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Female Chicken
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Male Chicken
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Poultry Production

Female Chicken Hen
Male Chicken Rooster
Young female chicken Pullet
Young Male Chicken Cockerel
Castrated male chicken Capon
Type of chicken used for Egg production Layer
Type of chicken used for Meat production Broiler
Type of chicken that can be used for both Egg & Meat production Dual Purpose
Process of checking an egg for defects or embryo developement using a light source Candling
Average chicken body temeperature 103 Degrees
Average lifespan of a Chicken 6 years
Embryo developement begins when the egg temperature reaches 86 degrees
Fear of chickens Alektorophobia
Chicken's "True Stomach" Proventriculus
Storage chamber for food Crop
Thick muscled organ that grinds seeds down to finer particles with the use of grit Gizzard
The Gizzard uses this to help grind food down to smaller particles Grit
This part of the digetive tract digests vegetable matter Cecum
A circular ring inside an egg that identifies a dead egg Blood Ring
Average incubation period of a Chicken egg 21 days
Average incubation temperature for a chicken egg 100 degrees
The act of hatching Pipping
An infant chicken Chick
Popular Egg Laying Breed Leghorn
Popular Broiler Breed Cornish
Breed known for "Easter Eggs" Araucana
Largest Purebeed Chicken in the World Jersey Black Giant
Commercially raised breed of Turkey Large White
American Breed of Turkey Bronze
Laying breed of Duck Indian Runner
Meat breed of Duck White Pekin
Female Turkey Hen
Male Turkey Tom
Young Turkey Poult
Female Goose Goose
Male Goose Gander
Young Goose Gosling
Female Duck Hen
Male Duck Drake
Young Duck Duckling
South American Breed of Duck Muscovy
French Breed of Goose Toulose
Eggs produced every year in the U.S. 91 Billion
Turkeys produced in California 16 Million
Length of time it takes a chicken to make one egg 26 hours
Average age a chicken will begin to lay eggs 5 months
A common use for chicken Manure Fertilizer
Hard calcium armor that protects the embryo Shell
Types of shell membranes Inner & Outer
The proper name for the Egg White Albumen
Main food source for the developing embryo Yolk
String like structures that anchor the yolk in th center of the egg "Safety Belts" Chalaza
True point of Embryo Growth Blastoderm
Air space between the two membranes atht is the first oxygen source for the chick Air Cell
Release of Mature yolk from the Ovary Ovulation
Catches the yolk from the ovary Infundibulum
Adds the first 50% of the Albumen to the yolk Magnum
Adds the rest of the Albumen and the Shell Uterus
Passes the egg from the Uterus to the cloaca Vagina
Average length of incubation for a duck or turkey egg 28 Days
The best time to candle eggs afetr incubation has began 10 Days
the act of maintaining an environment that will allow a chick to develop within an egg and hatch Incubation
The act of a hen incubating a clutch of eggs Brooding
A group of eggs to be incubated Clutch
Capable of growing and developing into another generation Fertile
Not capable of producing offspring Infertile
Secondary food source as well as proteins for growth Albumen
The structure within the egg that aids in waste removal and gas exchange Allantois
The Female Germ Cell Egg
The male germ cell Sperm
In avian species, this gender produces germ cells that dictate the sex of the new embryo Female
The naturally occurring protective coating on the shell of an egg Bloom
Of or belonging to a recognized strain established by breeding individuals of unmixed lineage over many generations Purebred
The result of crossbreeding two unrelated strains or breeds with one another Hybrid
The process of breeding two unrelated purebred breeds of animals with one another Crossbreeding
Scientific Name for chickens Gallus gallus domesticus
Chickens eat both vegetation and insects Omnivorous
The oldest chicken lived to a ripe old age 16 years
hanging flaps of skin either side under their beaks Wattles
Fleshy sail like growth that grows on the top of the head Comb
Dagger-like nails that grows from the legs of roosters and some females of certain breeds and species Spurs
Group of chickens Flock
Behaviors that prefer being social Gregarious
Social hierarchy Pecking Order
Rooster's territorial call Crowing
The modern ancestor of domestic chickens Red Jungle Fowl
Created by: MrDiaz
Popular Agriculture sets




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