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Chapters 1-5
Word part | Meaning |
gastr- | stomach |
cardi- | heart |
megal- | enlarged |
-itis | inflammation |
dermat- | skin |
plast- | surgical repair |
cerebr- | brain |
path- | disease |
-ectomy | surgical removal |
enter- | intestines (usually small) |
-osis | any condition |
-otomy | cut into |
aden- | gland |
angi- | vessel |
-oma | tumor |
nephr- | kidney |
hepat- | liver |
arthr- | joint |
blephar- | eyelid |
-ologist | specialist |
rhin- | nose |
gingiv- | gum |
-malacia | soft |
-ology | the study of |
spasm | involuntary contraction |
ic, -al, -ac | pertaining to |
-ical | pertaining to |
-y | the act of or result of an action; a condition or quality |
-ia | a disease; an unhealthy state or condition |
-um | noun ending; used to form the name of a thing from the root |
-is | noun ending; used to form the name of a thing from the root |
adenic | pertaining to a gland or the glands |
adenoma | tumor with a glandlike structure |
-plasty | surgical repair of |
gastr/o/enter/ic | a pertains to the stomach and intestine |
gingiv/itis | an inflammation of the gums |
hepat/o/ology | the study of the liver |
gastr/o/enter/itis | inflammation of the stomach and the intestine |
nephr/o/malacia | a softening of the kidney |
hepat/o/megal/y | an enlargement of the liver |
nephr/osis | condition of the kidney |
path/ologist | specialist in the study of disease |
dermat/ology | study of the skin |
gastr/osis | condition of the stomach |
nephr/otomy | surgical creation of an opening into the kidney |
cerebr/o/pathy | disease of the brain |
gingiv/o/plasty | plastic or surgical removal of the brain |
rhin/al | pertaining to the nose |
entr/o/spasm | involuntary contraction of the intestine |
-algia | pain |
crani- | skull |
end- | inside, within |
hemi- | half |
oid- | like |
hyper- | above, more than normal |
cyst- | sac containing fluid |
chole- | bile |
hypo- | under |
-scop- | observe |
hyster- | unterus, womb |
-ostomy | create an opening |
para- | beside, beyond |
-lysis | loosening, destruction |
cervic- | neck |
chondr- | cartilage |
cyan- | blue |
hem, hemat, em | blood |
ost- | bone |
psycho- | mind |
lip- | fat |
my- | muscle |
lith- | stone |
ophthalm- , opt- | eye |
proct- | anus |
-ar | pertaining to |
-ary | pertaining to |
-cle | small; little |
-e | means of; instructment for |
-an, -ian | of or belonging to |
-ide | a terminal used in the naming of chemical compounds |
-ist | one who partices |
-ium | noun ending |
-ule | small, little |
-ular | pertaining to |
my/algia | pain in a muscle |
cervic/itis | inflammation of the neck of the uterus |
chole/cyst/ectomy | surgical removal of the gallbladder |
chondr/al | pertaining to or of the cartilage |
crani/o/puncture | surgical puncture of the skull |
cyan/o/derma | bluish discoloration of the skin |
cystalgia | pain in the urinary bladder |
end/o/cardi/al | pertaining to within the heart |
hem/ic | pertaining to blood |
hemi/hepat/ectomy | surgical removal of the part of the liver |
hyper/algia | excessive pain |
hypo/hepat/ia | deficient function of the liver |
hyster/ectomy | surgical removal of the uterus |
my/o/lip/oma | tumor made up of fat and muscular element |
hepat/o/megal/y | enlargdment of the liver |
lithic | pertaining to a stone |
angi/o/my/oma | tumor comprised of blood vessel and muscular element |
cystoid | like a cyst |
ophthalm/ologist | specialist in the study of the eye |
oste/o/arthr/o/pathy | disease of the joint and bone |
gastr/o/enter/ostomy | surgical creation of a passage between the stomach and intestine |
para/cyst/itis | inflammation of the tissues around the urinary bladder |
procto/plast/y | surgical repair of the anus |
psych/ic | pertaining to the mind |
scope | an instrument for observation |
cost- | rib |
-gram | record |
acro- | extermities |
rhexis | break, burst |
carcin- | cancer |
-penia | decrease |
gen- | original, production |
burso- | sac |
retr(o) | backwards |
trip- | rub, friction |
strept- | twist |
-desis | binding |
mani- | madness |
glosso- | tongue |
-trophy | development |
supra- | above |
-ptosis | falling |
-dyn | pain |
mast- | breast |
-rrhaphy | suture |
dent- | teeth |
cephal- | head |
auto- | self |
epi- | upon |
hydro- | water |
-ate | to perform |
-ac | affected by, having |
-ad | toward, in the direction of |
-form | having the same form |
-ion | action- |
-ior | roughly meaning "more toward" |
-or | action; result |
-ous | full of |
-ure | result of an action |
acro/cyan/osis | blue coloring of the extermities |
auto/lysis | disintegration of tissue due to cases within patient's own body |
burs/itis | inflammation of the bursa that are closed sac containing fluid that lay between surfaces that slide over one another |
aden/o/carcin/oma | cancerous tumor composed of grandular like cells |
chondr/o/cost/al | pertaining to rib and rib cartilege |
dent/al | pertaining to teeth |
arthr/o/desis | fussion of a joint |
epi/derm/is | pertaining to outter skin |
path/o/gen | producing of disease |
gloss/o/scop/y | observing of the tongue |
cardi/o/gram | record of the heart |
hydro/cyst | sac filled with water |
megal/o/mani/a | largeness with or for obession |
mast/ectomy | removal of all or part of the breast |
acr/odyn/ia | pain in the extremities |
hydro/penia | dificiency of water in the body |
blephar/o/ptosis | drooping of an eyelid |
tero/cardi/ac | behind the heart |
myo/rrhaphy | sture of a muscle |
hyster/o/rrhexis | rupture of the uterus |
strept/o/coccus | infectious microorganism |
supra/hepat/ic | pertaining to or of the location above the liver |
lith/o/tripsy | crushing of a stone in the urinary bladder |
hyper/trophy | excessive development |
lobo- | section |
-emesis | vomiting |
contra- | against, counter |
-iasis | condition |
trans- | through, across |
brady- | slow |
-ectasis | expansion |
cyt- | cell |
odont- | tooth |
leuk- | white |
cantho- | angle at the end of the eyelid |
steno- | narrow, contracted |
cheil- | lip |
-cele | hernia |
benign | mild, not cancerous |
semen | seed |
celio- | abdomen |
erthro- | red |
vaso- | vessel |
melan- | black |
cauda- | tail |
lingua- | tongue |
myring- | eardrum |
spondyl- | spinal column |
-a | noun ending |
-ae | plural ending for words ending in -a |
-ant | pertaining to |
-ation | a process, action, or condition |
-esis | condtition or process |
-ly | in a manner, in a way, toward |
-tic | pertaining to |
cholecyst | gallbladder |
cystalgia | pain the urinary bladder |
benign tumor | harmless tumor |
brady/card/ia | abnormally slowness heartbeat |
canth/al | corner of the eye |
caud/al/ward | toward the back end |
my/o/ele | muscle hernia |
celi/otomy | opening into the abdomen |
cheil/o/carcin/oma | cancerous tumor of the lip |
contra/stimulant | against stimulation |
hem/o/cyte | blood cell |
angi/ectasis | beyond normal expansion of a blood vessel |
chol/emesis | vomiting of bile |
erythr/o/cyst/o/penia | dificiency of red blood cell |
an/esthesi/ology | branch of medicine that specializes in the science of bringing about the loss of feeling |
lith/iasis | condition characterized by the formation of stone |
leuk/o/cyt/e | white blood cell |
lingu/al | pertaining to or of the tongue |
lob/ectomy | surgical incision of a lobe |
melan/osis | condition of desposits of black pigment |
myring/o/scop/y | observing of the eardrum using a myringoscope |
odont/ic | pertains to or of the tooth |
semenology | study of seed |
spondy/lous | pertaining to or of a vertebra or the spinal column |
steno/sis | narrow of passage usually of a duct or canal |
trans/derm/ic | pertains to across the skin |
vaso/dilator | dilation of a blood vessel |
ovar- | egg |
-centesis | puncture |
oto- | ear |
bili- | bile |
squam- | scale |
cec- | blind passage |
macul- | spot |
-pexy | suspension |
onco- | tumor |
or- | mouth |
sub- | under |
spiro- | coil |
lacrim- | tear |
viscero- | organ |
lact- | milk |
onych- | nail, claw |
thorac- | chest |
pyle- | gate |
vesic- | bladder |
sphenic- | bladder |
myel- | marrow, spinal cord |
anti- | against |
myco- | fungus |
hallux- | great toe (big toe) |
-es | plural ending similar to -s |
-id | pertaining to; "being" |
-ness | state; quality |
-us | noun ending |
antacid | substance that counteracts or neutralizes acidity |
-esthetic | pertaining to feeling |
-esthesia | a "feeling of" |
anesthes- | lack of feeling |
opt/esthesia | the ability to see |
eme/tic | that which causes vomiting such as a drug |
erythr/algia | a condition marked by pain and redness of the skin |
erythrocytopenia | low number of red blood cell |
erythrocythemia | high number of red blood cell |
anti/gen | a substance when introduced into the body stimulates the production of an opposing stustance known as an antibody |
bili/ary | pertaining to or of the bile |
cec/um | large pouch, having only one opening, located at the begining of the large intestine |
arthr/o/centesis | surgical puncture of a joint |
lacrimal | glands secrete tear |
lact/e/al | pertains to or of milk |
macul./a | spot |
mening/itis | inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord |
myco/sis | condition of fungus |
oste/o/myel/itis | inflammation of a bone and its bone marrow |
mast/onc/us | a tumor of the breast or mammary gland |
leuk/oncy/ia | whitish spots or discoloration of the nail |
circum/or/al | area around the mouth |
par/ot/id | situated near the ear |
ovari/o/gen/ic | produced in the ovary |
gastr/o/pylor/ectomy | surgical incision of the portion of the stomach containing the opening into the intestines |
sphen/ic | pertained to being wedged shaped |
spir/oid | resembling a coil |
squam/ous | pertains to being scaly |
sub/lingu/al | located beneath the tongue |
thorac/ic/o/abdomin/al | pertaining to or of the abdomin and the chest |
vesica | general term for a bladder |
viscer/al | internal organ especially in the abdomen |
anti/emet/ic | preventing or relieving nausea and vomitting |
arthr/o/centesis | surgical puncture of a join |
mening/itis | inflammation of the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord |
blephar/onc/us | tumor of the eyelid |
hyster/o/pexy | surgical fixation of the womb |
cerebr/algia , cephal/algia | head ache |
gastralgia | stomach ache |