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AR AnSci U5 &6
Arkansas Animal Science Unit 5 & 6
Question | Answer |
decomposing manure used as a soil additive | compost |
a structure for confining animals or protecting property | fence |
a body of water established for anaerobic decomposition of organic waste | lagoon |
a plan that establishes the quantities of animal manure and other wastes that may be applied to land based on the nutrient contents of the wastes | nutrient management plan |
a pit, trench, aboveground horizontal structure, or vertical cylinder structure of relatively airtight construction into which green crops, such as corn, grass, legumes, or small grain and other feeds, are placed and converted into silage for later use | silo |
a device for safely securing a large animal for administration of a health or management practice | squeeze chute |
to provide fresh circulating air | ventilation |
attaching or altering an animal so that its identity is known; methods include tags, tattoos, brands, DNA, and notching | animal identification |
removing the testicles of a male to prevent unwanted breeding and promote desired growth | castration |
removing the tip of the beak of a baby chick to deter unwanted pecking and cannibalism | debeaking |
removing the horns or horn-developing tissue of an animal | dehorning |
a small pellet of hormone substance placed under the skin of an animal | hormone implant |
a program that guides animal producers in selecting management practices to produce a quality animal product in which its well-being is considered | producer quality assurance (PQA) |
removing the hair or wool from an animal | sheering |
removing the tail from an animal | tail docking |
administering a vaccine | vaccination |