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13.2 Blume

What are annelids? little rings with tube shaped bodies that are divided into many segments
What are setae? Bristle like structures on the outside of each body segment that help it move and sense the environment
What kind of symmetry do they have? Bilateral
It has a _____ that holds organs body cavity
How many body openings does it have? two
What are the body openings called? anus & mouth
Where can they live? freshwater, salt water, and moist soil
How many pairs of setae do most body segments have? four
What 2 sets of muscles don't have these pairs of setae? The first and last 2 sets of muscle
Where are these 2 sets of muscle located? One set runs the length and the other circles the body
What is the anterior? The front end
How do they digest? Takes soil into its mouth, the soil goes to the crop, and then goes through the gizzard, and then goes to the intestines, where it is broken down and nutrients are absorbed by the blood
How do wastes leave? Leave the worm through the anus
How is the taking in of soil to get food efficient to the worm? It helps provide spaces for air and water to flow through the soil and mix the soil, which is good for the soil
What are piles that build up at the openings for burrows called? Castings
What do castings help do? Fertilize the soil
What kind of circulation do they have? Closed circulation with 2 blood vessels
Where are these 2 blood vessels located? One along the top and one along the bottom that both meet in the very front
What are the 5 heart like parts that pump blood called? Aortic arches
Where do the smaller vessels go? Into each body segment
What are two things they do not use to breathe? Gills and lungs, they have neither
How do Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide exchange through their body? Exchanges through their skin
What is their skin covered by? A thin layer of watery mucus
What is one thing you are never supposed to do to earthworms? Don't ever touch an earthworm with dry hands
What's another thing you are never supposed to do to earthworms? Never remove their thin mucus layer
Why aren't you supposed to remove their thin mucus layer? It could suffocate them
Where are earthworm's small brains located? In the front segment
What do nerves in each segment join to form? The main nerve cord that connects to the brain
What do they respond to? Light, temperature, and moisture
How are they hermaphrodites? They can make their own sperm and eggs, but they can't fertilize their own eggs
What do they have to receive from another earthworm to reproduce? Sperm
What is another name for Marine Worms? Polychaetes
How many species are there of Polychaetes? Over 8000 species
What do they do? Float, burrow, build structures, or walk along the ocean floor
What can some produce that is their own? Light
How deep can some live? 540 meters deep
What do they have? Segments
What occurs in bundles? Setae
What does Polychaetes mean? It means "many bristles"
Christmas tree worm has what? Special tentacles that exchange O2 and CO2 as well as gather food
Free-swimming polychaetes have what? A head with eyes, a tail, and parapodia
What help it move & get food? Paired, fleshy outgrowths on each segment that help it move and get food
What are leeches used for? Surgery to keep blood flowing to a repaired area and are being used as a treatment for patients with things like heart or circulatory diseases, strokes, arthritis, or glaucoma
What do they do for the soil? They aerate the soil and speed up return of nutrients like nitrogen to the soil for plant use
Created by: cashworth
Popular Science sets




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