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Medical Terms
A & E Support 13/07 - Stack 113178
Questions | Answers |
Abscess ? | Localised formation of PUS in a TISSUE, ORGAN or confined space. |
Abortion ? | Discharge of the Foetus before it is capable of independant life. |
Acidosis ? | An Acid IMBALANCE in the Body : Respiratory Acidosis - Excess of Carbon Dioxide, Metabolic Acidosis - Excess of Lactic Acid. |
Acute (of Disease) ? | Severe, Rapidly Developing, or of sudden onset. |
Adduction ? | Movement towards the midline of the body. |
Amnesia ? | Loss of Memory. |
Amputee ? | A patient who has suffered the loss of one or more limbs. |
Anaemia ? | A Deficiency of Haemoglobin in the Blood. |
Angina (Pectoris) ? | Condition of Gripping Pain associated with Disease of the Arteries of the Heart. |
Anoxia ? | Absence of Oxygen. |
Antenatal ? | Before Birth. |
Antepartum Haemorrhage ? | Bleeding from the Vagina in late Pregnancy. |
Anterior ? | In Front of, further forward. |
Antibody ? | Substance produced in the body as a Defence against the presence of a specific foreign substance. |
Antitoxin ? | Substance capable of Neutralising a given Toxin. |
Aphonia ? | Loss of Voice. |
Asphyxia ? | Suffocation caused not only by Smothering, but by any condition that prevents Oxygen being taken up by the Blood. |
Asthma ? | Spasms of Difficult Breathing accompanied by a sence of Suffocation or Tightness of the Chest. |
Asystole ? | Cessation of Cardiac Activity evidenced by a straight line ECG. |
Ausculation ? | Techniques of Listening for & Interpreting Sounds that occur within the Body with a Stethoscope. |
Autonomic Nervous System ? | That part of the Nervous System which Regulates the Functions of the Internal Organs independently of the will power. |
Bacterium (PL Bacteria) ? | Type of Germ. |
Benign ? | Not tending to Grow Worse or Recur, Non-Malignant. |
Bradycardia ? | Abnormally Low Heart Rate Contractions & consequent slow Pulse below 60bpm. Absolute Bradycardia is less than 40bpm. |
Breech Delivery ? | A Birth where the Infant's Buttocks appear 1st insted of the head. |
Bright's Disease ? | A Disease of the Kidneys. |
Bronchitis ? | Inflammation of the Bronchial Tubes. |
Callus ? | A new Growth of Bony Tissue around a Fracture. |
Cancer ? | A Maliignant Growth. |
Carcinoma ? | Form of Cancer. |
Cardiac ? | Relating to the Heart. |
Cardiovascular ? | Relating to the Heart & Cirulatory System. |
Central Nervous System ? | The Brain & Spinal Cord. |
Cerebral ? | Relating to the Brain. |
Cerebrovascular Accident ? | Stroke. |
Chemotherapy ? | The Treatment of disease, usually Cancer,by drugs. |
Cholecystectomy ? | The Removal of the Gall Bladder. |
Cholecystitis ? | Inflammation of the Gall Bladder. |
Chronic (of disease) ? | Lasting a Long Time. |
Circumduction ? | Circular Movement of a Limb. |
Collapse ? | Severe Sudden Prostration; Sagging of an Organ of falling together of its walls. |
Colles Fracture ? | Of the Radius at the Wrist, typically produces a dinner fork defromity. |
Colic ? | Severe gripping Pain. |
Colitis ? | Inflammation of the Colon. |
Coma ? | Compleate Unconsciousness. |
Congenital ? | Present from Birth. |
Contagious ? | Communicated by bodily contact. |
Contrecoup Haemorrhage ? | Bleeding which occurs within the Skull on the Opposite side of the Skull. |
Coronary Thrombosis ? | Blockage of one of the Arteries which supply the Heart Muscle with blood. |
Cortex ? | The Outer Layer of an Organ. |
Crackles ? | Coarse or fine sounds heard through a Stethoscope which would signify Alveolar Malfunction. |
Cranial ? | Relating to the Skull. |
Cyanosis ? | Dusky Bluish Tinge to the Skin due to Lack of Oxygen. |
Cyst ? | A Hollow Swelling containing Fluid or soft material. |
Cystitis ? | Inflammation of the Urinary Bladder. |
Death ? | The state in which, in the opinion of a Doctor, life is extinct. |
Debility ? | Weakness. |
Defibrillation ? | Correction of Ventricular Fibrillation by Electric Shock. |
Degenerative ? | Involving Deterioration of a Tissue or Organ. |
Dermatitis ? | Inflammation of the Skin. |
Dermatology ? | The Study of the Skin & its Disease. |
Diabetes Mellitus ? | Disease caused by Insulin Deficiency. |
Diarrhoea ? | A Persistant Lossening of the Bowels. |
Diastole ? | The resting period between Heartbeats when Blood flows into the Heart. |
Diptheria ? | An Infectious Disease caused by a Bacillus attacking the Mucous Membrane of the Throat. |
Discharge ? | Substance leaving the body. An in-patient who is been sent home. |
Disinfection ? | Destruction of Germs. |
Disinfestation ? | Cleaning from Lice, Fleas, or other Parasites. |
Dropsy ? | Excess Fluid in the Tissues, especially the Legs. |
Dysentery ? | Inflammation of the Large Intestine resulting in frequent Bloodstained Motions. |
Dysphagia ? | Interference with the act of Swallowing. |
Dyspnoea ? | Difficult or Laboured Breathing. |
Eclampsia ? | Fits which may occur when patient is suffering from Toxaemia of Pregnancy. |
Eczema ? | An Irritating Eruption of the skin. |
Electro-Cardiogram (ECG) ? | A tracing of the Heart's Action made by recording its Electrical Activity. |
Electro-Convulsive Treatment (ECT) ? | Treatment of Mental Disorders by passing Electric Shocks through the Brain whilst the patient is Anaesthetised. |
Electro-Encephalograph (EEG) ? | A machine recording the Rhythmical Changes of the Electric Potential of the Brain caused by the Discharges of Energy by Nerve Cells. |
Embolism ? | Blockage of a Blood Vessel by a Blood Clot, an Air Bubble, Fat or a Foreign Body originating from elsewhere in the body. |
Emphysema ? | The Abnormal Presence of an Air in Tissues or Cavities in the body. |
Encephhalitis ? | Inflamation of the Brain. |
Endemic ? | Occuring Repeatedly in a Particular Place. |
Endocarditis ? | Inflammation of the Lining of the Heart. |
Endocrine ? | Secreating within. Applied to those Glands whose secreations (Hormones) flow directly into the Blood. |
Enteritis ? | Inflammation of the Bowels. |
Entonox ? | An Analggesic mixture of Nitrous Oxide & Oxygen to give relief to patients in Severe Pain. |
Epidemic ? | An Infectious Disease which Attacks a large number of people in a locality at the same time. |
Epilepsy ? | Convulsive Fits caused by a Disorder of the Brain. |
Epistaxis ? | Nose Bleed. |
Eversion ? | Turning Outwards. |
Excreta ? | The natural Discharges from the body: Feaces, Urine & Sweat. |
Exhalation ? | The act of breathing out. |
Extension ? | A pull applied to a fracture, dislocated or contracted limb to keep it straight. |
External ? | Outer. |
Exudate ? | Accumulation of Fluid in body Tissue or Cavities. |
Faeces ? | The discharge from the bowels. |
Fever ? | A rise in body Temperature. |
Fibrillation ? | Uncoordinated Contraction of Muscle Fibres in the Heart. |
Fistula ? | Abnormal passage from one Internal Cavity to another or to the Surface. |
Flowmeter ? | Gauge attached to the outlet of a gas cylinder to indicate the rate of flow of the gas in litres per minute. |
Foetus ? | An unbord child, after the end of the third month of pregnancy. |
Fomites ? | Articles (eg clothing, bedding, books,etc) which have been used by a patient suffering from Contagious Disease & are capable of Transmitting it. |
Gangrene ? | Death of Tissues due to failure of its Blood Supply. |
Gas Gangrene ? | Gangrene associated with Infection by an Aerobic Gas producing Germ. |
Gastric ? | Relating to the Stomach. |
Gastro-Enteritis ? | Inflammation of the Stomach & Intestines. |
Glandular Fever ? | An Infectious Disease charicterised by Fever & the Enlargement & Tenderness of the Lymphatic Glands. |
Glaucoma ? | Disease of the Eye. |
Glyceril Trinitrate ? | A Substance given to Increase the Coronary Blood flow by causing Coronary Artery Vasodilation. |
Haematemesis ? | Vomiting Blood from the Stomach. |
Haematology ? | The Study of Blood & Diseases of the Blood. |
Haematoma ? | A Swelling filled with Blood: a Bruise. |
Haematuria ? | Blood in the Urine. |
Haemodialysis ? | Blood Filtering by use of Kidney machine. |
Haemophillia ? | An Inherited Disease in which the Blood lacks the power to Clot. |
Haemoptysis ? | Coughing up Blood. |
Haemorrhage ? | Bleeding. |
Haemothorax ? | Bleeding in the Chest Cavity. |
Hemiplegia ? | Paralysis of one side of the body. |
Hepatic ? | Relating to the Liver. |
Hepatitis ? | Inflammation of the Liver. |
Hereditary ? | Transmitted from on's Forebears. |
Hernia ? | Rupture. |
Herpes Zoster ? | Shingles. |
Hodgkin's Disease ? | Malignant Disease of Lymphoid Tissue. |
Hydrocephalus ? | Enlargement of the Ventricles of the Brain. |
Hygiene ? | The Science of Preserving Health. |
Hyperemesis ? | Excessive Vomiting. |
Hyperglycaemia ? | Excessive Sugar in the Blood - a feature of Diabetes Mellitus. |
Hyperpyrexia ? | Excessiely High Body Temperature (over 40'C) |
Hypoglycaemia ? | Low Blood Sugar. |
Hypothermia ? | Excessively Low Body Temperature (below 35'C) |
Hysterectomy ? | Surgical removal of the Womb. |
Ilness ? | Any condition, Mental or Physical, requiring treatment or nursing. |
Immunisation ? | Introduction of a Substance into the Body in order to Prodeuce Immunity. |
Immunity ? | The Ability of the Body to Resist Infection by a Specific Disease. |
Impetigo ? | Acute Contagious Sptty Inflammation of the Skin. |
Incontinent ? | Unable to control the passage of faeces or urine or both. |
Infarct ? | An area of Dead Tissue in an Organ, caused by Obstruction of an Artery. |
Infectious Disease ? | A Disease which can be Passed from person to person, directly or indirectly. |
Inferior ? | Lower. |
Infusion ? | The introduction of Fluid (eg Blood, Saline solution, Dextrose) into the Body Intravenously. |
Ingestion ? | The process of taking food into the body through the mouth. |
Inhalation ? | The act of breathing in. |
Inoculation ? | Immunisation. |
Insulin ? | Endocrine Secretion of the Pancreas which regulates Sugar Mtabolism. |
Intubation ? | The Introduction of a Tube through the Larynx into the Trachea to maintain a clear, protected Airway. |
Ischaemia ? | Deficiency of Blood in a part of the body. |
Isolation ? | Separation from the other people of a person suffering from infectious disease. |
Jaundice ? | Yellow Discolouration of the Skin. Disease causing this Discolouration. |
Laryngectomy ? | A person who has had total or partial surgical Removal of the Larynx. |
Larynx ? | Voice Box. |
Lateral ? | Relating to the side;away from the Midline. |
Lesion ? | An Injury, Wound or structural change in an Organ. |
Leukaemia ? | A Disease of the Blood charicterised by an Increase of White Blood Cells. |
Lumbage ? | Pain in the small of the Back. |
Lumbar ? | Pertaing to the Loins. |
Malignant ? | Reccurrent or Incurable & tending to become increasingly severe. |
Medial ? | Near the Midline. |
Median ? | On the Midline. |
Meninges ? | The Three Membranes covering the Brain & Spinal Cord. |
Meningitis ? | Inflammation ot the Meninges. |
Metabolisim ? | The process of Transfoming Foodstuffs & Oxygen into Body Tissue, Energy & Waste Products. |
Miscarriage ? | Abortion; the Expulsion of the Foetus before the 28th week of Pregnancy. |
Monoplegia ? | Paralysis of One Limb. |
Mucus Extractor ? | An Instument for Withdrawing Mucus from the Air Passages, usually in newborn babies. |
Multiple Sclerosis ? | Disseminated Sclerosis. |
Narcosis ? | A state of Unconsciousness produced by a Narcotic Drug. |
Neoplasm ? | An Abnrmal Formation of New Tissue. |
Nephritis ? | Inflammation of the Kidney. |
Nephroma ? | Kidney Tumour. |
Neurology ? | The Study of Diseases of the Nervous System. |
Neurosurgery ? | Surgery of the Nervous System. |
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) ? | Laughing gas; Analgesic Compound known better as Entonox. |
Oesophagus ? | The Gullet. |
Ophthalmic ? | Relating to the Eye. |
Orthopaedic ? | Relating to the Prevention & Treatment of Bone illnesses. |
Osteology ? | The Study of Bones. |
Osteomyelitis ? | Inflammation of Bone & Marrow. |
Paraplegia ? | Paralysis of the Lower Limbs. |
Paratyphoid ? | An Infectious Disease resembling Typhoid Fever. |
Pathogenic ? | Causing Disease. |
Pathology ? | The Study of Diseases. The Examination of Tissues & Body products for evidence of Disease. |
Peripheral ? | On the Outside or Outer Edges. |
Peritonitis ? | Inflammation of the Lining of the Abdominal Cavity. |
Phlebitis ? | Inflammation of a Vein which tends to the Formation of a Blood Clot. |
Placenta ? | Afterbirth. |
Pleurisy ? | Inflammation of the Covering of the Lungs. |
Pneumonia ? | Inflammation of the Lungs. |
Poliomyelitis ? | Infectious Disease affecting Central Nervous System, sometimes producing Paralysis. |
Post-Natal ? | After the Birth. |
Post-Partum ? | After Childbirth. |
Posterior ? | Behind. |
Prone ? | Lying with the Face Downward. |
Psychosomatic ? | Pertaining to the Interaction. |
Pulmonary ? | Relating to the Lungs. |
Pyelitis ? | Inflammation of the Cavity of the Kidney. |
Pyrexia ? | Body Temperature Higher than normal. |
Quadriplegia ? | Paralysis of all Four Limbs. |
Quinsy ? | An Abscess on the Tonsil. |
Rales ? | Abnormal Breath Sounds that usually signal the presence of Fluid in the Lower Airways. |
Recumbent ? | Lying Down. |
Renal ? | Relating to the Kidney. |
Repiratory System ? | The Organs of Breathing. |
Retention (of Urine) ? | Inability to pass Urine. |
Rhonchi ? | Rattling Respiratory Sounds Usually caused by Secreations in the Bronchial Tubes. |
Ringworm ? | Contagious Skin Disease charicterised by Circular Pink Patches. |
Rubella ? | German Measles. |
Rupture ? | Escape of all or part of an Internal Organ through or between the structures whish contain it (eg protrusion of the Bowels through a small gap in the Abdominal Wall) |
Scabies ? | A Contagious Itching Skin Disease caused by a Mite. |
Scarletina ? | Scarlet Fever. |
Sedation ? | Reduction of Anxiety by the use of Drugs. |
Semi-Recumbent ? | In half Sitting Position. |
Sepsis ? | Describes the condition of Infection of the Body by Pus-Forming Bacteria. |
Shingles ? | Disease in which Small, Painful Blisters are distributed on the Skin along the area of Disturbance of a Nerve due to Infection by Herpes Zoster Virus. |
Sinus ? | a Cavity connecting with the Outside of the Body. |
Spondylitis ? | Inflammation of the Spine. |
Spondylosis ? | Condition in which Spinal Bones Lock. |
Sputum ? | Phlegm. |
Stoma ? | An Artificially created Opening, such as that made by Tracheostomy. |
Systole ? | The Contraction of the Heart, associated with Ejection of Blood. |
Tachycardia ? | Abnormally Rapid Heart action resulting in Rapid Pulse. |
Tachypnoea ? | Rapid Respirations. |
Tetraplegia ? | Paralysis of all Four Limbs. |
Therapy ? | Healing or Treatment. |
Thrombosis ? | The Formation of a Thrombus. |
Thrombus ? | A Stationary Blood Clot. |
Toxaemia ? | Poisoning of the Blood by the Absorption of Toxins. |
Toxic ? | Poisonous. |
Toxoid ? | A Toxin that has been Deprived of some of its Harmful properties, but which remains capable pf producing Immunity. |
Trauma ? | A wound or Injury. |
Triage ? | Sorting of Casualties according to Priority. |
Tuberculosis ? | Infectious Disease produced by the Tubercle Bacillus. |
Tumour ? | Swelling. |
Uraemia ? | Abnormal Accumulation in the bloo of Urea which is normally Excreted in the Urine. |
Urea ? | The Nitrogenous Waste product of Protein Metabolism. |
Uterus ? | The Womb. |
Ventricular Fibrillation ? | An Uncoordinated Tremor of the Ventricules resulting in Ineffective Contractions & Cardiac Arrest. |
Virus ? | A Germ smaller than Bacterium. |
Viscera ? | The Internal Organs |
Wheeze ? | High Pitched Whistling sound charicterising Obstruction or Spasm of the Lower Airways. |