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LPT NS Vital signs

LPT Nursing skills

The most accurate temperature rectal or forehead
The most common site used for children or people who cannot take an oral temp axillary
The name of the machine used to take a blood pressure sphymomanometer
An apical pulse is located where At the heart and use a stethoscope
The location for the most accurate pulse Apical
The most common site to take a pulse radial
Refers to very deep rapid respirations hyperventilation
Medical term for fever pyrexia
Axillary temperature is one degree______than oral. lower
Systolic is the top or bottom number of a blood pressure? top
blood pressure abbreviation is BP
A bounding pulse is healthy false
The typical range considered for hypertention systolic above 140 and dystolic above 90
The normal range for blood pressure for adults is at or below 119/79
Medical term for a fast heart rate tachycardia
A fast heart rate would be resting: Over 100 beats per minute
Medical term for slow heart rate is bradycardia
A slow heart rate that should be reported is below 60 beats per minute
Very shallow respirations is called hypoventilation
Difficult and labored breathing is called dyspnea
An aural temp is located where ear, tympanic
The normal range for temperature is 97.0-99.6 degrees F, usually 98.6 is commonly used
When the temperature falls below the normal range it is called hypothermia, below 94 degrees F
To reduce a fever, name 5 interventions tepid bath, medication, reduce activity, reduce clothing or covers, increase circulating air
To raise a below body temp, name 4 interventions additional clothing or covers, give warm fluids, give a warm bath, increase temp of room
Normal pulse rate is 60-100
Normal rate of respirations is 12-20
When respirations increase to above 24/min in an adult it is called tachypnea
Bradypnea is rate of respirations below 10/min in an adult
Complete absense of respirations is called apnea
If you suspect a resident has a fever you should take their temperature
Which method of taking temperature is the least accurate axillary
What is another word for armpit axillary
A rectal thermometer is usually color-coded red or orange
How far into the ear should a tympanic thermometer be inserted 1/4-1/2 inch
The difference between the apical pulse and the radial pulse is called Pulse deficit
Before taking the oral temperature of a resident who has just finished a hot or cold drink you should wait 10-20 minutes
A blood pressure of 132/98 for an adult would be high
When taking a blood pressure, the systolic number is the first sound you here as you deflate the BP cuff
Created by: LPT Program
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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