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Agricultural mechanics
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AR Ag Mechanics

Arkansas Agricultural Mechanics

Agricultural mechanics a broad area of knowledge and skills related to performing construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of machinery, equipment, and structures used in agricultural/horticultural work
Agricultural power the use of engines, animals, and other sources of energy to operate equipment used in agriculture
Agricultural structures those buildings, ponds, greenhouses, and other facilities designed specifically for agricultural use
Agricultural technology the application of science and inventions in agricultural work; the use of science to develop new ways of doing things
Combustion the production of heat and/or light through a chemical process; burning
Decibel (dB) a unit of sound measurement
Extinguish to put out a fire by cooling, smothering, or removing fuel
Fire triangle a three dimensional representation of requirements for fire to occur: fuel, heat, and oxygen
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) equipment that protects people from injury, including safety glasses, goggles, ear plugs or muffs, respirators, clothing, shoes or boots, and gloves
Safety preventing loss or injury
Alternating Current (AC) current that reverses its direction 60 times per second
Arc welding using an electric arc to fuse metal
Bead mix of base metal and filler rod that remains after welding
Direct Current (DC) current that flows in one direction continuously
Electrode a section of flux-coated wire used in welding
Flux a substance used to remove the oxide on metal that is to be soldered or welded
Fusion the union or blending of molten metal to form a strong bond
Penetration distance in a weld from the original surface of the base metal to that depth or point at which fusion ceases
Slag the product formed when buring steel combines with oxygen
Weld joining two or more times by fusion
Welding helmet a protective device worn on the head while arc welding to protect the eyes, skin, and other exposed parts from injury
Welding position the location of a weld relative to the location of the welding equipment, such as flat, vertical, horizontal, or overhead
Bleeding the lines removing gas pressure from all lines and equipment, as with oxyacetylene welding systems
Brazing the process of joining metal with a filler rod that melts at a temperature below the metal being joined
Carbonizing flame a flame with excess acetylene; adjustment is needed to achieve a neutral flame
Cutting tip a special tip used in cutting metal with gas systems such as oxyacetylene
Filler rod a long, thin metal rod used in welding to add to or fill joins when welding or brazing
Flammable the quality of a substance that is capable of burning
Fusion the process of joining by melting
Gauge a device used to measure certain substances such as pressure in an oxyacetylene welding/cutting system
Neutral flame an oxyacetylene flame with a balance of oxygen and acetylene
Oxidizing flame an oxyacetylene flame with an excess of oxygen; adjustment is needed to achieve a neutral flame
Regulator a device that controls the flow amount of a liquid or gas; with oxyacetylene welding systems, regulators control the flow of oxygen and acetylene
Tip the part of a welding or cutting torch with holes to release fuel for combustion
Tip cleaner small, round rod-like devices that remove dirt from the holes in welding and cutting torch tips
Torch the assembly in an oxyacetylene system that mixes oxygen and acetylene to provide the desired flame
Valve a device that controls the flow of gas in an oxyacetylene system
Die a device or instrument used to cut threads on a rod or bolt
Rivet a short rod-like fastening device made of soft metal that can be readily spread on each end
Solder a mixture of tin and lead
Soldering bonding metals and alloys that melt at temperatures below 840° F
Sweating the process of soldering a piece of copper pipe into a fitting
Tap a hardened and brittle fluted tool used to cut threads inside of metal
Tinning the process of bonding filler material to a base metal
Four cycle engine an engine with four strokes per cycle
Internal combustion engine a device that converts the energy in fuel into rotating power
Stroke the movement of a piston from top to bottom or from bottom to top
Top Dead Center (TDC) position of the piston at its highest point
Two-stroke cycle engine an engine with two strokes per cycle
Architect scale a specialized ruler used in making or measuring reduced scale drawings; it is marked with a range of calibrated scales or ratios
Border line heavy black line drawn close to the outer edge of paper used for drawing plans
Drawing a likeness of an object, individual, or other subject made with a pencil, pen, or other instrument
Pictorial drawing kinds of drawings that show an object in three dimensions; common types are isometric, oblique, and perspective
Scale an instrument with all increments shortened in a consistent proportion
Sketch a rough drawing of an idea, object, or procedure
Title block the section of a drawing reserved for information about the drawing in general
Triangle a drafting instrument shaped as a thin flat right-angled triangle with two other angles of 45° or other angles of 30° and 60°, respectively
Cold chisel a hand tool made of hardened steel for cutting metal by striking with a hammer
Mushroomed a spread or pushed over condition caused by being struck repeatedly
Temper to heat a piece of tool sheet followed by controlled cooling so as to control the degree of hardness
Whet to sharpen by rubbing on a stone
Fitting a part used to connect pieces of pipe or to connect other objects to pipe
Flaring the process of enlarging the opening of tubing in a bell shape
Pipe rigid tube-like material often used in plumbing
PVC a type of plastic pipe and fittings made of polyvinyl chloride
Reaming the process of removing the bur from the inside end of steel pipe after it has been cut
Tubing flexible pipe often made of copper or plastics
Valve a device that controls the flow of water, gas, or other substance
Crosscut the process of cutting across the grain of wood
Grain lines in lumber resulting from the annual growth rings of the tree from which the lumber was manufactured
Hardwood wood with smaller grain that is denser and more difficult to cut; e.g., oak and maple
Kerf the cutaway opening made when sawing or otherwise cutting materials
Lumber wood products made by sawing logs
Plywood wood products made by glueing thin sheets of wood together in layers
Softwood wood with larger grain that is less dense and easier to cut; e.g., pine and fir
Ampere a measure of the rate of flow of a current in a conductor
Circuit an electrical source and wires connected to an electrical device
Circuit breaker a switch that trips and breaks the circuit when more than a specified amount of current passes through it
Conductor any material that will permit an electron to move through it
Conduit protective tube with individual insulated wires running through it
Electricity form of energy that can produce light, heat, magnetism, and chemical changes
Grounding the process of making an electrical connection between a circuit, electricity-using device, or other electricity source to the earth toreduce the chance of shock and damage
Insulator material that provides great resistance to the flow of electricity
Kilowatt hour the use of 1000 watts per hour
National Electrical Code® a standard for the safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment
Ohm a measure of the resistance of a material to the flow of an electrical current
Resistance any tendancy of a material to prevent electrical flow
Short circuit a condition that occurs when electricity flows back to its source to rapidly and trips fuses, burns wires, and drains batteries
Volt a measure of electrical pressure
Voltage drop loss of voltage as electricity travels through a wire
Watt a measure of energy available or work that can be done using one ampere at one volt
Aggregate sand and gravel that comprise the bulk of concrete
Concrete an artificial stone-like material formed by combining aggregate, Portland cement, and water
Cubic yard a standard measure of concrete equal to 27 cubic feet
Curing proper drying of concrete to assure maximum strength
Floating smoothing the surface of newly placed concrete
Form a frame or mold that holds newly placed concrete until it has been set
Masonry unit anything constructed of brick, stone, tile, or concrete units held in place with Portland cement
Mortar a mixture of fine aggregate (sand), mortar cement, and water that is used as bonding material in masonry work
Portland cement dry powder made by burning limestone and clay followed by grinding and mixing; used to make concrete
Reinforced concrete material placed in new concrete to increase strength; steel rods and wire are placed in forms before the concrete is placed while other reinforcement material (such as fiberglass) is added as the concrete is being mixed
Screeding striking off exess concrete to create a smooth and level surface
Trowel a hand tool used in concrete and masonry work
Workable mix the consistency of wet concrete when the various ingredients are mixed together correctly
Back Sight (BS) a rod reading taken on a point of known elevation
Benchmark (BM) a permanent point of known or assumed elevation from which a survey started
Chain a unit of measurement which equals 66 feet
Contour line a line connecting points on the land surface which have the same elevation
Differential leveling the process of determining the releative elevations of various points; determining elevation differences between points
Foresight a rod reading taking place on a point of unknown elevation
Global Positioning System (GPS) a satellite-based navigation system
Height of instrument the elevation of the level line of sight of the crosshairs in the instrument with respect to the benchmark
Turning point a temporary point for a transit while doing differential leveling
Created by: 20611456
Popular Agriculture sets




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