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CADD-2 Lesson 7

Solid Modeling

Primitive Basic building block of solid models.
Solid Modeling Computer modeling of 3-Dimensional volumes of solid parts.
Cylinder Creates a solid cylindrical primitive
Torus Creates donut shaped solid primitives.
Cone Circular solid primitive that meets at a point.
Wedge Creates a solid wedge.
Box Creates a solid box.
Sphere Creates a solid sphere primitive such as a ball bearing.
Pyramid Creates a solid pyramid primitive.
Revolve Turns a polyline about an axis to create a 3D Model.
Extrude Allows you to add depth to a closed volume.
MASSPROP Calculates the mass-volume of a 3D solid model.
Sweep Moves a 2D profile along a path or curve.
Helix Open 3D Spiral.
Loft Creates a new solid model or surface by specifying a series of 2 D cross sections.
Thicken Allows you to create a solid from a surface.
Boolean Logic System for use with logic formulas and operations in 3D.
Boolean Operations Such as Union, Subtract, and Intersect, are used to create composite solids.
Composite Solids are composed of two or more solid objects.
Subtract A boolean operation that removes one solid object from another.
Union A boolean operation that allows you to join to solids to form a new composite solid.
Subobject A face, edge, or corner of a solid model. Many tools used to modify 2D objects may also be used in 3D.
3DMove Allows you to move objects in 3D space.
3DRotate Allows you tom rotate objects in 3d Space.
PRESSPULL Allows you to press or pull any closed 2D profile on the face of a solid. Press is a combination of the extrude & subtract commands. Pull is a combination of the extrude & union commands.
Visual Styles Allows you to view a model as a wireframe, conceptual, or realistic views.
Paper Space Layout views similar to actual paper
Model Space Actual area we normally create drawings
Viewports Allows you to view different parts of a drawing while in Paper Space.
Shell Converts a 3D solid into a hollow shell with a wall of wanted thickness.
Slice Removes a portion of a solid by creating a cutting plane.
Created by: tmurphy
Popular Engineering sets




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