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Lecture 11

Oral pathology

Organism that cause wart-like benign growths anywhere in the oral cavity Human Papilloma Virus 2, 4, 40, 6, 11, 16, 18
Organism that causes fever, lymphadenopathy, naorexia, irritability, and mouth lesions. Typically occurs between the age of 6 months and 5 years. Herpes Simplex Virus
Histologic findings characteristic of oral epithelial cells infected by Herpes simplex viruses (1) Tzanck cells - acantholytic epithlial cells (2) Ballooning degeneration - nuclear clearing and nuclear enlargement
Histologic characteristics of oral Candidiasis (1) PAS-stained hyphage or pseudohyphae varying in length (2) branching inflammatory cells (3) thickening of parakeratin
What oral process is chracterized by creamy-white removable plaques on the buccal mucosa, tongue, and palate. May cuase burning sensation and foul taste. Associated witih antibiotic therapy and immunosupression? Pseudomembranous (Thrush) oral Candidiasis
What type of oral Candidiasis is characterized by red macules on the posterior hard palate, buccal mucosa, and doral tongue. May cause burning sensation and is associated with antibiotics, xerostomia, immunosupression? Erythematous oral Candidiasis
What type of oral Candidiasis is characterized by red, atrophic mucosal areas located on the midline posterior aspect of the tongue. May be associated with immunsupression. Central papillary atrophy (median rhomboid glossitis)
A type of oral Candidiasis characterized by red areas with removable white plaques on the posterior palate, posterior dorsal tongue, or angles of the mouth? Chronic multifocal oral Candidiasis
Type of oral Candidiasis characterized by red, fissured leison found at the angles of the mouth. Angular Chilitis
Type of oral Candidiasis characterized by nonremovable white plaques. May be confused with other keratotic lesions. Hyperplastic (candidal leukoplakia) oral Candidiasis
Leukoplakia Oral white patch or plaques that are considered to be precancerous or premalignant lesions.
Erythroplakia Clinical term to describe a red patch that cannot be clinically or pathologically diagnosed as any other condition. These have a higher incidence of dysplasia on histologic exam.
Risk factors of oral squamous cell carcinoma (1) Tobacco (2) Alcohol
Histologic characteristics of oral squamous cell carcinoma Invasive islands of malignant epithelial cells that may or may not be keratin producing.
(T or F) Majority of basal cell carcinomas are found in the oral cavity. False. 85% of basal cell carcinomas are found ont eh skin of the head and neck. These are rarely foudn in the oral cavity.
Histologic features of basal cell carcinoma Hyperchormatic epithelial cells invading below an ulcerated epidermal surface. These cells are arranged in well-demarcated islands and strands.
A benign tumor that appears bluish purple mass or strawberry-like mass. Commonly appears during infancy. Tumor is a benign proliferation of bloos vessels. Hemangioma
A vascular neoplasm common in HIV patients. Clinically appears as a bluish-purple macules and plaques found in the mouth or the skin. Kaposi's Sarcoma
A mucocele in the floor of the mouth that resembles the belly of a frog. Ranula
An oral lesion caused by obstruciton of a salivary duct, dilation and leakage into the surroudning soft tissue. Mucocele
A condition of decreased salivary flow caused by a vareity of conditions and medicines. It greatly increases the risk for caries. Xerostomia
A locally destructive inflammatory condition of the salivary glands. It can be confused with squamous cell carcinoma. The lesion has a rapid onset and heal rapidly also. Necrotizing Sialometaplasia
Most common salivary gland tumors Benign mixed tumors
Most common malignant tumors of the salivary glands Mucoepidermoral carcinoma
Risk factors for periodontal disease (1) poor hygiene (2) smoking (3) immunodeficiencies (4) diabetes (4) age
Common medications that cause gingival enlargement (1) Phenytoin (Dilantin) (2) Calcium channel blockers (3) Cyclosporine
Clinical symptoms of periodontal disease (1) gum tenderness (2) discharge from gingival sulcus (e.g. bleeding gums)
Most common type of leukemia with oral invovlement Myelomonocytic types of Leukemia
(T or F) Natural sugars are not as cariogenic as refined sugars. False. Natural sugars are as cariogenic as refined sugars.
What organisms are associated with dental caries formation? (1) Streptococcus mutans (2) Lactobacillus acidophilus
Pathogenesis of dental caries formation Ingestion of simple sugars, carbohydrates are broken down by Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus forming dextrase that are sticky substances that adhere to the tooth. They create lactic acid to decrease the pH of dental plaque to 2.5-3 pH.
How long does it take for the pH of the dental plaque to return to 7 after ingestion of fermentable sugars? 30 to 60 minutes depending on the maturity of the plaque and teh buffering capability of the saliva.
What autoimmune condition causes xerostomia? Sjogren's Syndrome
What clinical condition increases the risk for dental caries? Xerostomia
Created by: UVAPATH2
Popular Medical sets




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