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Fund Disease 14

Diseases of the Integumentary system

Impetigo is An acute contagious skin disease caused by staph/strep - especially in children
Impetigo is characterized by 1.Erythema 2.Oozing vesicles (fluid filled papules) 3.Pustules (pus filled papules) w/a honey colored crust
Tx of Impetigo includes 1.Wash w/ soap and water 2.Keep lesions dry 3.Topical antibiotics
Lyme Disease is A bacterial disease transmitted by the bite of a deer tick
Signs and symptoms of Lyme Disease usually occur 3-30 days after exposure
Signs and symptoms include 1.Bulls eye rash 2.Flu like symptoms such as: a.Malaise b.Cephalalgia c.Chills d.Pyrexia e.Arthralgia f.Myalgia g.Lymphadenopathy
Tx of Lyme Disease includes Antibiotics
Untreated Lyme disease can cause Permanent damage to the heart, joints, and nervous system
HSV-I causes Herpatic stomatitis (cold sores)
Herpatic stomatitis is usually found near the Oral labiae
Tx of HSV-I Antiviral drugs (abreva)
Tinea refers to Fungal infections
Tinea corporis is Ringworm
Tinea corporis causes Erythmatous, ring shaped, puritic lesions
Tinea Pedis os Athletes foot
Tinea pedis frequently attacks The skin between the toes causing; fissures, pruritus and pain
Tinea Cruris is Jock itch
Tinea Cruris causes Erythematous, ring-like areas with vesicles (fluid filled papuals
Areas of the body susceptible to Tinea are usually Warm, dark and moist
Tx of tinea include 1.Keeping area dry 2.Topical antifungal medications
Pediculosis is Lice
Pediculosis can infest the Head, pubic areas and the bodys
Pediculosis of the pubic area are called Crabs
Head lice are common among children and are transmitted by Direct contact or fomites (inanimate objects)
The primary symptom of Pediculosis is Pruritus
Pediculosis (lice) eggs can be seen on the hair shaft
Tx of Pediculosis include 1.Medicated shampoos 2.Use of a fine tooth comb 3.Washing cloths in >131' and machine drying 4.Leave the house for 55 hrs to allow the lice to die
Some studies show that lice are becoming Resistant to medicated shampoos
Scabies is A contagious skin infection caused by 'Itch mites'
Sign and symptoms of scabies include Vesicles, pustules and intense pruritus
Scabies are usually transmitted by Skin to skin contact
Tx of scabies includes 1.Scrubbing with medicated soap and shampoo in hot baths 2.Washing clothes in >131' water and machine drying
Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD) is A noncontagious inflammation of the skin cause by an allergic response
Common allergies include 1.Plants such as poison ivy/oak 2.Chemicals found in clothing dyes, perfumes and soaps 3.Metals such as nickel found in cheap jewelry
Signs and symptoms of Allergic Contact Dermatitis ACD include 1.Erythema 2.Vesicles 3.Pruritus
Treatment of Allergic Contact Dermatitis ACD include 1.Removal of allergist 2.Topical SAIDs 3.Antihistamines 4.Antipruritic medications
Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is Eczema
Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema is an Idiopathic skin disorder causing erythematous, dry, and crusted patches on the skin
Atopic Dermatitis usually affects those with Allergies and asthma
Eczema outbreaks will disappear in Half of all children effected; by adolescence
Tx of Atopic dermatitis includes The use of SAIDS
Nevus is A mole
A nevus is a Benign skin lesion that can become malignant
Signs and symptoms that indicate a possible change of a nevus to a malignant lesion include 1.Change in size/shape 2.Prutitus 3.Soreness 4.Discharge 5.Darkening
The ABCDE's of a Nevi include 1.Asymmetry 2.Border or edges are ragged, blurred, or irregular 3.Color is not the same throughout 4.Diameter is larger than the eraser of a pencil 5.Elevated or raised from the skin
Tx of a suspect nevus involves Surgical removal or cryosurgery
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is The most common skin cancer and is slow growing and usually NON-metastasizing
Basal Cell Carcinoma BCC usually develops in The face or neck of the light skinned who are over exposed to UV light
Tx of Basal Cell Carcinoma involves 1.Surgical removal of the tumor 2.Radiation therapy 3.Chemotherapy
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)is A serious skin lesion because if metastasizes through the lymph vessels
Squamous Cell Carcinoma usually develops On the face, ears, neck, lips, and back of the hands of light skinned over exposed to UV light
Tx of Squamous Cell Carcinoma SCC involves 1.Surgical removal of the tumor 2.Radiation therapy 3.Chemotherapy
Malignant (Metastatic) Melanoma (MM) is The MOST serious form of skin Ca because it metastasizes early
Malignant Melanoma can develop from A Nevus
Malignant Melanoma MM is associated with Over exposure to UV light in Caucasians
Tx of Malignant Melanoma MM involves Surgical removal of the tumor and surrounding lymph nodes
The Px for Malignant Melanoma MM Depends on the degree of metastasis
To protect your skin from UVA+UVB sunscreen should Contain mexoryl or avobenzone
Tanning beds emit ___ - ___% more UVA rays than the sun 50-75%
Exposure to tanning beds for ppl under 30 increase risk by __% 75%
A woman is diagnosed with skin cancer every __ minutes 5 minutes
Some women have a genetic predisposition that makes them 4x as likely to develop melanoma
Acne Vulgaris (AV) is caused by A clogging of the sebaceous glands
Characteristics of Acne Vulgaris include 1.Comedones (Indicate noninflammatory acne) 2.Pustules (Indicate inflammatory acne
Tx of Acne Vulgaris includes 1.Bebzoyl peroxide 2.Stridex 3.Keeping hands away from the face 4.Gentle cleaning of the skin twice a day
Psoriasis is An idiopathic, autoimmunity, chronic, skin disease with a hereditary basis of which there is no cure
The psoriasis lesions are Erythematous patches with white or silvery scales
Psoriasis lesions primarily form on The elbows and knees, but the trunk, arms, legs and scalp can be affected
Psoriasis can be exacerbated by 1.Stress 2.Changes in climate 3.NSAIDS 4.Injuries to the skin 5.Infections
Tx of psoriasis includes controlling lesions with 1.Coal-tar medications 2.SAIDS 3.UV light therapy
Onset and exacerbation of psoriasis has been linked to Drinking non-light beer
Rosacea is An idiopathic cyclic progressive inflammatory skin disease
Rosacea causes Facial erythema, edema, papules, pustules and pain
Tx of Rosacea includes 1.Avoidance of triggers 2.Topical Vitamin A 3.Oracea
Created by: adrouillard
Popular Medical sets




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