Arkansas Agricultural Mechanics
show | a broad area of knowledge and skills related to performing construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of machinery, equipment, and structures used in agricultural/horticultural work
show | the use of engines, animals, and other sources of energy to operate equipment used in agriculture
Agricultural structures | show 🗑
Agricultural technology | show 🗑
Combustion | show 🗑
show | a unit of sound measurement
Extinguish | show 🗑
Fire triangle | show 🗑
show | equipment that protects people from injury, including safety glasses, goggles, ear plugs or muffs, respirators, clothing, shoes or boots, and gloves
show | preventing loss or injury
Alternating Current (AC) | show 🗑
show | using an electric arc to fuse metal
Bead | show 🗑
show | current that flows in one direction continuously
Electrode | show 🗑
show | a substance used to remove the oxide on metal that is to be soldered or welded
Fusion | show 🗑
Penetration | show 🗑
Slag | show 🗑
Weld | show 🗑
Welding helmet | show 🗑
show | the location of a weld relative to the location of the welding equipment, such as flat, vertical, horizontal, or overhead
Bleeding the lines | show 🗑
show | the process of joining metal with a filler rod that melts at a temperature below the metal being joined
Carbonizing flame | show 🗑
show | a special tip used in cutting metal with gas systems such as oxyacetylene
Filler rod | show 🗑
Flammable | show 🗑
show | the process of joining by melting
show | a device used to measure certain substances such as pressure in an oxyacetylene welding/cutting system
Neutral flame | show 🗑
Oxidizing flame | show 🗑
show | a device that controls the flow amount of a liquid or gas; with oxyacetylene welding systems, regulators control the flow of oxygen and acetylene
Tip | show 🗑
show | small, round rod-like devices that remove dirt from the holes in welding and cutting torch tips
show | the assembly in an oxyacetylene system that mixes oxygen and acetylene to provide the desired flame
show | a device that controls the flow of gas in an oxyacetylene system
Die | show 🗑
show | a short rod-like fastening device made of soft metal that can be readily spread on each end
show | a mixture of tin and lead
Soldering | show 🗑
Sweating | show 🗑
show | a hardened and brittle fluted tool used to cut threads inside of metal
show | the process of bonding filler material to a base metal
Four cycle engine | show 🗑
show | a device that converts the energy in fuel into rotating power
Stroke | show 🗑
show | position of the piston at its highest point
show | an engine with two strokes per cycle
show | a specialized ruler used in making or measuring reduced scale drawings; it is marked with a range of calibrated scales or ratios
Border line | show 🗑
show | a likeness of an object, individual, or other subject made with a pencil, pen, or other instrument
show | kinds of drawings that show an object in three dimensions; common types are isometric, oblique, and perspective
show | an instrument with all increments shortened in a consistent proportion
Sketch | show 🗑
Title block | show 🗑
Triangle | show 🗑
show | a hand tool made of hardened steel for cutting metal by striking with a hammer
Mushroomed | show 🗑
show | to heat a piece of tool sheet followed by controlled cooling so as to control the degree of hardness
show | to sharpen by rubbing on a stone
show | a part used to connect pieces of pipe or to connect other objects to pipe
show | the process of enlarging the opening of tubing in a bell shape
Pipe | show 🗑
PVC | show 🗑
Reaming | show 🗑
Tubing | show 🗑
Valve | show 🗑
Crosscut | show 🗑
Grain | show 🗑
Hardwood | show 🗑
Kerf | show 🗑
show | wood products made by sawing logs
Plywood | show 🗑
show | wood with larger grain that is less dense and easier to cut; e.g., pine and fir
show | a measure of the rate of flow of a current in a conductor
show | an electrical source and wires connected to an electrical device
show | a switch that trips and breaks the circuit when more than a specified amount of current passes through it
Conductor | show 🗑
Conduit | show 🗑
show | form of energy that can produce light, heat, magnetism, and chemical changes
show | the process of making an electrical connection between a circuit, electricity-using device, or other electricity source to the earth toreduce the chance of shock and damage
Insulator | show 🗑
Kilowatt hour | show 🗑
show | a standard for the safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment
Ohm | show 🗑
show | any tendancy of a material to prevent electrical flow
show | a condition that occurs when electricity flows back to its source to rapidly and trips fuses, burns wires, and drains batteries
show | a measure of electrical pressure
show | loss of voltage as electricity travels through a wire
show | a measure of energy available or work that can be done using one ampere at one volt
show | sand and gravel that comprise the bulk of concrete
show | an artificial stone-like material formed by combining aggregate, Portland cement, and water
Cubic yard | show 🗑
Curing | show 🗑
Floating | show 🗑
show | a frame or mold that holds newly placed concrete until it has been set
show | anything constructed of brick, stone, tile, or concrete units held in place with Portland cement
Mortar | show 🗑
show | dry powder made by burning limestone and clay followed by grinding and mixing; used to make concrete
Reinforced concrete | show 🗑
show | striking off exess concrete to create a smooth and level surface
Trowel | show 🗑
show | the consistency of wet concrete when the various ingredients are mixed together correctly
show | a rod reading taken on a point of known elevation
show | a permanent point of known or assumed elevation from which a survey started
show | a unit of measurement which equals 66 feet
show | a line connecting points on the land surface which have the same elevation
show | the process of determining the releative elevations of various points; determining elevation differences between points
Foresight | show 🗑
show | a satellite-based navigation system
Height of instrument | show 🗑
show | a temporary point for a transit while doing differential leveling
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Popular Agriculture sets