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Question: audioAnswer: ***audio,speakers, sound*** audiology-study of sound Question: cerebroAnswer: ***brain, head,brow,cerebro*** cerebrosclerosis-brain hardening Question: Answer: brain ***brain,angel's head,in safe halo, encephalo*** -brain disease Question: esthesiaAnswer: sensation ***sensation, cold, Russia, Anastasia, esthesia*** anesthesia-without Question: Answer: brain middle ***brain middle, head, Medusa, medulla*** -brain excision Question: meningoAnswer: membranes, spinal cord ***membranes, men braines, what makes men go, meningo*** meningitis-meninges Question: Answer: nerves ***nerves,nervy, uh-oh,neuro*** neurology-nerves, study Question: occiputAnswer: back of ***back of skull,pillow,head is put, occiput*** occipitofacial-occiput and face Question: Answer: eye ***eye,occular, *** oculomotor-eye movement Question: Answer: eye ***eye,idea,choose, opt almost, opthalmo*** opthalmology-eye, of Question: otoAnswer: ear ***ear,sound,noise,road noise,auto,oto*** -ear inflammation Question: parietesAnswer: parietal,wall( They lie in the top -back of the brain) part ***wall of brain, partition, parietes*** parietofrontal-front wall or bones Question: ponsAnswer: bridges (It is a bridge between the medulla and the midbrain.) ***bridges in the brain, bridge, game,chess,pawns,pons*** pontobullbar-pons and medulla Question: Answer: temporal ***temporal,time, tempo, row to a tempo, tempero*** temporomandibular-temple and Question: adenoAnswer: Gland: The patient went to the oncologist for treatment of his adenoma. Meaning: The patient went to the cancer doctor for treatment of his cancerous gland tumor. Question: Answer: stone: The patient went to the nephrologist for a lithotripsy to treat her renal calculi. Meaning: The patient went to the kidney doctor for a stone-breaking procedure that uses sound to break up kidney stones. Question: Answer: tumor, cyst:The urologist told the patient to treat his traumatic hydrocele with a scrotal support until the edema subsides. Meaning:Doctor specializing in urine told patient to treat his swollen groin with support, till it goes away. Question: cytoAnswer: cell:The neonatologist ordered the phlebotomist to perform a test of the mother's blood for . Meaning: The new baby doctor ordered the blood drawer to perform a test of the mother's blood for a large virus that affects cells. Question: glycoAnswer: sweet,sugar:The patient's hepatitis was causing glycopexis. Meaning: The patient's liver disease was causing his liver to have storing sugar. Question: , homoAnswer: sililar,same,like:he patient's burns were healing nicely due to the homograft treatments, also called allograft. Meaning: The 's burns were healing nicely due to the similar skin treatment. Question: linguaAnswer: tongue-The performed a lingulectomy on the patient based on the pulmonologist's recommendations.Meaning: The respiratory doctor recommended that a part of the left upper lung that is tongue-shaped be removed. Question: Answer: fat:he dietician recommended that lipids be added to the patient's parenteral nutrition. Meaning: The food specialist that a fat supplement be added to the patient's intravenous (within vein) nutrition. Question: lithAnswer: :The patient needed a cholecystectomy because of her cholelithiasis. Meaning: The patient needed her gallbladder removed because of her gallstones. Question: Answer: hair loss:The burn patient suffered madarosis due to a flash burn to his face. Meaning: The burn patient lost his eyelashes and eyebrows due to a burn to his face. Question: Answer: child:The pediatrician said that the boy was not developing properly because of his condition. Meaning: The childrens doctor children said that the boy was not growing correctly due to a children's disease that causes him to waste away. Question: pyschAnswer: mind:Psychotropic drugs were ordered by the psychiatrist for the psychotic patient. Meaning: Drugs that treat the mind were by the doctor who treats mental disorders for the patient's mental disease. Question: pyoAnswer: pus:The nurse described the 's wound drainage as pustulant because it was pyoid in appearance. Meaning: The nurse described the patient's wound drainage as filled with pus because it looked like pus. Question: Answer: rays:The radiologist ordered a chest X ray for the cancer patient who was receiving radiation therapy. Meaning: The doctor who reads X rays ordered a chest X ray for the cancer who was receiving ionizing ray therapy. Question: thermicAnswer: heat:The mountain climber almost succumbed due to hypothermia. Meaning: The mountain climber almost died due to loss of body (cold). Question: arthroAnswer: joint:The arthritis patient's conditon was called arthrosclerosis. Meaning: The patient with disease had a condition called joint hardening. Question: carpoAnswer: wrist:The orthopedic surgeon indicated that without rehab, the patient may carpoptosis. Meaning: The bone surgeon indicated that without exercise, the patient may experience wrist dropping. Question: chondroAnswer: cartilage:The basketball player was told he retire because of the chondromalacia, which involved his patella. Meaning: The basketball player was told he should retire because of soft cartilage around his kneecap. Question: Answer: rib:The electrocardiogram technician the lead in the third intercostal space. Meaning: The electric waves of the heart were tested, and the technician placed an electrode (lead) between the third and fourth ribs. Question: Answer: skull:The obstetrician performed a cranioclasis because the baby was hydrocephalic. Meaning: The doctor who delivered the baby broke his skull because fluid in the baby's head had made the too large. Question: dactylAnswer: finger:The deaf student requested a dactylologist be present when she is in class. Meaning: The deaf requested that someone who knows sign language be present in class. Question: Answer: hip:The male siblings were together due to their iliopagus. Meaning: The brothers were joined at the hip (Siamese twins). Question: Answer: hand:The dentist used a during the procedure. Meaning: The dentist used a device to measure pressure during the procedure. Question: myelAnswer: bone marrow:The patient's leukemia was caused by a lack of myelocytes. Meaning: The 's cancer of the blood was caused by a lack of cells in the bone marrow that produce white blood cells. Question: Answer: muscle:Myoplastic was required to repair the baseball pitcher's arm. Meaning: The baseball player needed plastic surgery to the muscle to repair his arm. Question: orthoAnswer: straighten:The orthopedist referred the patient to the orthodontist to fix his crooked teeth. Meaning: The doctor who deals with posture and curvature problems the patient to a dentist who fixes crooked teeth. Question: osteoAnswer: bone:Osteomyelitis occurred after the patient had surgery, probably caused by a nosocomial infection. Meaning: An inflammation of the bone and bone marrow occurred after the patient had , probably caused by a hospital-acquired infection. Question: Answer: foot:The patient required a pediluvium prior to his foot surgery. Meaning: The patient a foot bath prior to his foot surgery. Question: Answer: vertebra:The patient's scoliosis was caused by spondylolysis. : The patient's curvature of the spine was caused by a breaking down of the vertebrae structure. Question: Answer: skin:he injection site for the was through the subcutaneous tissue. Meaning: The injection site for the medication was under or below the skin. Question: dentAnswer: teeth:The gerontologist was amazed that the 110-year-old man was dentulous. Meaning: The doctor who treats older people was amazed that the old man had all his the teeth. Question: dermaAnswer: skin:Years ago when the doctor could not find an intravenous site, she would give fluids by hypodermoclysis. Meaning: Years ago, when the doctor could not find a site within the vein, she would inject fluid below the skin and into the tissue. Question: Answer: touch:The nurse said that the patient was of poor parapsia. Meaning: The nurse said that the patient had a poor sensation of feeling. Question: Answer: teeth:The dentist told the that he needed to go to an orthodontist for odontoplasty. Meaning: The tooth doctor told the patient that he needed to go to a bone and tooth doctor to reshape his tooth. Question: Answer: tumor:The oncologist indicated to the patient that her was benign. Meaning: The cancer doctor indicated that the abnormal lump of cells were not cancerous and would not spread. Question: onychiaAnswer: nailbeds:The told the patient that she had onychomycosis. Meaning: The foot doctor told the patient that she had nail fungus. Question: Answer: lice:The pediatrician told the mother that she needed to use a pediculicide for her son's pediculosis. Meaning: The doctor who treats told the mother that she needed a lice-destroying agent for her son's lice. Question: Answer: itch:The customer was looking for a medicated shampoo for his psoriasis. Meaning: The was looking for a medicated shampoo to treat his itching scalp condition. Question: Answer: itching:The dermatologist told the patient that he had developed a case of pruritis from contact with poison ivy. Meaning: The skin told the patient he had a bad itching condition from contact with the poison ivy. Question: Answer: flesh:The oncologist told the patient that her sarcoma was getting worse. Meaning: The cancer doctor told the patient that her (spreading) flesh cancer was getting worse. Question: Answer: hard:The cardiologist was treating the patient for arteriosclerosis. : The heart doctor was treating the patient for hardening of the arteries. Question: squamaAnswer: scaly:The patient contracted Steven-Johnson's Syndrome, which affected the squamous cell tissue. Meaning: The patient contracted a severely inflamed allergic reaction, which affected the squamous tissue (which looks like up close). Question: trichoAnswer: hair:The patient's was due to her trichonosis. Meaning: The patient's hair loss was due to her diseased condition of the hair. Question: choleAnswer: bile:The doctor told the patient to reduce his fat because he had a cholecystectomy. Meaning: The doctor told the patient to reduce his fat intake because he had already had his gallbladder removed. Question: colonAnswer: large intestine:The patient needed to stay away from corn and peanuts due to her colitis. Meaning: The needed to stay away from corn and peanuts due to her inflammation of the large intestine. Question: Answer: vomiting:The Mallory-Weiss tear was causing the patient to experience a large amount of hematemesis. Meaning: The tear in the stomach lining, usually due to retching, was the patient to experience a large amount of blood in the vomit. Question: enteroAnswer: intestine:The gastroenterologist was examining the patient for his stomach pains. Meaning: The doctor who care of the stomach and intestines was examining the patient for his stomach pains. Question: gastroAnswer: stomach:The patient needed to take antacid for her gastritis. Meaning: The patient needed to take antacid for her stomach inflammation. (Acid in the stomach that kills bacteria can sometimes be the in gastritis.) Question: Answer: tongue:The patient bit his tongue so badly that he needed a glossorrhaphy. Meaning: The patient bit his so badly that he needed a suture repair of the tongue. Question: hepatAnswer: liver:Too much alcohol can be . Meaning: Too much alcohol can be toxic (poisonous) to the liver. Question: ileAnswer: ileum:Due to the patient's bowel obstruction, the doctor performed an ileostomy. : Due to the patient's blockage in the digestive system, the doctor made a surgical hole into the ileum of the small intestines. Question: laparoAnswer: abdomen:The doctor did not know what was wrong with the patient, so he did an exploratory laparotomy. Meaning: The doctor did not know what was with the patient, so he surgically opened the abdomen to look around and see what's wrong. Question: Answer: mucus:The drainage had a myxoid . Meaning: The drainage resembled mucous. Question: proctoAnswer: anus:The ordered a barium enema for the patient. Meaning: The doctor who treats lower digestive tract diseases ordered an enema done in conjunction with an X ray. Question: Answer: ,gatekeeper:The patient had pyloristenosis. This is why he had to eat small amounts at each meal. Meaning: The patient narrowing of the pyloris, which controls food passing into the small intestines. Question: stomaAnswer: opening,mouth:The stoma to the colostomy was a bright red color. Meaning: The entrance into the surgical hole that led into the intestines was a bright red color. Question: visceroAnswer: body organs:The disease was causing the patient to have visceromegaly. Meaning: The disease was causing the patient to have an enlargement of the body , particularly in the abdomen. Question: Answer: radiologist performed an angiogram on the lady with the pain in her leg. Meaning: The X ray doctor looked at a blood vessel through X ray by inserting a special dye into the vein. Question: Answer: aorta,main artery:The patient almost died from a abdominal aortic aneurysm. Meaning: The patient almost died from a ruptured bulge in the heart vessel that travels through the stomach area. Question: Answer: artery:The patient had a myocardial infarction due to his arteriostenosis. : The patient had a heart attack due to the narrowing in his artery. Question: atriaAnswer: atrium auricle,heart :Blood flows from the atrium to the ventricle through the atrioventricular valve. Meaning: Blood flows from the upper portion of the heart to the lower portion of the heart through the atrioventricular valve. Question: cardioAnswer: heart:The cardiologist to perform a stress test on the patient. Meaning: The heart doctor wanted to exercise the patient while monitoring the heart. Question: Answer: vessel obstruction:The surgeon performed an embolectomy on the patient's leg. Meaning: The surgeon a vessel obstruction from the patient's leg. Question: Answer: blood:The patient needed a blood transfusion due to his anemia. Meaning: The patient needed a blood transfusion due to his low red blood cell count. (Anemia literally without blood or, in this case, lack thereof.) Question: hema,hemoAnswer: blood:The lab work was still pending. Meaning: The blood tests were not yet available. Question: phlebAnswer: vein:The patient suffered phlebitis due to an IV infiltration. Meaning: The patient from an inflammation of a vein because the intravenous fluid was infusing into the tissue rather than the vein. Question: thromboAnswer: blood clot:The bypass patient suffered an adverse thrombogenic reaction due to the . Meaning: The medication heparin did the opposite of what it was supposed to do (keep blood from clotting) and actually caused the blood to clot Question: varicoAnswer: varicose veins:The patient had a varicotomy performed on her varicose veins. Meaning: The patient had her varicose removed. Question: Answer: blood vessel:he cold weather caused vasoconstriction in the boy's lower extremities. Meaning: The cold weather caused a narrowing of the blood vessels in the boy's legs. (This is transient, or does not last.) Question: venaAnswer: vein:The superior vena cava empties into the right atrium. : The upper vena cava (the largest vein in the body) empties into the right atrium. Question: ventricuAnswer: heart cavity:Ventricular tachycardia is almost always a life-threatening situation. Meaning: When the of the heart beat fast and irregular, it is almost always a life-threatening situation. Question: Answer: bronchi,airway:The stayed home from school because he had a bad case of bronchitis. Meaning: The child stayed home from school because he had a badly inflamed bronchus (which leads from the trachea, or windpipe, to the inner lungs). Question: Answer: hairlike processes:The nasal airways are ciliated. Meaning: Hair in your nose. Question: Answer: expansion:The was experiencing atelectasis due to her pneumonia. Meaning: The patient could not adequately expand her lungs. Question: laryngoAnswer: larynx,voice box:The patient went into laryngospasms when the tried to intubate. Meaning: The patient's larynx passage went into spasms and closed when the doctor tried to insert an artificial airway into the air passage. Question: Answer: nose:The patient pulled out his tube. Meaning: The patient pulled out the tube that goes through the nose down the back of the throat and into the stomach. Question: oroAnswer: mouth:The patient pulled out his oropharyngeal airway. Meaning: The patient pulled out the J-shaped piece of plastic that helps keep the airway open by suppressing the . Question: oxyAnswer: oxygen,keen:The respiratory patient was well oxygenated. Meaning: The patient was getting adequate to his bloodstream. Question: pectorAnswer: breast,chest:The chest compressions should be just above the of the pectus. Meaning: The chest compressions should be just above the bottom of the sternum or breastbone. Question: pleuraAnswer: rib side:The patient was suffering from a very painful . Meaning: The patient was suffering from a very painful rub along the lining of the lung. Question: Answer: lung:A pneumogram was ordered to check for emboli. Meaning: A lung scan checking blood vessels to the lung was ordered to look for obstructions. Question: pytsisAnswer: to spit:The was called because of the boxer's hemoptysis. Meaning: The match was called because of the boxer spitting up blood. Question: pulmoAnswer: lungs:The pulmonologist said that the lungs were just fine. : The respiratory (lung) doctor said the lungs were just fine. Question: rhinAnswer: nose:The patient's allergies were responsible for the rhinitis. Meaning: The patient's allergies were responsible for the runny nose (which is inflammation of the nose). Question: Answer: trachea,windpipe:The patient required a tracheotomy in order to breath more easily. Meaning: The patient required a procedure where a hole is cut into the throat and on into the trachea in to create an open airway. Question: Answer: a waste material in urine:The doctor was concerned about the patient's creatinemia. Meaning: The doctor was concerned about the patient's abnormal concentrations of creatine in blood. Question: Answer: bladder:A cystoscopy was ordered for the patient with poor bladder retention. Meaning: A study of the bladder was ordered because the patient could not hold his . Question: glomeruloAnswer: nephron part, little ball:The was diagnosed by the renal specialist with glomerulonephritis. Meaning: The kidney specialist said the patient had an inflammation of the filters in the kidney. Question: Answer: :The nephrologist told the family that the patient would need dialysis. Meaning: The kidney doctor told the family that the patient would need his blood cleaned because his kidneys were bad. Question: Answer: lining of the abdominal organs:The patient experienced peritonitis after the surgical repair of her bladder. Meaning: The patient experienced inflammation of the of the abdominal (belly) organs after the surgical repair of her bladder. Question: Answer: pelvis:The patient was diagnosed with pyelonephritis by the nephrologist. Meaning: The kidney doctor determined that the had an inflammmation of the kidney and pelvis. Question: Answer: kidney:The patient was suffering portal hypertension due to poor renovascularization. Meaning: The had high blood pressure due to poor blood flow through the kidneys. Question: ureteroAnswer: ureter:The patient required a ureterocolic anastomosis for of the lower urinary tract. Meaning: The patient required surgery that would join the ureter and the colon to treat the lesions of the lower urinary tract. Question: Answer: urethra:The physician performed a urethrocystometrography on the patient. Meaning: The performed a test to measure and study the patient's urethra and bladder. Question: uriAnswer: urine:The patient was referred to the psychiatrist for his condition of uriposia. : The patient was referred to the psychiatrist for his condition of urine drinking. Question: uricAnswer: pertaining to urine:The doctor was puzzled as to the cause of the patient's uricosuric condition. Meaning: The doctor was puzzled as to the cause of the 's increased production of uric acid. Question: urinaAnswer: urine:The ordered a urinalysis for the patient complaining of painful urination. Meaning: The doctor ordered a lab study of the urine for the patient complaining of painful urination. Question: Answer: urine:The patient was placed in the critical care unit as a result of her urosepsis. Meaning: The patient was placed in the critical care unit because her urinary had advanced into the bloodstream. Question: Answer: bulblike,bulbourethral gland:The patient was diagnosed with bulbitis. Meaning: The patient was diagnosed with an of the bulbourethral gland. Question: Answer: neck,uterus:The patient is recovering from her cervicectomy. Meaning: The patient is waiting to become stable after the surgical of the neck of her uterus. Question: galactoAnswer: milk:The mother of the 12-month-old baby was complaining of galactorrhea. Meaning: The mother of the 12-month-old baby was complaining of continued discharge of milk. (This involves mothers whose babies have been weaned from the .) Question: Answer: reproductive system:The patient's genital warts were exacerbated through stress. Meaning: Sexually disease warts in the groin region worsened because of stress. Question: Answer: uterus:The doctor told the patient that she had hysteratresia. Meaning: The doctor told the patient that she had an abnormal opening into the . Question: Answer: milk:The mother was told to stop nursing her baby the infant was lactimorbus. Meaning: The mother had to stop giving her baby fresh milk because the milk was making the baby sick. Question: mastAnswer: breast:The breast biopsy indicates that the patient may need a mastectomy. Meaning: The removal of breast tissue (flesh) for examination indicated that the patient may need removal. Question: metrAnswer: uterus:The patient's metrorrhagia may be by a possible miscarriage. Meaning: The patient's abnormal bleeding from the uterus may be caused by a possible miscarriage. Question: natalAnswer: born:The doctor told the teenager that she needed to take her prenatal vitamins. Meaning: The doctor told the pregnant teenager that she needed to take her before-birth vitamins. Question: oophoroAnswer: ovary:The patient was with oophorocystosis. Meaning: The patient had an ovarian cyst (tumor) formation. Question: Answer: testicle:The cancer patient required an orchiectomy. : The cancer patient required the surgical removal of the testicles. Question: ova,ovi,ovoAnswer: female sex cell, egg:The patient was told that she not be able to have children due to her poor oviferous condition. Meaning: The patient was told she might not be able to have children because her egg could not move from the ova to the uterus. Question: salpingAnswer: tube,fallopian:The doctor performed a salpingostomy in order to remove the pregnancy. Meaning: The doctor made an opening into the fallopian tube to remove the fertilized egg that didnt advance to the uterus and is growing within a fallopian tube. Question: ,spermatoAnswer: seed:The young woman was using a spermacide during intercourse. Meaning: The young woman was using an agent that kills sperm sexual relations. Question: vasAnswer: duct,vessel:The judge recommended that the "deadbeat dad," who had children from several , get a vasectomy. Meaning: The judge recommended that the dad who didn't pay child support get a surgical cut of the vas deferens. Question: Answer: sound:The audiologist was going to test the 's hearing. Meaning: The hearing specialist was going to test the student's hearing. Question: cerebroAnswer: brain:The doctor ordered a culture and sensitivity on the cerebrospinal fluid. Meaning: The doctor ordered tests for the presence of and what antibiotics would kill the bacteria on the brain and spinal fluid. Question: encephaloAnswer: brain:The patient's encephalopathy was getting worse. : The patient's brain disease was getting worse. Question: esthesiaAnswer: sensation:The doctor ordered anesthesia for the surgery. Meaning: The doctor ordered medication that would cause the to not feel anything during the surgery. Question: medullaAnswer: brain middle:The medulla oblongata is a part of the brain. Meaning: means middle and is used in reference to many parts of the body. Question: Answer: membranes,spinal cord:The baby was born with a myelomeningocele. : The baby was born with a protrusion of the spinal cord through the vertebral column. Question: neuroAnswer: nerves:The doctor ordered a neuromuscular blocking agent for the combative ventilator patient. Meaning: The doctor ordered a muscle and nerve blocking agent for the combative patient who was on an artificial machine. Question: occiputAnswer: back of skull:The patient had an occipitotemporal fracture. Meaning: The patient had a in the occiput and temporal regions of the skull. Question: Answer: eye:he oculomotor function of the car accident victim was working just fine. : The eye movement capability of the car accident victim was working just fine. Question: ophthalmoAnswer: eye: The told the client that he needed glasses. Meaning: The eye specialist told the client that he needed glasses. Question: Answer: ear:The EENT specialist told the patient that the ringing in her ear was a condition called otitis media. Meaning: The eyes, ears, nose, and throat doctor told the that the ringing in her ear was caused by middle-ear inflammation. Question: Answer: parietal,wall part: The patient had a parieto-occipital fracture. Meaning: The patient had a in the occiput and parietal regions of the skull. Question: Answer: bridges:The pons varolii is a part of the brain stem near the medulla oblongata. Meaning: The pons varolii is where the nerves originate in the brain stem near the medulla oblongata. Question: Answer: temporal:he neurologist said the brain injury occurred in the temporopontine region. Meaning: The nerve said the injury was in the temporal and pons regions of the brain. |
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