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Combining, suffixes, prefixes & abbrev.

a/an without
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
ad- towards, forward
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficieny Syndrome
ambul/o walking
amni/o amnion
andr/o male
ante before
an/o anus
proct/o anus
ASAP as sson as possible
-asthenia weakness
BaE Barium Enema
bi- two
malan/o black
anthrax/o black
hemat/o blood
hem/o blood
cyan/o blue
BM bowel Movement
oste/o bone
brady slow
encephal/o brain
cardi/o heart
chondr/o cartilage
CBC complete blood count
cyte cell
chlor/o green
choledoch/o bile duct
clasis break, fracture
chrom/o colour
chromic colour
osis condition of
iasis condition of
contra againts, opposite
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmanary Disease
core/o pupil
cranium skull
crin/o secrete
cry/o cold
dacry/o tear
necr/o death
penia decrease
hypo decrease, deficiency
dent/o tooth
lysis destruction of
di- double
dia through
ectasis dilation
orrhea discharge
dys painful, bad
aur/o ear
ot/o ear
myring/o eardrum
tympan/o eardrum
phagia swallowing
EEC Electroencephalogram, Electroencephalography
ECG electrcardiogram, electrocardiography
ect/o outward
ectomy surgical removal
edema swelling
emesis vomitting
emia blood condition
megaly enlargement
eosin/o rose coloured
epi above
eu- well, good, easily
ER Emergency Room
supra excessive
ultra excessive
hyper excessive
exo outside
pseudo false
primi first
genisis forming, producing
poesis forming, producing
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone
fx fracture
gastr/o stomach
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
CT Computed Tomography
CVA Cerebrovascular Accident
D&C Dilation & curettage
GI Gastrointestinal
glands gland
gluc/o sugar
glyc/o sugar
GP General Practitioner
gram record
graph instrument to record
graphy process of recording
poli/o gray matter
HgB Hemoglobin
cusis hearing
HEENT Head, eyes, ears, nose, thoat
hemi one half
hemorrhage bursting forth of blood, bleeding
cele hernia
hist/o tissue
homeostasis balance
hist/o history
ichthy/o dry, scaly
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IDDM Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus
ili/o illium
-ism state of
otomy incision
itis inflammation of
infra under
tome instrument to cut
scope instrument
irid/o iris
arthr/o joint
kal potassium
kary/o nucleus
kinese movement
KUB Kidney, ureters & bladder
later/o side
lith/o stone
malaia softening
meter instrument to measure
metry measurement
morph/o change, shape
my/o muscle
myel/o bone marrow
narc/o sleep
stenosis narrowing
NIDDM Non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
no none
NPO nothing by mouth
NSAIDS non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
OB-GYN obstetrics-Gynecology
OD right eye
oid resembling
ologist specialist
ology study of
oma tumor
onych/o nail
oophor/o ovaries
algia pain
dynia pain
PAP papanicolaou smear
para near
plegia paralysis
pathy disease
penia decrease
pepsia digestion
parathyroid/o parathyroid
peri around
rragia bursting forth
rrhaphy suturing, repair
rrhexis rupture
phasia speech
phonia sound
physis growth
pil/o hair
plasty surgical repair
pod/o foot
poly many, much
pre before
gravida pregnancy
pro before
prostat/o prostate gland
pt patient
ptosis dropping
ptysis spitting
pulmon/o lungs
centasis puncture of
pyel/o renal pelvis
R/O rule out
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
RBC Red blood cells
rect/o rectum
erythr/o red
retro behind, back
ROM Range of motion
salping/o fallopian tubes
schist/o split, fissure
scoli/o bent
scopy exam
seb/o sebum
sial/o saliva
dermat/o skin
derm/o skin
SOB Shortness of breath
somat/o body
sphygmomanometer B/P cuff
spondyl/o spine
spin/o spine
splen/o spleen
stasis standing still
STAT immediatly
STD Sexually transmitted disease
sub under
pexy suspension
hidr/o sweat
T&A Tonsils & Adenoids
tachy rapid
TB Tuberculosis
thrombo blood clot
TIA transient ischemic attack
tomy incision
ton/o tone
trans through
TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone
TURP Transurthral resection of the prostate
UA urinalysis
ultra beyond
uni one
ur urine
urethr/o urethra
uvul/o uvula
URI Upper respiratory infection
uria urination
valvul/o valve
vesic/o bladder
VS Vital Signs
hydro water
aqua water
endo within
intra within
xanth/o yellow
xer/o dry
x-ray radiograph
brady slow
mal bad
meso middle
micro small
macro large
S&S signs & symptoms
WBC White blood cells
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
MS Multiple Sclerosis
EMG Electromyelography
DOA Dead on arrival
GTT Glucose tolance test
BK Below the knee
ad lib as desired
AS left eye
Bx biopsy
CXR chest x-ray
AK Above the knee
LMP last menstrustal period
OS left eye
Created by: leslie36
Popular Medical sets




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