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LPT abbre & term
abbreviations and terminology
Question | Answer |
a, an | without, not, lack of |
analgesic | without pain |
apnea | without breath |
anoxia | without oxygen |
ante: | before, infront of |
antepartum | before delivery |
bi: | two, twice, double |
bifocal | two lenes |
brady: | slow |
bradypnea | |
bradycardia | slow pulse, heatbeat |
bradypnea | slow breathing |
contra: | aginst |
contraceptive | prevents pregnancy |
dis: | apart,free from |
disinfected | free from microorganisms |
dissect | cute apart |
dys: | bad, painful |
dysuria | painful urination |
dyspnea | difficult breathing |
endo: | inner |
endoscope | insterument for examing the inside of organ |
endocardium | within the heart |
endometrium | within the uterus |
epi: | on, upon, over |
epidermis | outer layer of skin |
erythro | red |
erythrocyte | red blood cell |
ex | out, away from |
exhale | to breath out |
hemi: | half |
hemisphere | one of two parts of the brain |
hemiplegia | partial paralysis |
hyper | to much, high |
hypertersion | high blood pressure |
hypo | below, under |
hypotersion | low blood pressure |
inter: | between, within |
interdisciplinary | between disciplines |
intercostals | between ribs |
leuk: | white |
leukopenia | decrease in white blood cells |
mal: | bad, ilness, disorder |
malformed | badly made |
micro: | small |
microscpic | too small for the eye to see |
microcephaly | small head |
olig: | small,scant |
oliguria | small amout of urine |
patho: | disease, suffering |
pathology | study of disease |
pathogenic | capable of causing disease |
per: | by, though |
perforate | to make a hole through |
peri: | around |
pericardium | sac around the heart |
periosteum | covering of bone |
periodontal disease | disease of tissue around the teeth |
poly: | many, much |
polyuria | much urine |
post: | after, behind |
postmortem | period after death |
postsurgical | after surgery |
pre: | before, in front of |
prenatal | period before birth |
premenstrual | before menses |
sub: | under, beneath |
subcutaneous | beneath the skin |
supra: | above, over |
suprapelvic | located above the pelvis |
tachy: | swifty, fast, rapid |
tachycardia | rapid heartbeat |
Abdomin(o): | abdomen |
abdominal | pertaining to the abdomen |
aden (o): | gland |
adenitis | inflammation of a gland |
angi (o): | vessel |
angioplasty | surgical repair of a vessel using a balloon |
arerio: | artery |
arteriosclerosis | hardening of artery walls |
arthr (o): | joint |
arthrotomy | cut into the a joint |
brachi (o): | arm |
brachial | pertaining to the arm |
bronchi, bronch (o): | bronchus |
bronchopneumonia | inflammation of lungs |
bronchitis | infammation of bronchchial tree |
card, cardi (o): | heart |
cardiology | study of the heart |
cardiologist | doctor who specializes in the heart |
cephal(o): | head |
cephalalgia | headache |
cerebr (o): | cerebrum |
Cerebrospinal | pertaining to the brain and spinal cord |
chole, chol(o): | bile |
cholecystitis | inflammation of the gall bladder |
colo: | colon |
colonoscopy | examination of the large intestine or colon with a scope |
cost (o): | rib |
costochondral | pertaining to a rib |
intercostals | in between the ribs |
crani (o): | skull |
craniotomy | cutting into the skull |
cyan(o): | blue |
cyanosis | blue,gray or purple tinge to the skin due to lack of oxygen in the blood |
cyst(o): | bladder, cyst |
cystitis | inflammation of the bladder |
derm, derma: | skin |
dermatits | inflammation of the skin |
duoden(o): | duodenum |
duodenal | pertaining to the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine |
encephal(o): | brain |
encephalitis | inflammation of the brain |
gaster(o)gastro: | stomach |
gastritis | inflammation of the stomach |
geron: | aged |
gerontology | study of the aged |
gluco: | sweet |
glucometer | device used to measure blood glucose |
glyco, glye | sweet |
glycosuria | glucose (surgar) in the urine |
gyneco, glye | women |
gynecology | study of diseases of the female reproductive organs |
hema,hemato,hemo: | blood |
hematuria | blood in the urine |
hepato: | liver |
hepatomegaly | enlargement of the liver |
hyster(o): | uterus |
hysterctomy | sugical removal of the uterus |
ile (o) ili (o): | ileum |
ileorrhaphy | sugical repair of the ileum |
laryng (o): | larynx |
laryngectomy | excision of the larynx |
lymph(o) | lymph |
lymohocyte | type of white blood cell |
mast (o): | breast |
mastectomy | excision of the breast |
melan(o): | black |
melanoma | mole or tumor, maybe cancerous |
mening(o):meninges; | membranes covering the spinal cord or brain |
meniegitis | inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord or brain |
necro: | death |
necrotic | dead tissue |
nephr (o): | kidney |
nephrectomy | removal of a kidney |
neur (o): | nerve |
neuritis | inflammation of a nerve |
onc (o): | tumor |
oncology | study of tumors |
ophthalm(o): | eye |
ophthalmologist | eye doctor |
oste (o): | bone |
osteoarthritis | disease of the joints |
ot (o): | ear |
otology | science of the ear |
pharyng (o): | pharynx |
pharyngitis | inflammation of the throat, sore throat |
phelb (o): | vein |
phebitis | inflammation of a vein |
pneo (a): | breathing |
apnea | without breathing |
pneum: | air, gas, respiration |
pneumomia | inflammation of the lung |
pod(o): | foot |
podiatrist | foot doctor |
proct (o): | anus, rectum |
proctology | study of the rectum |
pulm(o): | lung |
pulmonary | relating to the lung |
splen (o): | spleen |
splenmegaly | enlarged spleen |
stomat (o): | mouth |
stomatitis | inflammation of mouth |
therm(o): | hot, heat |
thermometer | measures temperature |
thorac (o): | chest |
thoracotomy | incision into chest wall |
thromb (o): | blood clot |
thrombus | blood clot blocking a vessel |
toxic (o), tox (o): | poison |
toxicology | study of poison |
trache (o): | trachea, windpipe |
tracheostomy | incision to make an artifieial airway |
urethr(o): | urethra |
urethritis | infalmmation of urethra |
-leuko | white |
leukocyte | white blood cell |
erytho: | red |
erythrocyte | red blood cell |
-cyan | blue |
cyanosis | blue discoloration of skin |
-melan: | black |
melanoma | black malignant tumor primariy of the skin |
-chlor: | green |
chlorama | green malignant tumor |
-xanth: | yellow |
xanthopsia | abnormal vision in which everything has a yellow hue |
xasthoses | yellow discoloration of tissue of malignant diseases |
-cyte: | cell |
leukocyte | white blood cell |
-ectomy: | excision, removal of |
splenectomy | removal of spleen |
-emesis | vomiting |
hyperemesis | excessive vomiting |
-emia: | blood condition |
anemia | lack of red blood cells |
-ism: | a condition |
hyperthyroidism | condition caused by a an excessive production of thyrioid hormones |
-itis: | inflammation |
stomatitis | infammation of the mouth |
-logy: | study of |
hematology | study of the blood |
-megaly | enlargement |
splenomegaly | enlarged spleen |
-oma: | tumor |
melanoma | mole or tumor, may be cancerous |
-osis: | condition |
halitosis | bad breath |
-ostomy: | creation of an opening |
ileostomy | creation of an opening into the ileum |
-pathy: | disease |
myopathy | disease of the muscle |
-penia | lack |
leukopenia | a lacl of white blood cells |
-phagia | to eat |
dysphagia | difficulty swallowing |
-phasia: | speaking |
aphasia | absence of speaking |
-phobia | exaggerated fear |
-plasty: | surgical repair |
angioplasty | surgical repair of a vessel using a balloon |
-plegia: | paralysis |
paraplegia | paralysis of lower portion of the body |
-rrhage: | excessive flow |
hemorrhage | excessive flow of blood |
-scopy: | examination using a scope |
colonoscopy | examination of the large intestine or colon with a scope |
-stomy: | creation of an opening |
colostomy | opening into the colon |
-tomy: | incision, cutting into |
thoracotomy | incision into chest wall |
-uria: | condition of the urine |
dysuria | painful urination |
a | before |
*HS/hs | hours of sleep write: bedtime |
a.c. | before meals |
a.p./AP | apical pulse |
abd | abdomen |
ac, a.c. | before meals |
ad lib | as desired |
ADLs | activies of daily living |
am,AM | morning |
Amb | ambulate, ambulatory |
amt. | amount |
approx. | approximately |
as tol | as tolerated |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
assist | assistance |
ax | axillary |
BID,b.i.d. | two times a day |
BM | bowel movement |
BP, B/P | blood pressure |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy |
BPM | beats per minute |
BR | bedrest |
C | centigrade, Celsius |
c | with |
c/o | complains of , in care of |
Ca/CA | calcim, cancer, carcinoma |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
cal. | calorie |
cath. | catheter |
CBC | complete blood count |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
C-diff | clostridium difficile |
CHD | coronary heart disease |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
chol | cholesterol |
ck | check |
cl liq | clear liquid |
cm | centimeter |
CNA | certified nursing assistant |
CNP | certified nurse practitioner |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CP | cerebral palsy |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CRF | chronic renal failure |
CVA | cerebrocascular accident, stroke |
DC, d/c | Discontinue |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
DOB | date of birth |
DON | director of nursing |
Dr. | Dorctor |
drsg | Dressing |
DVT | deep vein thrombosis |
Dx/dx | diagnosis |
e.g. | for example |
ECG,EKG | electrocardiogram |
EENT | eye, ear, nose and throat |
ER | emergency room |
exam | examination |
F | fahrenheit, female |
F/U, f/u | Follow up |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
Fe | iron |
FF | force fluids |
Fld | fluids |
FWB | full weight bearing |
fx | Fracture |
FYI | for your information |
GAD | generalized anxiety disorder |
Gal | gallon |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | gastrointestinal |
Gm,gm | Gram |
GU | Genitourinary |
GYN/gyn | gynecology |
H | history and physical |
h,hr,hr. | hour |
H/A | headache |
H2O | water |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HDV | hepatitis D virus |
HEV | hepatitis E virus |
Hg | mercury |
Hi-cal | high calorie |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HOB | head of bed |
HPV | human papilloma virus |
ht | height |
Hx | history |
hyper | above normal, too fast, rapid |
hypo | low, less than normal |
I | intake and output |
i.e. | that is |
I.V., IV | Intravenous |
ID | identification |
IM | intramuscular |
In | inch |
inc | incontinent |
IQ | intelligence quotient |
K+ | Potassium |
kg | kilogram |
L | Left |
l | liter |
lab | laboratory |
lb | Pound |
LE | lower extremity |
liq | liquid |
Low-cal/ Low-fat | low calorie, low fat |
M.D. | medical doctor |
meds | medications |
mg | milligram |
MI | myocardial infarction |
min | miunte |
mL | milliliter |
mm | millimeter |
mm Hg | millimeters of mercury |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aurens |
MS | multiple sclerosis |
N/A | not applicable |
N/C | no complaints, no call |
Na | sodium |
NaCl | sodium chloride |
NKA | no known allergies |
noc | Night |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NVD | nausea, vomiting,and diarrhea |
NWB | non-wight-bearing |
occ | occasionally |
OCD | obsessive compulsive disorder |
*O.D. | right eye write right eye |
*O.S. | Left eye write left eye |
*O.U. | both eyes write both eyes |
O2 | oxygen |
q | every |
QA | quality assurauce |
qam | every morning |
*qd | every day write daily |
qh, qhr | every hour |
qhs | every night at bedtime |
q2h | every 2 hours |
q3h | every 3 hours |
q4h | every 4 hours |
q.o.d. | every other day |
qt. | quart |
R | respirations, rectal |
R rt. | right |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
RBC | red blood cell |
RDT | registered dietician |
reg. | regular |
RN | registered nurse |
R/O | rule out |
ROM | range of motion |
Rx | prescription, treatment |
s | without |
sl | sublingually |
SLP | speech-language pathologist |
sm | small |
spec. | specimen |
SOB | shortness of breath |
ss | one-half |
SSE | soapsuds enema |
staph | staphulococcus |
STAT/stat | immediately |
STDs | sexually-transmitted diseases |
strep | streptococcus |
supp. | suppository |
T., temp | Temperature |
tbsp. | tablespoon |
TIA | transient ischemic attcak |
t.i.d.,tid | three times a day |
TLC | tender loving care |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
T.P.R. | Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration |
tsp. | teaspoon |
TWE | tap water enema |
Tx. tx | traction, treatment |
U/A, u/a | urinalysis |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
vag. | vaginal |
VS,vs | vital signs |
W/A, WA | while awake |
WNL | within normal limits |
wt. | weight |
yr. | year |
leukocyte | white blood cell |
acrophobia | fear of high places |
Lg | large |
MD | Muscular Dystrophy |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
VD | venereal disease |
WBC | white blood cell / count |
w/c, W/C | wheelchair |
CAIT | Colorado Approved Intervention Technique |
CCB | Community Centered Board |
CDHS | Colorado Department Of Human Services |
CWMH | Colorado West Mental Health |
HCB-DD | Home Community Based (waiver) for the Developmentally Disable |
HIMS | Health Information Management System- can also be HIM, for our Records Department |
ITS | Information Technology Services- all your computer needs |
PMAP | Performance Management and Pay, employee performance rating tool |
SSC | Service and Support Coordinator, overall supervisor of living sites and coodinates supports and services |
HRC | Human Rights Committee |
BDR | Behavior Drug Review |
IHP | Individual Habilitation Plan |
SIB | Self Abusive behavior |
LTNCP | Long Term Nursing Care Plan |
STNCP | Short Term Nursing Care Plan |