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MFR drug test 1


naturally occurring agent that can "chemically cardiovert" ADENOSINE
it has a half-life of 10 seconds and does not cause hypotension ADENOSINE
Indications: narrow, complex supraventricular tachycardia refractory to vagal maneuvers ADENOSINE
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, 2nd- and 3rd-degree hear block, sinus node disease, asthma ADENOSINE
Dosage/Route: 6 mg rapidly (over 1-3 sec) IV, then flush the line rapidly with saline. If ineffective, 12 mg in 1-2 min, may be repeated ADENOSINE
Doxage/Route: Ped: 0.1 mg/kg to a max of 6 mg (rapidly) IV followed by a rapid saline flush, then 0.2 mg/kg in 1-2 min to max 2nd dose of 12 mg ADENOSINE
this absorbs and binds to toxins from the GI tract ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
it is indicated for acute ingested poisoning ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
Contraindications: an airway that cannot be controlled; ingestion of cyanide, mineral acids, caustic alkalis, organic solvents, iron, ethanol, and methanol ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
Precautions: administer only after emesis or in those cases where emesis is contraindicated ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
Dosage/Rotue: 1 1/kg mixed with at least 6 to 8 oz of water, then PO or via an NG tube ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
this is a clinically proven analgesic/antipyretic with little effect on platelet function ACETAMINOPHEN
indicated for mild to moderate pain and fever when aspirin is otherwise not tolerated ACETAMINOPHEN
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children under 3 years ACETAMINOPHEN
Precautions: patients with hepatic disease, children under 12 years with arthritic conditions, alcoholism, malnutrition, thrombocytopenia ACETAMINOPHEN
Dosage/Route: 325 to 650 mg. PO every 4-6 hours. 650 mg PR every 4-6 hours ACETAMINOPHEN
this is a synthetic sympathomimetic that causes bronchodilation with less cardiac effect than epinephrine and reduces mucus secretion, pulmonary capillary leaking, and edema in the lungs durring allergic reactions ALBUTEROL
indications are bronchospasm and asthma in COPD ALBUTEROL
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug ALBUTEROL
Precautions: the patient may experience tachycardia, anxiety, nausea, cough, wheezing, and/or dizziness ALBUTEROL
Dosage/Route: two inhalations (90mcg) via metered dose inhaler (2 sprays) or 2.5 mg in 2.5-3 mL NS via nebulizer, repeat as needed. the duration of effect is 3-6 hours ALBUTEROL
Dosage/Route: Ped: 0.15 mg/kg in 2.5-3 mL NS via nebulizer, repeat as needded ALBUTEROL
this interferes with the development of angiotension, reducing peripheral vascular resistance, blood pressure, and cardiac after load ACE INHIBITORS
it is indicated in AME or heart failure without hypotension; hypertension ACE INHIBITORS
Contraindications: pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the drug, elevated serum potassium, hypotension (<100 SBP), or hypovolemia; IV form is contraindicated in STEMI ACE INHIBITORS
Precautions: renal failure ACE INHIBITORS
Dosage/Route:Enalapril-- 2.5 mg PO, 1.25 mg IV over 5 min (IV form contraindicated in STEMI); Captopril-- 6.25 mg PO; Lisinopril-- 5 mg PO; Ramipril-- 2.5 mg PO ACE INHIBITORS
promotes thrombolysis by forming plasmin. plasmin, in turn, degrades fibrin and fibrogen and, ultimately, the clot ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT
it is indicated to thrombolyse in acute myocardial infarction, acute ischemic stroke, and pulmonary embolism ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT
Contraindications: active internal bleeding, suspected aortic dissection, traumatic CPR, recent hemorrhagic stroke (6mo), intracranial or intraspinal surgery or trauma (2mo), pregnancy, uncontrolled hypertension, hypersensitivity to thrombolytics ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT
Precautions: recent major surgery, cerebral vascular disease, recent GI or GU bleeding, recent trauma, hypertension, patient > 75 years, current oral anticoagulants, hemorrhagic ophthalmic conditions ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT
Dosage/Route: MI: 15 mg IV, then .75 mg/kg (up to 50 mg) over 30min, then .5 mg/kg (up to 35 mg) over 60 min up to 100 mg ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT
Dosage/Route: Stroke: .09 mg/kg over 1 min. then .91 mg/kg (up to 90 mg) over next 60 min ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT
this is a methylxanthing that prolongs bronchodilation and decreased mucus production and has mild cardiac and CNS stimulating effects AMINOPHYLLINE
its indications are bronchospasm in asthma and COPD refractory to sympathomimetics and other bronchodilators and in CHF AMINOPHYLLINE
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to methylxanthines or uncontrolled cardiac dysrhythmias AMINOPHYLLINE
Precautions: cardiovascular disease, hypertension or taking theophylline, hepatic impairment, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, young children, glaucoma, peptic ulcers, acute influenza or influenza immunization, the elderly AMINOPHYLLINE
Dosage/Route: 250-500 mg IV over 20-30 min AMINOPHYLLINE
Dosage/Route: Ped: 6 mg/kg over 20-30 min. max 12 mg/kg/day AMINOPHYLLINE
this is an antidysrhythmic that prolongs the duration of the action potential and refractory period and relaxes smooth muscles, reducing peripheral vascular resistance and increasing coronary blood flow AMIODERONE
indications in life-threatening recurrent ventricular and supraventricular dysrhythmias that have not responded to other antidysrhythmic agents AMIODERONE
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, cardiogenic shock, severe sinus bradycardia, advanced heart block AMIODERONE
Precautions: hepatic impairment, pregnancy, nursing mothers, children AMIODERONE
Dosage/Route: V-Fib: 300mg IV push, then repeat dose of 150 mg IV push if needed. Ped: 5 mg/kg IV/IO, repeat up to total dose of 15mg/kg AMIODERONE
Dosage/Route: V-Tach: 150-300 mg IV over 10min, then 1 mg/min over next 6 hours. Ped: 5 mg/kg IV/IO over 20-60min, repeat to total dose of 15 mg/kg AMIODERONE
this inhibits agents that cause the production of inflammation, pain, and fever. ASPRIN
relieves mild to moderate pain by acting on the peripheral nervous system, lowers body temp in fever, and powerfully inhibits platelet aggregation ASPRIN
indicated in chest pain suggestive of an MI ASPRIN
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to salicylates, active ulcer disease, asthma ASPRIN
Precautions: allergies to other NSAIDs, bleeding disorders, children or teenagers with varicella or influenza-like symptoms ASPRIN
Dosage/Route: 160-325 mg PO (chewable, non-enteric-coated) ASPRIN
this is a selective beta blocker that reduces the rate and force of cardiac contraction and lowers cardiac output and blood pressure ATENOLOL
indicated in non-Q-wave MI and unstable angina ATENOLOL
Contraindications: sinus bradycardia, 2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block, CHF, cardiogenic failure or shock ATENOLOL
Precautions: asthma, COPD, CHF controlled by digitalis and diuretics ATENOLOL
Dosage/Route: 5 mg slow IV every 5 min. to 15 mg. Ped: .8 to 1.5 mg/kg/day PO (max 2 mg/kg/day) ATENOLOL
this is related to furosemide, though it has a fasster rate of onset, a greater diuretic potency (40 times), shorter duration, and produces only mild hypotension BUMETANIDE
indications to promote diuresis in CHF and pulmonary edema BUMETANIDE
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to bumetanide and other sulfonamides BUMETANIDE
Precautions: pregnancy (use only for life-threatening conditions) BUMETANIDE
Dosage/Route; .5-1 mg I/IV over 1-2 min, repeat in 2-3 hours as needed BUMETANIDE
this inhibits platelet aggregation and prolongs clotting time CLOPIDOGREL
indicated in ST segment depression MI (non-STEMI) and dynamic T wave inversion and for MI and stroke patients who cannot tolerate asprin CLOPIDOGREL
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, pathologic bleeding or bleeding risk CLOPIDOGREL
Precautions: liver disease, pregnancy CLOPIDOGREL
Dosage/Route; 300-600 mg PO CLOPIDOGREL
this is a centrally acting synthetic narcotic analgesic about 5 times more potent than morphine. A schedule IV narcotic BUTORPHANOL
indicated in moderate to severe pain BUTORPHANOL
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, head injury, undiagnosed abdominal pain BUTORPHANOL
Precautions: may cause withdrawl in narcotis-dependent patients BUTORPHANOL
Dosage/Route: 1 mg IV or 3-4 mg IM over 3-4 hours BUTORPHANOL
this is a long-acting synthetic adrenocorticoid with intense anti-inflammatory activity. it prevents the accumulation of inflammation generating cells at the sites of infection or injury DEXAMETHASONE
it is indicated in anaphylaxis, asthma, COPD, spinal cord edema DEXAMETHASONE
Contraindications: no absolute contraindications in the emergency setting. relative contraindications: systemic fungal infections, acute infections, TB, varicella, vaccine or live virus vaccinations DEXAMETHASONE
Precautions: herpes simplex, keratitis, myasthenia gravis, hepatic or renal impairment, diabetes, CHF, seizures, psychic disorders, hypothyroidism, GI ulceration DEXAMETHASONE
Dosage/Route: 4-24 mg IV/IM. Ped: .5-1 mg/kg DEXAMETHASONE
this increases myocardial contractile force and increases ventricular automaticity CALCIUM CHLORIDE
indicated in hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia, possible digitalis toxicity CALCIUM CHLORIDE
Precautions: it may precipitate toxicity in patients taking digoxin. ensure the IV line is in a large vein and flushed before using and after calcium CALCIUM CHLORIDE
Dosage/Route: 500-1000 mg IV (5-10 mL of 10% solution) as needed. Ped: 20 mg/kg IV/IO, as needed CALCIUM CHLORIDE
this blocks the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the vagal effects on heart rate ATROPINE
this does not increase contractility but may increase myocardial oxygen demand ATROPINE
it decreases airway secretions ATROPINE
indications are hemodynamically significant bradycardia and organophosphate poisoning ATROPINE
Contraindications: none in the emergency setting ATROPINE
Precautions: AMI, glaucoma, hypothermic bradycardia ATROPINE
Dosage/Route: Symptomatic Bradycardia: .5 mg IV repeat 3-5 min to 3mg. Ped: .02 mg/kg IV, .04-.06 mg/kg ET, may repeat IV dose once up to 1 mg for child or 3 mg for adolescent ATROPINE
Dosage/Route: Organophosphae poisoning: 2-5 mg IV/IM/IO/10-15 min. Ped: .05 mg/kg IV/IM/IO/10-15 min ATROPINE
Created by: rubtuge
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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