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Animal Health 2

Disease Determinants & Transmission

Def: Disease Deviation of the normal of any part of the body
Def: Etiology Cause of disease
[D]amnit degenerative, developmental, dementia
d[A]mnit allergic, autoimmune, anomaly
da[M]nit metabolic, mechanical
dam[N]it nutritional, neoplastic
damn[I]t inflammatory, immune, iatrogenic, ischemic, idiopathic
damni[T] trauma, toxin
Def: Iatrogenic caused by therapy or care-giver
Def: Idiopathic unknown cause
Def: Ischemic stroke, lack of blood flow
Def: Agrocerysis not enough food
Agent factors nutrient, chemical, physical, infectious
Host factors genetics, gender, physiology, age, immune status,, concurrent diseases
Environmental factors physical, biological, socioeconomic
Infectious agents bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, prions
Bacterial agents salmonella, E. coli, tetanus
Viral agents herpes, influenza, parvo, PRRS, rabies
Fungal agents ringworm
Parasitic agents protozoa(coccidia, giardia, toxoplasma. Metazoa (flukes, worms, mites, ticks, fleas)
Prion agents BSE 'mad cow disease'
Def: Infectious caused by micro-organisms
Def: Non-infectious Not caused by micro-organisms: cancer, nutritional, trauma, etc.
Def: Contagious infectious disease spread between animals
Def: Flora pests, parasites, food
Def: Fauna plants, food
Def: Infection Entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent
Def: Infectivity Ability of living agent to cause infection
Def: Incubation Exposure to Infectious agent to onset of disease
Def: Induction: Exposure to Non-Infectious agent to onset of disease
Def: "Iceberg Effect" amount of disease that is clinically apparent
Def: Quarantine Isolation used to detect clinically unapparent infection
Def: Pathogenicity Ability for infectious agent to cause disease
Def: Virulence Ability for agent to cause severe diease
Primary disease usually mild CHRONIC INFECTIOUS disease. weakens immune system. disrupts physical defenses
Secondary disease immune system overload. results in severe pathogenic disease.
Def: Morbidity sick / exposed
Def: Mortality Dead / exposed
Def: Acute early stages. few to no signs
Def: Chronic Lat stages. may be beyond treatment. agent may be gone but residual damage
Def: Terminal Dead
Def: Contagious Infectious disease that can be spread
Def: Contamination Presence of infectious agent on exterior surface
Def: Pollution Presence of offensive matter in environment
Def: Reservoir living or inanimate matter in which an infectious agent normally lives an multiplies
Def: Vector Living invertebrate that carries an infectious agent to a susceptible host
Def: Primary Vehicle secretions, excretions, and other bodily fluis/tissues of infected host
Def: Secondary Vehicle Inanimate object contaminated with primary disease
Def: Carrier animal that harbors an infectious agent without showing clinical disease
Def: Incubationary Prior to clinical signs
Def: Concalescent After clinical signs have subsided
Def: Intermittent After recovery (sporadic)
Def: Chronic Extended periods (typhoid)
Def: Healthy Never shows clinical signs
Def: Portal of Entry how agent gets into host
types of PoE Oral, Aerosolized, copulation
Def: Portal of Exit How agent is released from reservoir
Horizontal Direct Contact with animal. aerosolization, fecal-oral, food
Horizontal Indirect Secondary Vehicles, Vectors
Def: Mechanical vector carries agent
Def: Biological agent changes (life cycle)
Def: Vertical Transovarian
Hydration eyelids, edema, skin tent
Head expression, carriage, symetry
Mouth Salivation, odor, MM, teeth
CRT Cap. refill time 2-3 sec
Eyes outside to inside.
PLR Pupilary light response
Def: Nystagmus Abnormal side to side movement (CNS prob)
Third eyelid Nicitating membrane
Def: Miosis pinpoint pupils
Def: Mydriasis dilated pupils
Def: Anisocoria Unequal pupil size
Def: Dyspnia Difficult breathing
Def: Serous Watery often viral
Def: Purulent Pus. often bacterial
Def: Hemmorhagic / Epistaxis bloody
Def: Mycosis fungal infections (equine)
Increased respiration depth alkalosis, sick
Rapid shallow breath Acidosis
Def: Dyspnea Labored breathing
Ballotment indicates what? fluid in AB
INT = Integument
Integument = Skin
TPR Temp, Pulse, Resp
Created by: maggiemae
Popular Medical sets




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