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Torah Vocabulary-Deep

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Classic Hebrew
Modern Hebrew
English Pronunciation
English Translation
ה־   הַ־‎, הָ־, הֶ־‎   Hah   THE-definite article TOnight, TOday, etc   ה־‎ follows: לְ־‎, בְּ־‎ כְּ־‎ they merge consonant after ה־‎ gets dagesh except=א,ה,ח,ע,ר in which case the vowel in the ה־‎ changes: If stressed הָ־=ר,ע,א If unstressed הֶ־‎=ע If stressed הַ־=ה,ח If unstressed kamats/kkamats+ הֶ־=ה,ח‎  
ל־‎   לְ־, ל־, לִ־, לַ־, לֶ־, לָ־   l'-, l-, li-, la-, le-, la-   PREP TO/FOR-use w destination TO/FOR-use w recipient of action or possessor   סָגוֹר‎=close לִסְגּוֹר=to close pa'ál construction: #1 vowel=לִ #2 vowel=לַ #3 vowel=לֶ #4 vowel=לָ Rare vowel=לֵ or ל pi'él, hitpa'él, hitpu'al, & hif'íl construction: Vowel=לְ  
ו־   וִ־,וּ־,וַ־,וֶ־,וָ־, וְ־‎   W', Wah, Weh, Oo, Wee   And_ *used before listed items except 1st *ו־‎ attached to Vb may flip its conjug *Vb in perfect tense uses suffix conjug *Vb in imperfect tense uses prefix conjug *vav hahipúkh=ו of flipping *vav hakhibúr=ו of connection, which may have diff vowel   וְ=default starts w: יְ‎=וִי labial consonant וּ=בומפ shva וּ=בְ Kvowel=non-kvowel וַאֲדָמָה‎ וֶאֱיָל‎ וָחֳדָשׁים‎ kvowel +י =kvowel can be shva & ו‎ can be וִ‎ or וֶ (ו־‎ + הֱיִיתֶם‎ =וֶהֱיִיתֶם,‎ וֶהְיִיתֶם, & וִהְיִיתֶם) stressed 1st vowel=וָ  
יום   יוֹם   Yohm   Day    
ו     Oh   Them    
ול     Ool   And the__, And for__    
את   אֵת, אֶת־   Eht   1)THOU-proto-sinaitic 2)PREP USED WHEN: *def DO is a proper noun *def DO is a personal pn-where it is incorporated into the form of את *noun phrase beginning with ה־‎ *noun phrase headed by a noun compound ending   a particle used in front of the direct object of a verb, in this case "the heavens and the earth", indicating that this is what is being "created"  
אלהים   אֱלֹהִים   Ehloh'heeym   God(s)    
ימים   1) יָמִים (2 יַמִּים   1)Yahmeeym 2)Yahmeeym   1)Days 2)Seas    
לילה   לַיְלָה   Liy'Lah   Night    
בקר   בֹּקֶר-, בוקר   Bohkehr   Morning    
ערב   עֲרָב,עָרַב,עֶרֶב, עֶרֶב־   Erehb Erehb Ahrayb Ahrahb   1)Day before__ 2)Evening 3)Guarantee, Pretty 4)Arabia (Peninsula)    
מועד   מוֹעֵד   Moh'Ayd   1)Appointment 2)Season 3)Festival    
מועדים   מוֹעֲדִים   Moh'Ahdeeym   1)Appointments 2)Seasons 3)Festivals    
שנה   שָׁנָה   Shahnah   1)Year (time) 2)Repeat another time    
שנים   שָׁנִים‎   Shah'Neeym   1)Years (time) 2)Repeats many times    
רקיע   1)רָקִיעַ 2)רְקִיעַ־ singular construct   1)Rah'Keey'Yah 2)R'Kee'Yah   1)Firmament-the concave surface on which the heavenly bodies appear to move 2)Sky 3)Heavens 4)Expanse   Firmament (Hebrew Mythology): a surface separating the various levels of heaven  
רקיעים   רְקִיעִים   R'Keey'Yeeym   1)Firmaments 2)Skies 3)Heavens 4)Expanses    
אות   1)אוֹת (m) 2)אוֹת (f)   Oht   1)Sign (m) 2)Omen (m) 3)Cue (m) 4)Letter (f) consonant?    
אותות   אוֹתוֹת‎   Oht'Oht   1)Signs (m) 2)Omens (m) 3)Cues (m)    
אותיות   אוֹתִיּוֹת   Oht'Eey'Oht   Letters (f) consonents?    
כי   כִּי   Keey   Adverb 1)So 2)Thus Conjunction 1)That 2)For 3)Since 4)Because   Hint=KEY is FOR a door or car  
טוב   1) טוֹב 2) טוּב   1)Tov 2)Toohv   1)To be/do good (v), Kind (adj) 2)Goodness (n), Virtue (n)    
מין   מִין   Meeyn   1)Species* 2)Kind 3)Type   *GREEK SEPTUAGINT uses: γένος (genos)-->genus [Latin] γένη (gene) *LATIN VULGATE uses Speciem  
אשר   1)אֲשֶׁר 2)אָשֵׁר   1)AhShehr 2)AhShayr   1)PRONOUN: That, which, who, whom (relative pn used to introduce a relative clause). CONJUNCTION: (relativizer, used to introduce a relative clause) 2)Asher=a son of Jacob   אֲשֶׁר as a conjunction is a relativizer, which is something Standard English doesn't have  
בין   בֵּין   Bayn   1)Between 2)Among 3)Amid   Hint=B__n  
מעל   1)מֵעַל 2)מָעַל   1)May'Ahl 2)Mah'Ahl   1)PREPOSITION=Above, over, higher than, more than 2)VERB=commit sacrilege, steal something from the Temple in Jerusalem, use sacred property for personal use   1)CONTRACTION of מ-‎ (mi-, “of”) + על‎ (al, “on”). Hint:Mal= to steal from temple, to profane  
מתחת   מִתַּחַת   Meetah'Chat   Below    
ב־   בְּ־, בַּ, בִּ   Beey-, Bah-, B'-   1)PREP=in (place/time), at, with   בְּ־‎ rarely means into, is strictly a PREP, & always takes an object-ie בִּפְנִים‎ “in/inside” is w/o object; לְ־‎ more often = in/into. Hebrew Months; ie 17th of Tammuz (17 in Tammuz) =‏ 17 בתמוז לְ־‎ is used with Roman months.  
בו   בּוֹ   Boh   in them (in+3rd person masc singular personal prounoun as an object)    
שמים   שָׁמַיִם   Shah'Mah'Yeem   PLURAL NOUN=the sky, skies, heavens, heaven   Sky-Water=Sham (שָׁמַ) derived from Akkadian samu meaning "sky" & Hebrew mayim (מַיִם) meaning "water"  
ים   יָם   Yahm   Sea, West (Biblical Cardinal Direction)   Not to be confused with יום‎ (day) even though their plural ימים is identical in Classic Hebrew  
היתה   הָיְתָה   HahYuhTah   WAS-3rd person feminine singular past    
תהו   תֹּהוּ   TohHoo   Formless, Void, desolation, nothingness, emptiness   Similar to תְּהוֹם the abyss  
בהו     BohHoo   Void    
ראשית   רֵאשִׁית   RaySheeyt   1)The 1st in place, time, order or rank (firstfruit) 2) beginning, chief, first, principal thing   from ראש meaning head  
ראש   רֹאשׁ   Rohsh   Head, Leader,   Rosh Hashanah= Head Year = Hebrew New Year  
ברא   1) בָּרָא 2) בֵּרֵא   1) BahRah   VERBE1=To Create Verbe2=To Cut Down, To Clear   Verb only used wrt God  
חשך   חֹשֶׁךְ   ChoShek   1) darkness 2) evil, forces of darkness    
על   על־, עַל   Ahl, Ahl-   1) on, upon, over; about, concerning 2)Super-: above; more than; larger than    
פני   1) פְּנֵי־ , פָּנַי 2) פָּנָה, פְּנֵה   1) P'Nay-, PahNahy 2) P'Nah, PahNah   1) NOUN=FACE, surFACE 2) VERB=to face, to turn    
תהום   תְּהוֹם   T'Hoom   ABYSS, VOID, (cosmology) The Deep, depth; (figuratively) large difference    
רוח   רוּחַ     wind, breath, spirit    
רחף   רָחַף   RahChahf   VERB-qal=to brood; to be relaxed, TO FLUTTER, to move, to shake VERB-piel=TO HOVER    
פני     P'Nay   FACE, SurFACE    
יהוה   secular Jews vocalize as אֲדֹנָי‎ orthodox Jews vocalize as הַשֵּׁם‎   Adonai Hashem YHWH-pronunciation lost     the original pronunciation was probably lost around the Hellenistic era Tetragrammaton, one of the names of God. The proper, personal name of the Jewish God.  
BEING VERBS   *יהוה -I am that I am/ I will be what I will be/ I was what I was (all tenses) *היתה -__was (past tense) *היה -to be (present tense) *יהי -he becomes (imperative) *הָיְתָה-she became        
THE VOID   *תהו= void, formless *תהום= void, abyss *בהו = void, empty        
מרחפת       was moving    
יאמר   1. יֹאמֶר 2. יֵאָמַר   1. Yohmehr 2. YayAhmahr   1. [He/it] will say (third-person masculine singular future) 2. [It] will be said (third-person masculine singular future)   1. from אָמַר 2. from נאמר  
יהי   יְהִי   Y'Heey   IMPERATIVE VERB=be    
היה   הָיָה   HahYah   to be, to exist   The present tense is usually omitted; in some cases a pronoun (such as הוא‎,‎ יש‎, or הינו‎) is used rather than any form of the verb  
אור   אוֹר   Ohr   1. NOUN=visible light (electromagnetic radiation of any frequency), light source, fire, "light of understanding" 2. VERB=to shine, to illuminate    
ירא   יָרֵא   YahrUh   to fear, be afraid, to revere, respect, stand in awe (of)   translated beheld in English  
BEHOLD VERBS   *infinitive לירוא \ לִירֹא‎ *present יָרֵא *future יִירָא‎ *imperative יְרָא *passive counterpart נוֹרָא‎        
יבדל       VERB=will separate oneself from, will separate (imperfect, 3rd person, sing, masc)   Strongs=914, Gen 1:6,7  
קרא   קָרָא   kahrah   1. to call, 2. to read   pa'al construction: infinitive לקרוא \ לִקְרֹא‎ future יִקְרָא‎ passive counterpart נִקְרָא‎  
עשה   עָשָׂה   ahsah   Forming words pertaining to doing or making.   linking V: present עוֹשֶׂה‎ future יַעֲשֶׂה‎ passive participle עָשׂוּי passive counterpart נַעֲשָׂה‎ *never introduces a bare infinitive מַעֲשֶׂה‎=deed, action, event, story עָשׂוּי‎=made of נַעֲשָׂה‎=to be done, made; to become מַעַשׂ‎=action  
בדל   בְדֵּל   B'Dayl   Forming words relating to separation or distinction   בְּדָל‎ (b'dál) בָּדַל‎ (badál) בידל \ בִּדֵּל‎ (bidél) הִבְדִיל‎ (hivdíl) הֶבְדֵּל‎ (hevdél) הַבְדָּלָה‎ (havdalá) הִבָּדְלוּת‎ (hibad'lút) נִבְדַּל‎ (nivdál)  
י   יַּ   Yah   He is__    
שם   1. שֵׁם 2. שָׁם   1. Shaym 2. Shahm   1. Name 2. There    


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