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Med Term 9 & 10
Question | Answer |
Pyuria | presence of pus in urine |
Glycosuria | presence of an excess of sugar in urine |
Hematuria | condition of blood in urine |
Dysuria | painful or difficult urination |
Anuria | complete suppression of urine formed by kidneys and complete lack of urine excretion |
Polyuria | condition of having excessive urine production |
Ketonuria | ketones in urine |
Nocturia | excessive urination during night |
Oliguria | condition of scanty amount of urine |
Calculus | stone formed within organ by accumulation of mineral salts |
Nephrolithiasis | presence of calculi in kidney |
Renal colic | pain caused by kidney stone, which can be excruciating and generally requires medical treatment |
Azotemia | accumulation of nitrogenous waste in bloodstream |
Frequency | greater than normal occurrence in urge to urinate, without increase in total daily volume of urine |
Hesitancy | decrease in force of urine stream, often with difficulty initiation flow |
Urgency | feeling need to urinate immediately |
Filtration | filtering state of the bladder emptying process which occurs in the renal corpuscle. |
Reabsorption | a process of emptying the bladder that comes after the filtering. As the filtrate moves along most of the water and electrolytes and nutrients are reabsorbed. |
Secretion | The final stage of urine production occurs when the special cells of the renal tubules secrete ammonia, uric acid, and other waste substances directly into the renal tubule |
Catheter | flexible tube inserted into body for purpose of moving fluids into or out of body |
Catheterization | insertion of a tube through urethra and into urinary bladder for purpose of withdrawing urine or inserting dye |
Cystocele | hernia or outpouching of bladder that protrudes into vagina |
Rectocele | protrusion or herniation of rectum into vagina |
Glomerulonephritis | inflammation of kidney |
Pyelonephritis | inflammation of renal pelvis and kidney |
Lithotripsy | destroying or crushing kidney stones in bladder or urethra with device called lithotriptor |
Stricture | narrowing of passageway in urinary system |
Hematosalpinx | condition of having blood in fallopian tubes |
Pyosalpinx | condition of having pus in fallopian tubes |
Multigravida | woman who has had more than one pregnancy |
Multipara | woman who has given birth to more than one child |
Nulligravida | woman who has never been pregnant |
Nullipara | woman who has never produced a viable baby |
Placenta previa | occurs when placenta is in lower portion of uterus and thus blocks birth canal |
Abruptio Placentae | emergency condition in which placenta tears away from uterine wall before twentieth week of pregnancy |
Preeclampsia | toxemia of pregnancy that, if untreated, can result in true eclampsia |
Eclampsia | convulsive seizures and coma that can occur in woman between twentieth week of pregnancy and first week of postpartum |
Apgar Score | evaluation of neonate's adjustment to outside world; observes color, heart rate, muscle tone, respiratory rate, and response to stimulus |
Menopause | cessation or ending of menstrual activity |
Menarche | first menstrual period |
Menstruation | loss of blood and tissue as endometrium is shed by uterus |
Areola | pigmented area around nipple of breast |
Lactiferous glands | milk-producing glands in breast |
Glans Penis | larger and softer tip of penis |
Prepuce | also called foreskin; protective covering over glans penis |
-gravida | pregnancy |
-para | to bear |
Chancroid | highly infectious nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer |
Chlamydia | Bacterial infection causing genital inflammation in males and females |
Genital Herpes | Spreading skin disease that can appear like a blister or vesicle on the genital region of males and females |
Genital Warts | Growth of warts on the genitalia of both males and females that can lead to cancer of the cervix in females |
Gonorrhea | Sexually transmitted bacterial infectin of the mucous membranes of either sex |
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) | Sexually transmitted virus that attacks the immune system |
Sexually Transmitted Disease | Disease usually acquired as the result of sexual intercourse |
Syphilis | Infectious, chronic, bacterial venereal disease that can involve any organ |
Trichomoniasis | Genitourinary infection caused by a single cell protist that is usually without symptoms in both males and femals |
Meconium | substance that collects in intestines of fetus and becomes first stool of newborn |
Placenta | also called afterbirth; organ attached to uterine wall composed of maternal and fetal tissues |
Colostrum | thin fluid first secreted by breast after delivery |
Endometriosis | abnormal condition of endometrium tissue appearing throughout pelvis or on abdominal wall |
Creatinine Clearance | test of kidney function |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy |
GYN | gynecology |
D & C | dilation & curettage |
Cystectomy | excision of bladder |
Cervical | pertaining to the cervix |
Uterine | pertaining to uterus |
Prostatic | pertaining to the prostate gland |
Mammary | pertaining to breast |
Nephropathy | kidney disease |