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Meda 102

Chapter 12: Eye

aque/o water
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva (to join together)
kerat/o; corne/o cornea
ir/o; irid/o iris (colored circle)
lacrim/o; dacry/o tear
ocul/o; ophthalm/o; opt/o eye
phac/o; phak/o lens (lentil)
-opia condition of vision
ophthalmologist physician who specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of the eye
sclera the white of the eye
cornea anterior part of the eyeball that covers the iris, pupil, and refracts light
lens bends and focuses light rays on the retina
retina transmits light to the optic nerve
asthenopia eyestrain
blepharospasm uncontrolled blinking or twitching of the eyelid
diplopia double vision
nystagmus involuntary, rapid oscillating movement of the eyeball
photophobia extreme sensitivity to and discomfort from light
astigmatism defective curvature of the lens or cornea that prevents light rays from coming to a single focus on the retina
hyperopia farsightedness
myopia nearsightedness
aphakia absence of the lens, usually after cataract extraction
blepharoptosis drooping of the eyelid usually caused by paralysis
chalazion chronic nodular inflammation of a meibomian gland usually the result of a blocked duct
cataract opaque clouding of the lens causing decreased vision
conjunctivitis pinkeye
dacryoadenitis inflammation of the lacrimal gland
diabetic retinopathy disease of the retina caused by capillary leakage, bleeding, and a new vessel formation leading to scarring and loss of vision
glaucoma disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure that results in damage to the optic nerve, producing defects in vision
hordeolum sty
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
pterygium fibrous growth of conjunctival tissue that extends onto the cornea
distance visual acuity test that uses 20ft as the specified distance
fluorescein angiography procedure that uses contrast material to visualize and photograph the retinal and choroidal vessels
tonometer measures intraocular pressure
blepharoplasty surgical repair of an eyelid
keratoplasty corneal transplant
mydriatic agent that causes the pupil to dilate
miotic agent that causes the pupil to contract
enucleation excision of the eyeball
Created by: meda_vsoladey
Popular Medical sets




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