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Bonewit #20

Medical Microbiology - Nora Godsey

bacilli bacteria that has a rod shape
cocci bacteria that has a round shape
colony mass of bacteria growing on a solid culture medium that have arisen from the multiplication of a single bacterium
contagious capable of being transmitted directly or indirectly from one person to another
culture propagation of a mass of mo's in a lab culture medium
culture medium mixture of nutrients on which mo's are grown in the lab
false-negative test result denoting that condition is absent when it is actually present
false-positive test result denoting that a condition is present when it is actually absent
fastidious extremely delicate, difficult to culture, & involving specialized growth requirements
immunization process of becoming protected from a disease through vaccination
incubate act of placing a culture in a chamber that provides optimal growth requirements for the multiplication of the organisms
incubation period interval of time between the invasion by a pathogenic mo & the appearance of first symptoms of the disease
infectious disease disease caused by a pathogen that produces harmful effects on its host
inoculate to introduce mo's into a culture medium for growth & multiplication
microbiology scientific study of mo's & their activities
mucous membrane membrane lining body passages or cavities that open to the outside
normal flora harmless, nonpathogenic mo's that normally reside in many parts of the body but do not cause disease
resistance natural ability of an organism to remain unaffected by harmful subst. in its environment
sequela a morbid condition occurring as a result of a less serious primary infection
smear material spread on a slide for microscopic exam
specimen small sample or part taken from the body to show the nature of the whole
spirilla bacteria that have a spiral or curved shape
streaking process of inoculating a culture to provide for the growth of colonies on the surface of a solid medium. streaking is accomplished by skimming a wire inoculating loop that contains the specimen across the surface of the medium, using back&fourth motion
streptolysin exotoxin produced by beta-hemolytic streptococci, which completely hemolyzes RBC's
susceptible easily affected, lackin resistance
Created by: noragodsey
Popular Medical sets




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