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cog-section 6

V1: Dorsal Pathways Parietal lobe "Where" things are
V1: Ventral Pathways Temporal lobe "What" things are
Lateral Occipital Complex cells respond to different objects/shapes
Visual Pathway retinal ganglion cells, optic chiasm, lateral geniculate nucleus, visual cortexs, middle-temporal
Gestalt Psychology series of principles that focus on the ways we organize bits and pieces of information into meaningful wholes
Middle Temporal important for motion perception
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus right visual field is projected on left hemisphere and vice versa
closure ignore the gaps in a figure and concentrate on the whole figure
retina part of the eye where light sensing cells are located
Ventral Temporal Complex brain regions that identify types of objects
Proximity group objects that are closer together
Parahippocampal Place Area responds to houses/buildings, indoor/outdoor scenes and landmarks
rod photoreceptors night vision and we rely on them once adapted to the darkness
Fusion Face Area responds very strongly to faces over other objects
simplicity perceive patterns the most basic way possible
cone photoreceptor color sensitive, less sensitive in dim light, important for color vision in daylight
On center center is excitatory
Bistable figures vision will alternate between the two interpretations
V4 color perception, complex features, curves, 2D and 3D shapes
cornea protects eye and refracts light
V1 orientations of light processed, and turns dots into lines
Ganglion cells cell bodies in the retina that receives inputs from a collection of rods and cones
Off center center is inhibitory
pupil opening depends on amount of light in environment
lens focus like a camera
similarity group similar items together
lateral inhibition one part of the receptive field wants to become active while the other part does not
Created by: SaraiBeth
Popular Neuroscience sets




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