic Hebrew: היתה Modern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: HahYuhTahEnglish Translation: WAS-3rd person feminine singular pastAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: תהו Modern Hebrew: תֹּהוּEnglish Pronunciation: English Translation: , Void, desolation, nothingness, emptinessAdvanced: Similar to תְּהוֹם the abyss Classic Hebrew: בהו Modern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: English Translation: VoidAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: ראשיתModern Hebrew: רֵאשִׁית English Pronunciation: RaySheeytEnglish Translation: 1)The 1st in place, time, order or rank (firstfruit) 2) beginning, chief, first, principal thingAdvanced: from ראש head Classic Hebrew: ראשModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: RohshEnglish Translation: Head, Leader,
Advanced: Rosh Hashanah= Head Year = Hebrew New Year Classic Hebrew: בראModern Hebrew: 1) בָּרָא
2) בֵּרֵא English Pronunciation: 1) BahRahEnglish Translation: VERBE1=To Create
Verbe2=To Cut Down, To ClearAdvanced: Verb only used wrt Classic Hebrew: חשךModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: ChoShekEnglish Translation: 1) darkness
2) evil, forces of darknessAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: על־, English Pronunciation: Ahl, Ahl-English Translation: 1) on, upon, over; about, concerning
2)Super-: above; more than; larger than
Advanced: Classic Hebrew: פניModern Hebrew: 1) פְּנֵי־ , פָּנַי
2) פָּנָה, פְּנֵהEnglish Pronunciation: 1) P'Nay-, PahNahy
2) P'Nah, PahNahEnglish Translation: 1) NOUN=FACE, surFACE
2) VERB=to face, to Advanced: Classic Hebrew: תהוםModern Hebrew: תְּהוֹםEnglish Pronunciation: T'HoomEnglish Translation: ABYSS, VOID, (cosmology) The Deep, depth; (figuratively) large Advanced: Classic Hebrew: רוחModern Hebrew: רוּחַEnglish Pronunciation: English Translation: wind, breath, spiritAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: רחף Modern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: RahChahfEnglish Translation: VERB-qal=to brood; to be relaxed, TO FLUTTER, to move, to shake
VERB-piel=TO HOVERAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: P'NayEnglish Translation: FACE, Advanced: Classic Hebrew: יהוהModern Hebrew: secular Jews vocalize as אֲדֹנָי
orthodox Jews vocalize as הַשֵּׁם English Pronunciation: Adonai
YHWH-pronunciation lostEnglish Translation: Advanced: the original pronunciation was probably lost around the Hellenistic , one of the names of God.
The proper, personal name of the Jewish God. Classic Hebrew: BEING Modern Hebrew: *יהוה -I am that I am/ I will be what I will be/ I was what I was (all tenses)
*היתה -__was (past )
*היה -to be (present tense)
*יהי -he becomes (imperative)
*הָיְתָה-she became
English Pronunciation: English Translation: Advanced: Classic Hebrew: THE VOID Modern Hebrew: *תהו= void, *תהום= void, abyss
*בהו = void, empty
English Pronunciation: English Translation: Advanced: Classic Hebrew: מרחפת Modern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: English Translation: was Advanced: Classic Hebrew: יאמרModern Hebrew: 1.
2. יֵאָמַר English Pronunciation: 1. . YayAhmahrEnglish Translation: 1. [He/it] will say (third-person masculine singular future)
2. [It] will be said (third-person masculine singular future)Advanced: 1. from אָמַר
2. from נאמר Classic Hebrew: יהי
Modern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: Y'HeeyEnglish Translation: VERB=beAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: הָיָהEnglish Pronunciation: HahYahEnglish Translation: to be, to exist Advanced: The present tense is usually omitted; in some cases a pronoun (such as הוא, יש, or הינו) is used rather than any form of the verb Classic Hebrew: אורModern Hebrew: אוֹר English Pronunciation: OhrEnglish Translation: 1. NOUN=visible light (electromagnetic radiation of any frequency), light source, fire, "light of understanding"
2. VERB=to , to illuminateAdvanced: Classic Hebrew: יראModern Hebrew: יָרֵאEnglish Pronunciation: YahrUhEnglish Translation: to fear, be afraid, to revere, respect, stand in awe (of) Advanced: beheld in English Classic Hebrew: BEHOLD Modern Hebrew: *infinitive \ לִירֹא
*present יָרֵא
*future יִירָא
*imperative יְרָא
*passive counterpart נוֹרָאEnglish Pronunciation: English Translation: Advanced: Classic Hebrew: יבדלModern Hebrew: English Pronunciation: English Translation: VERB=will separate oneself from, will (imperfect, 3rd person, sing, masc)
Advanced: =914, Gen 1:6,7 Classic Hebrew: קראModern Hebrew: קָרָא
English Pronunciation: kahrahEnglish Translation: 1. to call, 2. to Advanced: pa'al construction:
infinitive לקרוא \ לִקְרֹא
future counterpart נִקְרָא Classic Hebrew: עשהModern Hebrew: עָשָׂה
English Pronunciation: ahsahEnglish Translation: Forming words pertaining to doing or making.Advanced: linking V:
present עוֹשֶׂה
future יַעֲשֶׂה
passive participle עָשׂוּי
passive נַעֲשָׂה
*never introduces a bare infinitive
מַעֲשֶׂה=deed, action, event, story
עָשׂוּי=made of
נַעֲשָׂה=to be done, made; to become
מַעַשׂ=action Classic Hebrew: בדלModern Hebrew: בְדֵּלEnglish Pronunciation: B'DaylEnglish Translation: Forming words relating to or distinctionAdvanced: בְּדָל (b'dál)
בָּדַל (badál)
בידל \ (bidél)
הִבְדִיל (hivdíl)
הֶבְדֵּל (hevdél)
הַבְדָּלָה (havdalá)
הִבָּדְלוּת (hibad'lút)
נִבְדַּל (nivdál) Classic Hebrew: Modern Hebrew: יַּEnglish Pronunciation: YahEnglish Translation: He is__Advanced: Classic Hebrew: שםModern Hebrew: 1. שֵׁם
2. שָׁםEnglish Pronunciation: 1. . ShahmEnglish Translation: 1. Name
2. Advanced: |
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