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Med. term. 201-250

5th page of med. term packet

tarso- ankle region, also framework of eyelid
cheir-, chir- hand
calc- heel, stone
cine- move, movement
digit finger, toe
dors- back
gangli- swelling, knot-like mass`
gemin- twin, double
grad- walk, take steps
gran- grain, particle
labi- lip
micr- small
peps-, pept- digest
pleur- pleura(membrane), rib, side
mamm- breast
colla- glue, gelatinlike
later- side
rachi- spinal column
phob- fear
phot- light
dys- bad, out of order
cut- skin
en- in
peri- about, around
pro- in front of, before
mechano- machine
dynam- power
osmo- odor
traumat- wound, injury
trich- hair
maxill- upper jawbone
an-, a- without, not
phak- lens
pre- in front of, before
strict- to draw tight, narrowing
turbin- shaped like a top
ameb- change
semi- half
neo- new
hormone excite or set in motion
therm- heat
syn-, sym- together
vulse(e)- twitch or pull
post after, behind in time
metr- uterus
tegument covering or skin
pan- all
poly- many or much
ramus branch
neuro- nerve (nervous system)
Created by: 69vampire
Popular Medical sets




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