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Hypothalamus The boss-controls the pituitary gland
Pituitary location at the base of the brain just beneath the hypothalamus
Anterior pituitary Hormones growth hormone, Prolactin,Thyrotropin (TSH),Adereno Corticotropic hormone (ACTH),LH,FSH
Posterior Pituitary Hormones ADH,Oxytocin
thyroids Hormones Thyroxine (T4), triiodothyrinine (T3) and calcitonin
Parathyroids hormone secretion stimulated by hypocalcemia=increases reabsorption of calcium
Pineals hormone melatonin
Thymus hormone Thymosin,thymic humoral factor, thymic factor,thymopeitin (helps produce and distribute T cells to other lymphoid organs)
Pancreas hormones Insulin, glucagon
Adrenal hormones Cortisol,Aldosterone,Epinephrine, nor epi
Ovaries Estrogen, progesterone
Testes Testosterone
The 3 types of Hormones Amines,proteins, Steroids
5 functions of hormones Growth,use food to produce energy,resistance to stress, ph of body fluids and balance of it, reproduction
ADH function increases re-absorption of Na+ which increases volume thus increasing BP
Oxytocin function Stimulates contraction of the uterus
Growth Hormone function increases growth during childhood, and in adults stimulates the release of fat from adipose when hypoglycemic
Thyrotropin (TSH) Stimulates the thyroid which releases T3 and T4
Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) Stimulates the Adrenal Cortex to release cortisol and or aldosterone
Prolactin increases milk production
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Regulated by (GnRH)-Stimulates Gonads-growth of ovarian follicles, estrogen secretion and sperm production
Lutenizing Hormone (LH) Regulated by (GnRH)-responsible for ovulation, secretes progesterone and testosterone
Diabetes Insipidus Hyposecretion of ADH-increased urination and thirst
Pituitary Dwarfism Hyposecretion of GH
Giantism hypersecretion of GH
Acromegaly Hypersecretion of GH due to tumor
Goiter Decreased T3 n T4, dietary deficiency of iodine-thyroid cells inlarge
Cretinism Hyposecretion of T3 and T4 in newborns
Myxedema Hyposecretion of T3/T4 in adults=decreased metabolic rate,S/S thickened dry yellow skin feels like dough, nonpitting edema,resp acidosis
Graves Disease Hypersecretion of T3/T4=antibodies bind to TSH receptors=stimulate excess hormone=increasesd metabolic rate (SNS) rymptoms
Thyroid Storm An acute rise in thyroid hormones=increase SNS activity-Tx Antithyroid meds (sodium iodine)
Pheochromocytoma Tumor on the adrenal medulla that produces catecholamines
Addisons Disease hyposecretion of Cortisol and Aldosterone S/S-dehydration,hyperpigmentation of skin n mucosa
Cushings Syndrome hypersecretion of cortisol or too much steroids. s/s- fat deposits in the trunk of the body, buffalo hump, skin becomes thin n fragile
hormones produced by the islets of langerhans insulin,glucagon,somatostatin
Estrogen Promotes maturation of ovum
Progesterone Promotes storage of glycogen and increase growth of blood vessels in endometrium
Testosterone Promotes maturation of sperm
Inhibin Secreted due to increased testosterone=decreases secretions of FSH by anterior pituitary, maintains constant rate of sperm
Created by: rebeccabelleth
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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