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Infectious Dx
Question | Answer |
Sterilization | destroys all forms of microbial life |
high level disinfectant | destroys all forms of microbial lie except high numbers of bacterial spores-hot water press |
Intermediate disinfectant | destroys mycobacterium tuberculosis, most viruses,vegatative bacteria n fungi but not bacterial spores |
Low level disinfection | destroys most bacteria and some fungi |
Environmental disinfection | cleans soil surfaces in the enviornment, floors,countertops |
complement system | group proteins that coat bacteria and help to kill them directly |
Reticuloendothelial system | works with the lymphatic system to dispose of debris that results from the immune system attack on invading organisms |
Virulence | degree of pathogenicity |
Asymptomatic carrier | a person who can pass the pathogen to others without showing sign of illness |
Portal of exit | the method by which a pathogenetic agent leaves one host to invade another |
Direct transmission | the physical contact between the source and the victim |
Indirect transmission | organsim survives on animate or inanimate object for a time without human host |
Portal of entry | means by which the pathogenic agent enters a new host |
Bacteria | can self reproduce , |
Low level disinfection | destroys most bacteria and some fungi |
Environmental disinfection | cleans soil surfaces in the enviornment, floors,countertops |
complement system | group proteins that coat bacteria and help to kill them directly |
Reticuloendothelial system | works with the lymphatic system to dispose of debris that results from the immune system attack on invading organisms |
Virulence | degree of pathogenicity |
Asymptomatic carrier | a person who can pass the pathogen to others without showing sign of illness |
Portal of exit | the method by which a pathogenetic agent leaves one host to invade another |
Direct transmission | the physical contact between the source and the victim |
Indirect transmission | organsim survives on animate or inanimate object for a time without human host |
Portal of entry | means by which the pathogenic agent enters a new host |
Bacteria | can self reproduce , produce toxins more toxic that the bacterium itself |
Viruses | living organisms without a nucleus, must invade host cells to reproduce |
protozoa | single celled microorganisms, more complex than bacteria |
MRSA | AKA staph, most common cause of skin infections, resistant to pennicillan, |
C-diff (clostridium difficile) | bacterium that is present in small numbers in the intestines, can be spread through fecal oral route |
Latenet period | begins when the pathogen invades the body, infectious agent cannot be passed or shed to someone else |
Latent infection | inactove infection that can still be shed and produce symptoms |
Latent disease | periods of inacticity either before s/s appear or between attacks |
Incubation period | interval between exposure, no pathogen and the first onset of symptoms |
Communicability period | follows the latent period, lasts as long as the agent is present and can spread to other hosts |
Disease perios | follows the incubation period, may or may not produce symptoms |
HIV | present in blood and serum, results from one or 2 retroviruses that convert genetic RNA to DNAafter entering host cell.two types HIV1 and HIV2, |
CD4 T cell | the cell receptor sought by HIV, allows virus to enter and infect and damage other cells |
CATEGORY A-Acute retroviral infection | occurs 2-4 wks after exposure.lasts 1-2 weeks, transient decrease in CD4-T cell count |
Seroconversion | occurs 6-12 weeks, CD4 T-cell count returns to normal |
Asymptomatic infection | enlarged lymph nodes, decline in CD4 count |
CATEGORY B-Early symptomatic HIV | CD4 count 100-300, thrush, esophagitis, vaginitits, oral lesions, shingles PID, neuropathy, fever diarrhea longer than 1 month |
CATEGORY C-Late symptomatic HIV | CD4 cell count 0-200, oppurtunistic infections start |
Advanced HIV | CD4 count 0-50, limited life expectancy |
Post exposure prophylaxis | within 2 hrs of exposure- NRTI's,protease inhibitors PI's |
HAV-Hepatitis A | -most common type,acquired bin ingestion, and oral fecal route,only type that does not lead to chronic liver disease, IgG provides temp immunity |
HBV-Hepatitis B | found in blood and in secretions containing serum,,may produce chrominc infection, lasts less than 6 months, carrier state may be for yrs. low grade fever, malaise,doagulation defects, pancreatits, hepatic cancer |
HCV-Hepatitis C | bloodborn, blood transfusions before 92, most often results from needle sticks. -85% of healthcare workers infected become carriers.not easily spread thru sex, mostly asymptomatic |
TB | leading killer of people with HIV, chronic pulmonary dx. acquired thru inhalation of a dried droplet ucleus containing tb-suceptibility highest in <3 and >65, chroncally ill, malnourished, immune compromised.TX:4 drug regimen, INH,RIF,PZA,EMB or SM |
Meningococcal meningitis(spinal meningitits) | inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the spinal cord and brain |
Pathogens that cause meningitis | streptoccocus pneumoniae,Haemophilus influenzae,Neisseria meningitidis |
Viral Meningitis (aseptic meningitis) | associated with an excisting systemic viral disease, less severe than bacterial mengts,pt recovers fully, s/s= |
Nuchal rigidity | stiff neck from meningeal irritation |
Brudzinski sign | involuntary flexion of the arm, hip and knee when the neck is passively flexed |
Kernig's sign | loss of the ability in a seated or supine pt to completely extend the leg when the thigh is flexed on the abdomen |
Bacterial Meningitis | most significant in neonates and children 6months to 2 yrs-S/S HA,stif neck, AMS,petichia and purpura |
Waterhouse Friderichsen Syndrome | acute adrenal insufficiency, convulsions, coma and disseminated intravascular coagulation |
Bacterial Endocarditis | inflammation of he endocardium and one or more heart valves-most common in pts >60 as a result of degenerative valve disease. |
Janeway lesions-from ^ | red painless skin spots located on the palms and soles |
Oslers nodes ^ | red painful nodes in the pads of the fingers and toes |
Pneumonia | acute inflammation of the bronchioles and alveoli, spread by droplets , indirect and direct contact with respiratory secretions.can be bacterial, viral or fungal |
Bacterial pneumonia TX | analgesics,decongestants,expectorants and antibiotic therapy |
Tetanus | CNS disease,caused by infection of a wound from Clostridium Tetani-spores live maily in soil and manure-occurs mostly in >50yrs old. S/S-trismus,muscular tetany,abd rigidity,resp failure-TX:diazepam, lorazepam,mag,TIG (tettanus immunoglobulin, DPT shot |
Rabies-incubation 9days -7yrs | acute viral infection of the CNS-infection depends on, severity of wound,richness in nerve supply,distance from CNS,amount of strain and protection from clothing.s/s-fever,HA,seizures, no appetite,intense thirst but cannot drink due to throat spasms |
Hanta Virus | hemmoraghic fever with renal syndrome -carried by rodents,transmitted by inhalation of aerosol material contaminated with urine or feces.S/S-fever,malaise,resp distress,capillary hemmorage,kidney failure |
Rubella | mild, febrile and highly communicable VIRAL disease,spread by direct contact with nasopharyngeal secretions or droplet spray from an infected person or transplacentally.s/s-punctuate, macular rash spreads from forehead to face and torso n ext. lasts 3days |
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) | affects 90% pf ifants born to women infected with rubella during the 1st trimester, causes mental retardation,deafness,congenital heart disease and sepsis |
Rubeola | acute highly communicable VIRAL dx, caused my measles.s/s=conjuctivitis,cough,bronchitis, blotchy red rash.passed thru contact with respiratory secretions, invades the resp epithelium-most serious complication is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
Koplik spots | white spots inside of the cheek |
Mumps | acute communicable VIRAL dx.localized edema of one or more salivary glands usually the parotid-passed thru direct contact with saliva droplets,s/s-painful inflammation of the testicles, testicular atrophy, effects pancreas also |
Chickenpox | caused by varicella-zoster(herpes family)- direct or indirect contact, s/s-sudden onset of low grade fever, mild malaise and a skin eruption that is maculopapular for a few hrs,vesicular for 3-4 days, when older its shingles |
Pertussis | affects infants and young children,caused by boredtella pertussis, spread by direct contact with discharge from mucous membranes in airborne droplets.lasts 1-2 months.TX:erythromycin |
Influenza | spread by droplets in air,s/schills fever,HA,aches,fatigue-lasts 2-7 days,TX:flumist, flu vaccine every fall |
Mononucleosis | caused by eppstein-barre virus or cytomegalovirus-(herpes family),spread viaoropharyngeal route n saliva.s/s-fever,sore throatenlarged lymphs,abd pain |
Syphillis | primary lesions, secondary eruption involving the skin and mucous membranes, long latency perios,late serious lesions of the skin, bones, viscera, CNS and cardia system- cuased by TREPONEMA PALLIDUM,30% of exposure reults in infection |
Syphillis-primary stage | within 10-90 days,a lesion develops at site of exposure, crusted or ulcerated,1-2 cm diameter, highly contagious during this perios |
Syphillis-secondary stage | begins 2-10wks after primary lesion,systemic symptoms develop.s/s-HA,malais, anorexia, fever, sore throat,lymphadenopathy bald spots in area of infection.painless wartlike regions (condylomata lata)extremely infectious |
Latency | follows the secondary stage, from 1-40yrs, recurrent episodes of secondary stage,tertiary syphilis involves, skin, CNS and cardiac systems, spinal degeneration (tabes dorsalis) |
Gonorrhea | Caused by NEISSERIA GONNORRHOEAE, transmitted by fluids and pus, affets both sexes,affetcs genitalia, can cause sterility |
Chlamydia | major cause of STD nonspecific urethritis or nongonoccal genital infection, most common std, LEADING CAUSE OF PREVENTABLE BLINDNESS TX:antibiotocs |
Herpes Simplex Virus | HSV-a-above the waist, HSV-2-below the waist,skin to skin contact with infected area(herpatic whitlow)-infection from touchin the herpes virus on finger.HSV-a occurs before 4yrs,HSV2 from sexual activity-stays latent in the ganglion |
Lice | eggs hatch in 7-10days, nymph stage 7-13 dys, egg to egg cycle lasts 3 weeks, cause small red macule and pruitis, secondary infection results from scratching, spread thru clothes, bedding |
Pubic lice | look lilke small crabs, cuase gray blue spots to the abdomen and thighs, seen in eyelashes,eyebrows,and axillary hair as well. intense scratching |
Head lice | elongated body. 3 pairs of legs, affect children mostly |
Body lice | larger than head lice,concentrate around waist, shoulders, axillae and neck,cause small noninflammatory red spots, become papular wheals that resemble linear scratch marks |
Scabies | completes its life cycle on the epidermis of host, concentrated around hands and feet and webbing of fingers and toes.from intimate contact and bedding clothes.s/s-severe nocturnal pruitislife span 1 month |