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CPR 2013
Question | Answer |
*Chest Compressions should be at a rate of ?/min & ?inches deep? | 100/min 2inches deep |
*Ventilation: You should give one breath every ?-? seconds & recheck pulse every ? minutes | Give one breath every 5-6 seconds Recheck pulse every 2 minutes |
*What should the compression/ventilation ratio be? | 30:2 - 5 cycles |
*What is the 1st step before begining adult CPR? | Assest the scene & the victim for a response. Then look for normal breathing if no response & no breathing then call 911. |
Adult CPR. After calling 911 you should check the victims pulse if there is no pulse what should you do? | give CPR until AED/defib arrives |
*Adult CPR. After calling 911 you should check the victims pulse if there IS a pulse what should you do? | give 1 breath every 5-6 seconds and recheck pulse every two minutes |
If pt is shockable give AED/defib at a ratio of ? shock at ? cycles of CPR. | 1 shock at 5 cycles of CPR |
*How long should you spend checking for a pulse? | 5-10 seconds |
Where should you check for a pulse on an adult? | Carotid pulse |
What are the two methods for opening an air way on an adult? | head tilt-chin lift & jaw thrust. |
*When 2 rescuers are available to perform CPR how are the cycles performed and after how many cycles do they change positions? | One performs chest compressions and one is at the victim's head. Switch at 5 cycles. |
*Which method would you use if the victim has a head, neck injury or spine injury. | Jaw thrust. |
When performing the jaw thrust where should your hands be positioned? | One had on each side of the victims head |
How often will AED promt you to that it will repeat a shock if needed? | After 5 cycles of CPR or 2 min |
For children you should perform CPR when their heart rate falls below what? | Heart rate is less that 60bpm or their is discoloration |
Adult AED pads should be used for which age and older? | 8 years or older |
True or false if the victim is lying on snow or in a small puddle, you may use the AED. | True |
True or false if the victim is lying in water or their chest is covered in water you may use the AED. | False. First wipe the water off their chest or remove them out of the water. |
True or false if the victim has a hairy chest and the AED advises "check pads" or "check electrodes" quickly pull off pads to remove hair. | True. If hair still remains use a razor to remove the rest of the hair. |
If a pt has an implantable difibrillator how long should you wait before delivering an AED shock? | 30-60seconds |
Where should you check for a pulse on a child? | Femoral. Place 2 fingers in the inner thigh. |
*What should the compression/ventilation ratio be for infants if there is only on rescuer? Two? | 1- 30:2 2- 15:2 |
Where should you check for a pulse on an infant? | brachial artery. - upper inner arm |
For an infant when should you perform chest compressions? | When the heart rate is 60bpm or less. |
*Chest Compressions for an infant should be at a rate of ?/min & ?inches deep? | 110/ min 1.5 inches deep with two fingers |
*What is the preferred 2 rescuer chest compressions technique for an infant? | 2 thumb technique |
What is the BLS age for infant? | 0-1 year |
Child AED pads should be used for which age and older? | 1-8 years. ** If you do not have child pad you may use adult pads. |
For relief of choking deliver up to how many back slaps? | 5 |
After delivering back slaps flip the infant and deliver how many chest thrust at a rate of ?/s | 5 chest thrust 1/s |