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Poultry Production
Question | Answer |
Female Chicken | Hen |
Male Chicken | Rooster |
Young female chicken | Pullet |
Young Male Chicken | Cockerel |
Castrated male chicken | Capon |
Type of chicken used for Egg production | Layer |
Type of chicken used for Meat production | Broiler |
Type of chicken that can be used for both Egg & Meat production | Dual Purpose |
Process of checking an egg for defects or embryo developement using a light source | Candling |
Average chicken body temeperature | 103 Degrees |
Average lifespan of a Chicken | 6 years |
Embryo developement begins when the egg temperature reaches | 86 degrees |
Fear of chickens | Alektorophobia |
Chicken's "True Stomach" | Proventriculus |
Storage chamber for food | Crop |
Thick muscled organ that grinds seeds down to finer particles with the use of grit | Gizzard |
The Gizzard uses this to help grind food down to smaller particles | Grit |
This part of the digetive tract digests vegetable matter | Cecum |
A circular ring inside an egg that identifies a dead egg | Blood Ring |
Average incubation period of a Chicken egg | 21 days |
Average incubation temperature for a chicken egg | 100 degrees |
The act of hatching | Pipping |
An infant chicken | Chick |
Popular Egg Laying Breed | Leghorn |
Popular Broiler Breed | Cornish |
Breed known for "Easter Eggs" | Araucana |
Largest Purebeed Chicken in the World | Jersey Black Giant |
Commercially raised breed of Turkey | Large White |
American Breed of Turkey | Bronze |
Laying breed of Duck | Indian Runner |
Meat breed of Duck | White Pekin |
Female Turkey | Hen |
Male Turkey | Tom |
Young Turkey | Poult |
Female Goose | Goose |
Male Goose | Gander |
Young Goose | Gosling |
Female Duck | Hen |
Male Duck | Drake |
Young Duck | Duckling |
South American Breed of Duck | Muscovy |
French Breed of Goose | Toulose |
Eggs produced every year in the U.S. | 91 Billion |
Turkeys produced in California | 16 Million |
Length of time it takes a chicken to make one egg | 26 hours |
Average age a chicken will begin to lay eggs | 5 months |
A common use for chicken Manure | Fertilizer |
Hard calcium armor that protects the embryo | Shell |
Types of shell membranes | Inner & Outer |
The proper name for the Egg White | Albumen |
Main food source for the developing embryo | Yolk |
String like structures that anchor the yolk in th center of the egg "Safety Belts" | Chalaza |
True point of Embryo Growth | Blastoderm |
Air space between the two membranes atht is the first oxygen source for the chick | Air Cell |
Release of Mature yolk from the Ovary | Ovulation |
Catches the yolk from the ovary | Infundibulum |
Adds the first 50% of the Albumen to the yolk | Magnum |
Adds the rest of the Albumen and the Shell | Uterus |
Passes the egg from the Uterus to the cloaca | Vagina |
Average length of incubation for a duck or turkey egg | 28 Days |
The best time to candle eggs afetr incubation has began | 10 Days |
the act of maintaining an environment that will allow a chick to develop within an egg and hatch | Incubation |
The act of a hen incubating a clutch of eggs | Brooding |
A group of eggs to be incubated | Clutch |
Capable of growing and developing into another generation | Fertile |
Not capable of producing offspring | Infertile |
Secondary food source as well as proteins for growth | Albumen |
The structure within the egg that aids in waste removal and gas exchange | Allantois |
The Female Germ Cell | Egg |
The male germ cell | Sperm |
In avian species, this gender produces germ cells that dictate the sex of the new embryo | Female |
The naturally occurring protective coating on the shell of an egg | Bloom |
Of or belonging to a recognized strain established by breeding individuals of unmixed lineage over many generations | Purebred |
The result of crossbreeding two unrelated strains or breeds with one another | Hybrid |
The process of breeding two unrelated purebred breeds of animals with one another | Crossbreeding |
Scientific Name for chickens | Gallus gallus domesticus |
Chickens eat both vegetation and insects | Omnivorous |
The oldest chicken lived to a ripe old age | 16 years |
hanging flaps of skin either side under their beaks | Wattles |
Fleshy sail like growth that grows on the top of the head | Comb |
Dagger-like nails that grows from the legs of roosters and some females of certain breeds and species | Spurs |
Group of chickens | Flock |
Behaviors that prefer being social | Gregarious |
Social hierarchy | Pecking Order |
Rooster's territorial call | Crowing |
The modern ancestor of domestic chickens | Red Jungle Fowl |