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Bonewit #18
Hematology - Ayana Robinson
Question | Answer |
Ameboid movement | Movement used by leukocytes that permits them to propel themselvesfrom the capillaries into the tissue. |
Anemia | A condition in which thereis a decrease in the erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in the blood. |
Anisocytosis | Avariation in the size of redbloos cellls. |
Anticoagulant | A substance that inhibits blood clotting. |
Bilirubin | An orange-colored bile pigment produce by the breakdown of heme from the hemogolbin molecule. |
Diapedesis | The ameboid movement of blood cells(especially leukocytes) through the wall of a capillary and out into the tissue. |
Hematology | The study of blood and bloo-forming tissue. |
Hemoglobin | The protein- and iron-containing pigment of erythrocytes that transports oxygen in the body. |
Hemolysis | The breakdown of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin into the plasma. |
Hypochromic | A red blood cell with a decrease concentration of hemoglobin. |
Leukocytosis | An abnormal increase in the number of whie blood cells (greater than 11,000 per cubic millimeter of blood). |
Leukopenia | An abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells (less than 45 percubic millimeter of blood). |
Microcytic | An abnormally small red blood cell. |
Macrocytic | An abnormally large blood cell. |
Normochromic | A red blood cell with a normal concentration of hemoglobin. |
Normocytic | A normal-sized red blood cell. |
Oxyhemoglobin | Hemoglobin that has combined with oxygen. |
Phagocytosis | The engulfing and destruction of foreign particles, such as bacteria, by special cellscalled Phagocytes. |
Polycythemia | A disorder in which there is an increase in the red blood cell mass. |