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LRT/P/L anatomy

Respiratory anatomy directed study modules, Ward/Hanna 1/7/13

Motor innervation of pharynx X
Sensory innervation of pharynx IX
Muscles of the pharynx Pharyngeal constrictors, Palatopharyngeus, Slapingopharyngeus, Levator veli palatini, Palatoglossus
Lesion of CN X would present as Dysphagia, Absence of the gag reflex, soft palate would sag, uvula would deviate to contralateral side
Space between the left and right vocal cords is the Rima glottidis
Where is the epiglottis located Junction between the oral cavity and the larynx
Epiglottis has what epithelium Both stratified squamous and respiratory epithelium
The true vocal folds are located Inferior to the false vocal fold
The false fold has what epithelium Respiratory
The true folds have what epithelium Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Prolonged coughing and irritation can cause respiratory epithelium to undergo metaplasia to become Stratified squamous epithelium
All laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid are innervated by Inferior laryngeal n
The lateral cricoarytenoid does what? Adducts and lowers volume
Arytenoids do what? Adduct arytenoid cartilages to lower volume
Posterior cricoarytenoid does what? Abducts vocal folds to allow for air to pass through and to raise volume
Cricothyroid does what? Tilts the thyroid cartilage to increase the length of and tightens the vocal cords as well as raising the pitch of your voice
Cricothyroid is innervated by External laryngeal n
Thyroarytenoid does what? Shortens and relaxes vocal folds to lower pitch
Vocalis does what? Minute adjustments to volume and pitch
Internal laryngeal n supplies innervation to Sensory of middle cavity and vestibule
Simple cuboidal epithelium is indicative of Glands
C shaped hyaline cartilage is found in the Trachea
Spiral smooth muscle bundles in bronchi are called Muscularis
Cartilage plates are seen in Bronchi
Terminal bronchioles mark the end of the Conducting system
Non-ciliated, domed, cuboidal cells line the Bronchioles
Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in which pump Cl-
Type 1 pneumocytes Simple squamous cells that are very flat and allow gas diffusion
Type 2 pneumocytes Produces surfactant
Two types of emphysema Genetic and Acquired- both are due to a deficiency in alpha1 antitrypsin which protects elastic tissue from macrophage activity
Visceral pleura cell type Simple squamous epithelium-mesothelium
Inferior border of the lungs Anterior 6, lateral 8, posterior 10
Line of pleural reflection Anterior 8, Lateral 10, Posterior 12
Safest place for a thoracocentisis Anterior 6-8, lateral 8-10, Posterior 10-12
Created by: mcasto
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