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Step 1 11.18.12
Pharm II
Question | Answer |
What are the transmitters and receptors in the PSNS? | ACH, nicotinic presyn, ACH muscarinic post syn |
What sstems are under PSNS control? | cardiac and AMM, gland cells, nerve terminals |
What are the transmitters and receptors in sympathetic innervation of sweat glands? | ACH, nicotinic, then ACH muscarinic |
What are the transmitters and receptors in sympathetic innervation of sympathetic innervation of cardiac and SMM, gland cells, nerve terminals? | ACH nicotinic, the Norepi, alpha and beta receptors |
What are the transmitters and receptors in sympathetic innervation of renal vascular SMM? | ACH nicotinic, dopamine, D1 receptor |
What is the transmitter and receptor in the somatic innervation of SM? | ACH, nicotinic receptors |
What is unique about the innervation of the adrenal medulla and sweat glands? | part of SNS, but innervated by cholinergic fibers |
What is the action of botulinum toxin ? | prevents release of NT ar all cholinergic terminals |
What type of channel are Nicotinic ACH receptors and what are the 2 subtypes and where are they found? | ligand gated Na/K+ channels, Nn found in autonomic ganglia, Nm found in NMJ |
What is the type of channel in muscarinic ACH and what are the subtypes? | G protein coupled receptors that act thru second messengers. 5 subtypes: M1-M5 |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the alpha 1 receptor? | class: q fxn: incr vascular SMM contraction, incr pupillary dilator muscle contraction (mydriasis), incr intestinal and bladder sphincter contraction |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the alpha 2 receptor? | g prot: i. fx: decr sympathetic outflow, decr insulin release |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the Beta 1 receptor? | class: s fx: incr HR, incr contractility, incr renin release, incr lipolysis |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the Beta 2 receptor? | class: s fx: vasodilation, bronchodilation, incr HR, incr contractility, incr lipolysis, incr insulin release, decr uterine tone |
What system are alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1 , beta 2 a part of ? | SNS |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the M1 receptor? | class: q fx: CNS, enteric NS |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the M2 receptor? | class:i fx: decr HR and contractility of atria |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the M3 receptor? | class: q fx: incr expocrine secretions )sweat gastric acid), incr peristalisis, incr bladder contraction, bronchoconstriction, incr pupillary sphincter muscle contraction (miosis) , ciliary m. contraction ( accomidation) |
What system are the M1-M3 receptors part of? | PSNS |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the D1 receptor? | class:s fx:relaxes renal vascular SMM |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the D2 receptor? | class: i fx: modulates transmitter release especially in the brain |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the H1 receptor? | class: q fx: incr nasal and bronchial muscus secretion, contraction of bronchioles, puritis and pain (histamine receptor) |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the H2 receptor? | class: s fx:incr gastric acid secretion |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the V 1 receptor? | vasopressin. class: q fx: incr vascular SMM contraction |
What is the g protein class and major functions of the V2 receptor? | vasopressin class: q fx: incr H20 permeability and reabsorbtion in collecting tubules of kidney |
What is the mech of H1, alpha 1, V1, M1, M3 receptors? HAVE 1 M and M? | Gq--->phopsholipase C--> lipids converted to PIP2---> activates IP3 and DAg/ DAG activates protein kinase C, IP3 causes calcium influx |
What is the mech of Beta 1,2, D1,H2,D1? | Gs, activates adenyl cyclase incr cAMP activating protein kinase A which incr Ca++ in heart, inhibits MLCK in SM |
What is the mech of M2,alpha 2, D2? | Gi. inhibits adenyl cyclase = decr cAMP... |