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MFR drug test 1
Question | Answer |
naturally occurring agent that can "chemically cardiovert" | ADENOSINE |
it has a half-life of 10 seconds and does not cause hypotension | ADENOSINE |
Indications: narrow, complex supraventricular tachycardia refractory to vagal maneuvers | ADENOSINE |
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, 2nd- and 3rd-degree hear block, sinus node disease, asthma | ADENOSINE |
Dosage/Route: 6 mg rapidly (over 1-3 sec) IV, then flush the line rapidly with saline. If ineffective, 12 mg in 1-2 min, may be repeated | ADENOSINE |
Doxage/Route: Ped: 0.1 mg/kg to a max of 6 mg (rapidly) IV followed by a rapid saline flush, then 0.2 mg/kg in 1-2 min to max 2nd dose of 12 mg | ADENOSINE |
this absorbs and binds to toxins from the GI tract | ACTIVATED CHARCOAL |
it is indicated for acute ingested poisoning | ACTIVATED CHARCOAL |
Contraindications: an airway that cannot be controlled; ingestion of cyanide, mineral acids, caustic alkalis, organic solvents, iron, ethanol, and methanol | ACTIVATED CHARCOAL |
Precautions: administer only after emesis or in those cases where emesis is contraindicated | ACTIVATED CHARCOAL |
Dosage/Rotue: 1 1/kg mixed with at least 6 to 8 oz of water, then PO or via an NG tube | ACTIVATED CHARCOAL |
this is a clinically proven analgesic/antipyretic with little effect on platelet function | ACETAMINOPHEN |
indicated for mild to moderate pain and fever when aspirin is otherwise not tolerated | ACETAMINOPHEN |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children under 3 years | ACETAMINOPHEN |
Precautions: patients with hepatic disease, children under 12 years with arthritic conditions, alcoholism, malnutrition, thrombocytopenia | ACETAMINOPHEN |
Dosage/Route: 325 to 650 mg. PO every 4-6 hours. 650 mg PR every 4-6 hours | ACETAMINOPHEN |
this is a synthetic sympathomimetic that causes bronchodilation with less cardiac effect than epinephrine and reduces mucus secretion, pulmonary capillary leaking, and edema in the lungs durring allergic reactions | ALBUTEROL |
indications are bronchospasm and asthma in COPD | ALBUTEROL |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug | ALBUTEROL |
Precautions: the patient may experience tachycardia, anxiety, nausea, cough, wheezing, and/or dizziness | ALBUTEROL |
Dosage/Route: two inhalations (90mcg) via metered dose inhaler (2 sprays) or 2.5 mg in 2.5-3 mL NS via nebulizer, repeat as needed. the duration of effect is 3-6 hours | ALBUTEROL |
Dosage/Route: Ped: 0.15 mg/kg in 2.5-3 mL NS via nebulizer, repeat as needded | ALBUTEROL |
this interferes with the development of angiotension, reducing peripheral vascular resistance, blood pressure, and cardiac after load | ACE INHIBITORS |
it is indicated in AME or heart failure without hypotension; hypertension | ACE INHIBITORS |
Contraindications: pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the drug, elevated serum potassium, hypotension (<100 SBP), or hypovolemia; IV form is contraindicated in STEMI | ACE INHIBITORS |
Precautions: renal failure | ACE INHIBITORS |
Dosage/Route:Enalapril-- 2.5 mg PO, 1.25 mg IV over 5 min (IV form contraindicated in STEMI); Captopril-- 6.25 mg PO; Lisinopril-- 5 mg PO; Ramipril-- 2.5 mg PO | ACE INHIBITORS |
promotes thrombolysis by forming plasmin. plasmin, in turn, degrades fibrin and fibrogen and, ultimately, the clot | ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT |
it is indicated to thrombolyse in acute myocardial infarction, acute ischemic stroke, and pulmonary embolism | ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT |
Contraindications: active internal bleeding, suspected aortic dissection, traumatic CPR, recent hemorrhagic stroke (6mo), intracranial or intraspinal surgery or trauma (2mo), pregnancy, uncontrolled hypertension, hypersensitivity to thrombolytics | ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT |
Precautions: recent major surgery, cerebral vascular disease, recent GI or GU bleeding, recent trauma, hypertension, patient > 75 years, current oral anticoagulants, hemorrhagic ophthalmic conditions | ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT |
Dosage/Route: MI: 15 mg IV, then .75 mg/kg (up to 50 mg) over 30min, then .5 mg/kg (up to 35 mg) over 60 min up to 100 mg | ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT |
Dosage/Route: Stroke: .09 mg/kg over 1 min. then .91 mg/kg (up to 90 mg) over next 60 min | ALTEPLASE RECOMBINANT |
this is a methylxanthing that prolongs bronchodilation and decreased mucus production and has mild cardiac and CNS stimulating effects | AMINOPHYLLINE |
its indications are bronchospasm in asthma and COPD refractory to sympathomimetics and other bronchodilators and in CHF | AMINOPHYLLINE |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to methylxanthines or uncontrolled cardiac dysrhythmias | AMINOPHYLLINE |
Precautions: cardiovascular disease, hypertension or taking theophylline, hepatic impairment, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, young children, glaucoma, peptic ulcers, acute influenza or influenza immunization, the elderly | AMINOPHYLLINE |
Dosage/Route: 250-500 mg IV over 20-30 min | AMINOPHYLLINE |
Dosage/Route: Ped: 6 mg/kg over 20-30 min. max 12 mg/kg/day | AMINOPHYLLINE |
this is an antidysrhythmic that prolongs the duration of the action potential and refractory period and relaxes smooth muscles, reducing peripheral vascular resistance and increasing coronary blood flow | AMIODERONE |
indications in life-threatening recurrent ventricular and supraventricular dysrhythmias that have not responded to other antidysrhythmic agents | AMIODERONE |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, cardiogenic shock, severe sinus bradycardia, advanced heart block | AMIODERONE |
Precautions: hepatic impairment, pregnancy, nursing mothers, children | AMIODERONE |
Dosage/Route: V-Fib: 300mg IV push, then repeat dose of 150 mg IV push if needed. Ped: 5 mg/kg IV/IO, repeat up to total dose of 15mg/kg | AMIODERONE |
Dosage/Route: V-Tach: 150-300 mg IV over 10min, then 1 mg/min over next 6 hours. Ped: 5 mg/kg IV/IO over 20-60min, repeat to total dose of 15 mg/kg | AMIODERONE |
this inhibits agents that cause the production of inflammation, pain, and fever. | ASPRIN |
relieves mild to moderate pain by acting on the peripheral nervous system, lowers body temp in fever, and powerfully inhibits platelet aggregation | ASPRIN |
indicated in chest pain suggestive of an MI | ASPRIN |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to salicylates, active ulcer disease, asthma | ASPRIN |
Precautions: allergies to other NSAIDs, bleeding disorders, children or teenagers with varicella or influenza-like symptoms | ASPRIN |
Dosage/Route: 160-325 mg PO (chewable, non-enteric-coated) | ASPRIN |
this is a selective beta blocker that reduces the rate and force of cardiac contraction and lowers cardiac output and blood pressure | ATENOLOL |
indicated in non-Q-wave MI and unstable angina | ATENOLOL |
Contraindications: sinus bradycardia, 2nd- or 3rd-degree heart block, CHF, cardiogenic failure or shock | ATENOLOL |
Precautions: asthma, COPD, CHF controlled by digitalis and diuretics | ATENOLOL |
Dosage/Route: 5 mg slow IV every 5 min. to 15 mg. Ped: .8 to 1.5 mg/kg/day PO (max 2 mg/kg/day) | ATENOLOL |
this is related to furosemide, though it has a fasster rate of onset, a greater diuretic potency (40 times), shorter duration, and produces only mild hypotension | BUMETANIDE |
indications to promote diuresis in CHF and pulmonary edema | BUMETANIDE |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to bumetanide and other sulfonamides | BUMETANIDE |
Precautions: pregnancy (use only for life-threatening conditions) | BUMETANIDE |
Dosage/Route; .5-1 mg I/IV over 1-2 min, repeat in 2-3 hours as needed | BUMETANIDE |
this inhibits platelet aggregation and prolongs clotting time | CLOPIDOGREL |
indicated in ST segment depression MI (non-STEMI) and dynamic T wave inversion and for MI and stroke patients who cannot tolerate asprin | CLOPIDOGREL |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, pathologic bleeding or bleeding risk | CLOPIDOGREL |
Precautions: liver disease, pregnancy | CLOPIDOGREL |
Dosage/Route; 300-600 mg PO | CLOPIDOGREL |
this is a centrally acting synthetic narcotic analgesic about 5 times more potent than morphine. A schedule IV narcotic | BUTORPHANOL |
indicated in moderate to severe pain | BUTORPHANOL |
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, head injury, undiagnosed abdominal pain | BUTORPHANOL |
Precautions: may cause withdrawl in narcotis-dependent patients | BUTORPHANOL |
Dosage/Route: 1 mg IV or 3-4 mg IM over 3-4 hours | BUTORPHANOL |
this is a long-acting synthetic adrenocorticoid with intense anti-inflammatory activity. it prevents the accumulation of inflammation generating cells at the sites of infection or injury | DEXAMETHASONE |
it is indicated in anaphylaxis, asthma, COPD, spinal cord edema | DEXAMETHASONE |
Contraindications: no absolute contraindications in the emergency setting. relative contraindications: systemic fungal infections, acute infections, TB, varicella, vaccine or live virus vaccinations | DEXAMETHASONE |
Precautions: herpes simplex, keratitis, myasthenia gravis, hepatic or renal impairment, diabetes, CHF, seizures, psychic disorders, hypothyroidism, GI ulceration | DEXAMETHASONE |
Dosage/Route: 4-24 mg IV/IM. Ped: .5-1 mg/kg | DEXAMETHASONE |
this increases myocardial contractile force and increases ventricular automaticity | CALCIUM CHLORIDE |
indicated in hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia, possible digitalis toxicity | CALCIUM CHLORIDE |
Precautions: it may precipitate toxicity in patients taking digoxin. ensure the IV line is in a large vein and flushed before using and after calcium | CALCIUM CHLORIDE |
Dosage/Route: 500-1000 mg IV (5-10 mL of 10% solution) as needed. Ped: 20 mg/kg IV/IO, as needed | CALCIUM CHLORIDE |
this blocks the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the vagal effects on heart rate | ATROPINE |
this does not increase contractility but may increase myocardial oxygen demand | ATROPINE |
it decreases airway secretions | ATROPINE |
indications are hemodynamically significant bradycardia and organophosphate poisoning | ATROPINE |
Contraindications: none in the emergency setting | ATROPINE |
Precautions: AMI, glaucoma, hypothermic bradycardia | ATROPINE |
Dosage/Route: Symptomatic Bradycardia: .5 mg IV repeat 3-5 min to 3mg. Ped: .02 mg/kg IV, .04-.06 mg/kg ET, may repeat IV dose once up to 1 mg for child or 3 mg for adolescent | ATROPINE |
Dosage/Route: Organophosphae poisoning: 2-5 mg IV/IM/IO/10-15 min. Ped: .05 mg/kg IV/IM/IO/10-15 min | ATROPINE |