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Path 4

Circulatory Disturbances

what is edema excess accumulation of fluid in the extra-vascular compartment of the body
what are four mechanisms of Edema 1) increased hydrostatic pressure 2) decreased oncotic pressure 3)Sodium retention by kidneys 4) Lymphatic obstruction
what is congestive heart failure a complex pathophysiologic syndrome which results when the heart is unable to pump an adequate volume of blood
what is responsible for the signs and symptoms of acute congestive heart failure pulmonary congestion and edema
what is the most common cause of Left sided heart failure myocardial ischemia
what is the most common cause of right sided heart failure left-sided failure
what is cor pulmonale right sided heart failure that results from pulmonary disease
what are some manifestations of right sided heart failure congestion of liver, spleen, peripheral edema, ascites, and pleural effusions
what is brown induration when you have chronic passive congestion of lungs there is leakage of blood from congested capillaries over time resulting in accumulation of hemosiderin in alveolar macrophages and thickening of the alveolar walls
what happens when you have chronic passive congestion of liver you get centrolobular atrophy of liver cords and fatty change giving the gross appearance of "nutmeg liver"
what is a thrombosis coagulation of blood within a vessel of a living individual
what are the three pathogenetic factors resulting in thrombosis endothelial damage, Changes in flow, hypercoagulability of blood
what puts you at risk for a venous thrombosis stasis, hypercoagulability (pregnancy, OCP)
what is the most important complication of venous thrombosis embolization to the pulmonary artery
Atrial thrombi are often due to? atrial fibrillation
Ventricular thrombi are often due to? myocardial infarcts or cardiomyopathy
what is the most important complication of cardiac thrombi embolization to peripheral arteries causing infarcts of brain, kidney, bowel and gangrene of the extremities
what are the five possible fates of thrombi Lyse, Propagate, Organize, Canalize, Embolize
what is an embolism pasage of any material (usually thrombus) from one point to another within either the arterial or venous systems
Pulmonary Emboli are are almost always from ? deep vein of the calf
what percent of pulmonary emboli produce infarcts 15-20%
where do you see anemic or pale infarcts heart, kidney, brain, spleen
where do you see hemorrhagic or red infarct lung and intestine
Anaphylaxic shock is due to? Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction
Created by: UVAPATH1
Popular Medical sets




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