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WEMT Jeopardy

WEMT Jeopardy Q and A's

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General Adaptation Syndrome This is the body’s three-stage response to stress.
Direct pressure This is the first step in controlling bleeding
Hemophilia A disease that is characterized by a lack of clotting agents in the blood
Slander Defaming a person’s character or reputation verbally is called _____ and may result in prosecution.
Frostbite The bite of this shy spider can cause severe localized tissue damage.
Appendicitis CC: Pain in Abdomen O: Slow P: Provokes rebound & heel strike Q: RLQ S: 8-10 T: Constant
Dislocation This injury involves the displacement of the bone in a joint.
Head higher than feet. This is the proper orientation of a PT on a backboard when ascending or descending stairs or steep slopes.
Profanity Use of this type of language on the radio is a violation of FCC regulations.
GEMS Geriatric Environmental Medical Sex (social) This four letter acronym is a diagnostic tool that helps assess the condition of geriatric patients.
Police Controlling a violent mentally-ill patient is the responsibility of these public servants.
Croup This is an infection of the airway below the level of the vocal chords, usually casued by a virus, characterized by a barking cough.
Vertex, Breech, Limb and Prolapsed. These are four possible birth presentations. Three of which are considered rare.
The first dislocation of that joint in PTs history; and a dislocation that can’t be reduced Any dislocations that meet these two criteria are grounds for immediate evac.
A reactive airway disease characterized by constricted bronchi, increased mucus production and bronchial edema. A reactive airway disease characterized by constricted bronchi, increased mucus production and bronchial edema.
The recovery position You are alone, your PT is unconscious and has a MOI for spine, this is the final step you take before going for help.
AED A small computer that analyzes electrical signals from the heart and administers an electrical shock.
Gloves and Eye protection The minimum standard of BSI for all PT care.
CSMs, evaluating circulation, sensation and movement in extremities The steps in assessing neurovascular status used before and after the application of any splint.
In line traction. The act of pulling on a body structure in the direction of it’s normal alignment.
OPQRST The 7 letter code that describes pain.
AVPU A scale that indicates the LOC of a PT
Palpate. To examine by touch, often confused with the word that describes heart movement.
OPAs (oral pharyngeal airway) and NPAs (nasal pharyngeal airways) Two air way adjuncts, for use in unconscious PTs and those that have facial trauma.
Boiling Halogenations (Iodine/Chlorine) filter Three common ways to disinfect water.
Shock Hypoperfusion to the cells of the body that causes organs and then organ systems to fail.
Triage This term is French for “to sort out”.
Hyperventilation Increased respiratory rate causing respiratory alkalosis. Caused by anxiety, pain, or cold water immersion.
Femur A fracture of this long bone is an immediate ticket to the hospital.
Medical Control The permission to administer nitrogliceride to a patient is the responsibility of this person.
Hand Washing The simplest, most effective way to control disease transmission
Aneurysm A swelling or enlargement of part of an artery wall.
Type 2 Diabetes This later-life onset disease is linked to heredity and may be controlled through diet and exercise.
Practicing medicine without a licence Administration of medications without verbal or written protocols from medical control or your Physician Advisor is called this and is illegal.
Frostbite This injury is characterized by cold, hardness and a waxy appearance of the tissues.
MI (miocardial infarction) CC: hard to breathe NOI: None P: none Q: crushing R: L arm, jaw, shoulder back
Epilepsy This neurological disease can usually be controlled with medications, during an “episode” PT experiences loss of consciousness, chaotic muscle movement and tone and apnea.
The member holding c-spine or the member “on the head” Movement of a PT with a suspected MOI for spine is lead by this member of the carry team.
Nitro Inhaler Epinephrine Charcoal These are four substances that an EMT-B must contact med control before helping to administer to a PT.
Collagen and Elastin These two protiens are lost in older skin, leaving skin less elastic.
Epiglottitis This is an infection of the soft tissue in the area above the vocal chords, affecting the flap of skin that closes the airway.
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respirations APGAR is the neumonic for these five newborn assesment criteria.
LOC - level of consciousness HR heart rate, rhythm and quality RR, rt rhythm and qual, BP blood press, P – pupils, SCTM – skin color temp and moisture and T - temp 7 acronyms used to indicate the vital signs taken for each PT
Flail chest The condition with s/sx of chest trauma with visible paradoxical motion.
Oxygen. Substance administered to respiratory PTs (and pretty much everyone else) in the front country.
Direct Contact Measles, mumps, chickenpox, meningitis, influenza, diphtheria and herpes simplex are all transmitted through this vector.
Anaphylactic Cardiogenic Hypovolemic Respiratory Neurogenic Psychogenic Septic These are the 7 types of shock.
Dead/Unsalvagable Immediate Delayed Minor These are the four categories a patient may be placed in during the primary phase of triage.
Asthma Inflammation and accumulation of fluid in alveolar spaces.
24-48 hours If a wound is infected and improvement doesn’t occur in this period of time, evac is suggested.
Divers Alert Network This non-profit organization is a resource for potentially dive-related injuries or illnesses.
"OSHA Occupational This is the federal agency that develops, publishes and enforces workplace safety guidelines.
ETOH 4 letter formula, code word for safety professionals that indicates injury/illness might be alcohol abuse related.
Femur fracture / traction splint A Sager is one of several splints for this type of injury.
Epinephrine. This inhibits an allergic reaction and dilates the bronchioles. EMT-Bs administer only with local protocols and medical control ok.
Guardia Cryptosporidium Two protozoa diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract.
BSI Body Substance Isolation A set of precautions that are designed with the assumption that all body fluids are potentially infectious
"After sitting: HR and BP elev 10-20 These are the Orthostatic vital sign changes seen in patients diagnosed with shock.
If PT needs constant support in: Ventilations (Airway and or RR is >30) Perfusion (No radial pulse or life thr. External bleeding) Mental Status (can't follow simple commands) Three basises by which patients can be classified “Immediate”
Spontaneous Pneumothorax An injury of the Lung presenting as sharp point pain subclavicular and decreased lung sounds in one side of the chest.
Frostbite Patients with this environmental injury should be evacuated if it forms large blisters, is partial or full thickness or re-exposure can’t be avoided.
Paramedics These medical professionals are likely to respond to accidents and can administer drug therapies.
Asthma This condition is an acute spasm of the bronchioles w/excessive mucus prod. and swelling of the mucus lining
Diarrhea This gastro-intestinal malady “runs in your jeans”
Jellyfish and other coelen-terates. These venomous marine animals are responsible for more injuries and deaths than all species of sharks combined.
Gangrene This is a common term that describes permanent cell death. Left untreated it will become infected and smell foul.
Child abuse Conflicting stories, lack of concern, delay in seeking care, lack of supervision, bruises of varying ages are signs of this.
Diabetes Onset of this chronic disease is often signaled by polyuria (frequent urination) and polydipsia (frequent drinking)
Rapid extrication A technique that allows for moving patients in 1 minute or less, when delay is contraindicated due to scene safety concerns.
Identify yourself Identify PT age and sex Chief complaint Signs/Symptoms Your plan Medicine info These are five pieces of information to give medical control when requesting intervention.
Polypharmacy This term describes the condition that older people are more likely to be susceptible to dangerous drug interactions: they see multiple doctors and obtain multiple prescriptions.
Appearance Work of Breathing Circulation to the skin These three criteria make up the pediatric assessment triangle. This tool allows the EMT to assess the child before physical contact with him/her.
Eclampsia This condition is characterized by high blood pressure that can cause seizures in the pregnant woman.
Meconium This dark green material can be dangerous if leaked into the amniotic fluid from the infant's bowels.
Febrile seizure This type of seizure is caused by fever.
Dementia This is the slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function.
Patient report Landing zone Weather Activate or stndby These are four key pieces of information to report from the scene if a helicopter is needed to respond.
<100’X100’ -Less than 10 degree angle slope -Clear of obstructions or power lines -Corners of zone are marked -Ground Guide A proper landing zone for a helicopter conforms to these 5 criteria.
DICC - head Display of Disoriented, Irritable, Combative, and Coma behavior is known affectionately in the course as this.
Severe closed head injury Battle’s signs, raccoon eyes, clear liquid from ears & nose, pupils unequal, unreactive to light are signs of this type of injury.
Pit Vipers Special salivary glands of this family of snakes produces enzymes that destroy tissues.
Implied If the PT is not A&Ox4, is a minor whose parents are not available to give consent, or if minor is at risk of life or limb (despite parent’s refusal of care), legal assumption that an unreliable PT would want help during an emergency is assumed and consen
Bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and Schizophrenia. A behavioral disorder that is linked to heredity.
Angina or MI (Myocardial Infarction) Crushing pressure in the chest is a typical symptom for these two cardiac syndromes.
Critical incident stress debriefing A program in which severely stressful job-related incidents are discussed
The local health services. Ex: Department of Health and Human Services This group researches child abuse cases
Testicles Any injury to this sex organ in the backcountry is EVACed immediately.
40-60 respirations/min An infant's resporatory rate is normally between these values.
Airway, Breathing and Circulation When responding to a medical call, these are the steps you take at AB and C
Scene safety This is the first consideration when responding to a scene where a patient was electrocuted.
Lyme Disease This tick-borne disease can be fatal if left untreated.
Charcoal, Epinephrine, Nitroglyceride, Albuterol EMT-Bs can play with these four drugs if given an ok by medical control.
Insert gloved hand into the vagina and give gentle pressure to the baby's head to delay birth and keep the pressure off the cord. During a birth where the umbilical chord becomes prolapsed, the EMT-B must take this action to delay the birth.
GEMS This acronym is a diagnostic tool for Geriatric populations.
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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