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quiz 3

Dance Therapy- Encounter Group

dance therapy Use of dance, movement and rhythmic activity as a medium for treatment or rehabilitation. It is a nonverbal means of expression employed with both individuals and groups
data information
database Information obtained about a client’s past or present level of health during the assess- ment phase
day hospital Psychiatric facility that offers therapeutic programs during daytime hours
debilitation Generalized weakness and lack of strength
debriefing Analysis following an activity which permits clients to think about their partici- pation, to examine their feelings, and to discuss how they may use insights gained from the activity
decubitus ulcer Bedsore or pressure sore
deductible Amount that the client must pay directly to the provider (usually each year) before the insurance plan begins to pay benefits
defense mechanisms Strategies that take place unconsciously to protect oneself from a threat to the integ- rity of the ego or to protect oneself against painful negative feelings. Examples include denial, sublimation and rationalization
dehydrate To remove water
dehydration Excessive loss of water from body tissues
deinstitutionalization Change in mental health care from tradi- tional, institutional care to the provision of community based services
déjà vu Sensation or illusion that one is experienc- ing what one has experienced before
delirium Confused state of consciousness often characterized by delusions, hallucinations and illusions
delirium tremens Delirium characterized by intense trem- ors, anxiety, hallucinations, and delusions suffered by alcoholics after withdrawal of alcohol but also occurring as a result of brain inflammation and senile psychosis.
delusion Fixed false belief or conviction without foundation; often regarding one’s status (delusions of grandeur), persecution (delu- sions of persecution) or oversuspiciousness (paranoid delusions)
dementia Nonspecific but lasting deterioration of intellectual functioning characterized by failing memory, distractibility, impair- ment in judgment and abstraction, reduced language facility, alterations in mood and affect, and disturbance of orientation. Ac- co
denial Defense mechanism by which a person avoids emotional conflicts or anxiety by refusing to acknowledge thoughts, feelings, desires, impulses and other factors that would cause intolerable pain
department Organizational unit within an agency that may function as an independent unit or may be an aspect of another unit, division or service area
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS Cabinet-level department of the U.S. government that contains units such as the Public Health Service, Administration on Aging, Social Security Administration, and National Institutes of Health
dependency Reliance on another (usually a helping pro- fessional) for psychological support
depersonalization Feelings of unreality or strangeness con- cerning either the environment, the self, or both
depression Wide-range feeling running from unhap- piness to extreme dejection. As a clini- cal syndrome it involves deep sadness or despair, feelings of worthlessness, morbid thinking and greatly reduced psychomotor activity
depth perception Perception of distance between the stimu- lus and the subject
dermatitis Inflammation of the skin
detoxification Process of the removal of the toxic effects of a drug from the body
development Progressive increase in skill and capacity
developmental disability Disability originating before age 18 that may be expected to continue for an indefi- nite period and that constitutes a substantial impairment. Developmental disabilities include epilepsy, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and autism
diabetes mellitus Syndrome arising from an absolute or relative lack of body insulin; symptoms stem from excess glucose. In Type I diabetes mellitus there is little, if any, insulin being made by the body. Type II may be sufficient endogenous insulin but body is unable to
diabetic A person with diabetes caused by a de- ficiency of insulin being secreted by the islands of Langerhans
diabetic coma Excessively high level of sugar in the blood resulting from insufficient insulin in the body
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) American Psychiatric Association’s official classification of mental disorders, first pub- lished in 1952. DSM-IV was published in 1994. A revised version, DSM-IV-TR, with new statistical information, was published in 2000
diagnostic related groups Classification representing 23 major diag- nostic categories that aggregates patients into case types based on diagnosis, age, sex, treatment procedures, and discharge status, predicting use of hospital resources and length of stay
dialysis Process of separating or removing certain substances from the blood when the kidneys fail to perform their normal function
diplegia Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body (i.e., both arms or both legs)
diplopia Double vision
directionality Awareness of and distinction between and among left, right, up, down, front, back, etc., in the world around one. Awareness of directional relationship in space
disability Physical or mental impairment that sub- stantially limits one or more of an individual’s life activities
discharge goal Outcome to be exhibited by the client upon discharge from the service or agency
discharge plan Plan that summarizes the treatment or rehabilitation provided, the client’s re- sponse, current level of functioning, and recommendations for continued services or aftercare as necessary; used when client is discharged or services are discontinued
disease Literally, the lack of ease; a pathological condition in which physiologic or psycho- logic functions of the body deviate from what is considered to be normal
disoriented Confused as to time, place, and person (the position of the self in relation to other persons); characteristic of organic mental disorders
displacement Defense mechanism in which emotions are transferred from the original person or object to a less formidable, or safer, target. It is the “kick the cat” defense
distal Farthest from the center, from the medial line, or from the trunk; opposed to proxi- mal; far or distant from the origin or point of attachment
diversional program Program of activities designed to divert attention from the client’s problems or concerns. activities to alleviate the boredom of the institutional routine, or to alleviate fear of hospitalization and illness, and to stimulate interest in getting well
Dix, Dorothea (1802-1887) Social reformer known for her work in improving prison conditions and care of persons with mental illness
documentation Act of recording client assessments and in- terventions in the client’s chart. The chart is a permanent record that is considered a legal document and is audited to evaluate changes and quality of care
dorsal Pertaining to the back or posterior; directed toward or situated on the back surface
Down’s syndrome Common type of mental retardation brought on by a congenital condition resulting from a chromosomal abnormality characterized by widely spaced and slanted eyes, a flat face, small ears and congenital anomalies of the heart.
DRGs Diagnostic related groups
drug abuse Use of a drug to obtain effects for which it is not prescribed
drug addiction Condition characterized by an over-whelm- ing desire to continue taking a drug to which one has become habituated through repeated use
drug dependence Psychological or physiological reliance on a chemical agent
DTs Delirium tremens
dual diagnosis To indicate a client or patient has more than one major diagnosis; the most common dual diagnosis is mental illness and substance abuse
duration Length of treatment or rehabilitation services, e.g., services will be provided for three weeks or until client goals are reached
dyad Two-person relationship
dysfunctional Unable to function normally
dyslexia Impairment in the ability to read
dysphagia Difficulity in swallowing
dysphasia Difficulty in comprehending oral language or in trying to express verbal language; the older term for aphasia
dyssocial behavior Behavior of persons who are not classifi- able as antisocial personalities, but who are predatory and follow criminal pursuits. Formally termed sociopathic personalities
eating disorders Marked disturbances in eating behavior including anorexia nervosa and bulimia
ECG or EKG Electrocardiogram or electrocardiograph
echolalia Automatic repetition of another person’s words or phrases
eclectic approach Utilization of therapeutic approaches and techniques selected from various sources or theoretical orientations
ecology Study of the mutual relationship between people and their environment
ECT Electroconvulsive therapy
eczema Skin condition in which fluid is excreted through the skin
edema Abnormal accumulation of fluid in intercel- lular spaces in the tissues
EEG Electroencephalogram
effective listening Active process that can be used in any interpersonal transaction. It involves four major skills: attending, paraphrasing, clari- fying, and perception checking
efferent Conveying away from a center
efficacy Having the desired influence or outcome
ego Part of the psychoanalytic personality (along with the id and superego). It is the rational part that mediates between the id and superego
egocentric Self-centered
egogram Concept from transactional analysis. The egogram is a visual representation of one’s personality using a bar graph to display the amount of energy emanating from the five functional ego states
egoist Selfish person who seeks to satisfy his or her own interests at the expense of others
ego states Concept of transactional analysis that states there are three structural ego states that represent distinct and independent levels of psychological functioning
EKG or ECG Electrocardiogram or electrocardiograph
electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) Tracing showing changes in electric poten- tial produced by contractions of the heart and used to diagnose heart disease
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Treatment used to combat depression and schizophrenia in psychiatric patients. An electric current is applied to the brain through electrodes on the scalp, causing convulsions
electro-ejaculation Means of producing sperm by electrical stimulation from men with ejaculatory dysfunction
electroencephalogram Graphic record of the electrical activity of the brain
elopement “Running” (unauthorized departure) from a psychiatric treatment facility
emaciation State of being extremely thin
embolism Obstruction in a blood vessel caused by the presence of an embolus too large to pass through it (e.g., blood clot)
embolus Any foreign matter, such as a blood clot or air bubble, carried in the blood stream
emesis Vomiting
empathy Ability to perceive the world from the client’s frame of reference or to put oneself in another’s place and understand his or her feelings and behaviors
empirical Based on facts and experience rather than theory or philosophical principles; system- atic observation and experiment
encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
encopresis Involuntary passage of feces, usually during sleep at night
encounter group Group whose major goals are awareness and genuineness. Concern is not so much with the transfer of learning but with the encounters among members. Sessions tend to be emotionally charged, dealing with feelings of love and aggression
Created by: mmg57
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