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OSET Guidelines


OSET: Digital Recording - Vertical Resolution: 12 or 16 bits to avoid blocking paroxysmal activity.
OSET: Digital Recording - Horizontal Resolution: 3x the highest frequency is recommended... or at least 2x (256-400) is preferred.
OSET: Digital Recording - Disk Space: 256 x1 gigibite hard drive storage. Also a sampling rate of 200 Hz.
OSET: Digital Recording - Screen: 17" 100 pixels per second, 2 pixels per mm and 1280 x 1024 resolution.
OSET: Digital Recording - Sampling Rate: 200 Hz (Nyquist Criteria)
OSET: Digital Recording - Channel Minimum: 25, preferably 32.
OSET: Digital Recording - Filters (Allows for re-filtering later): 0.1-100.
OSET: Digital Recording - Sensitivity: 1-200.
OSET: Digital Recording - Paper Printout: The standard horizontal scaling should present one second as occupying between 25 and 35 millimeters with a minimum resolution of 200 data points per second.
OSET: Digital Recording - Standard Paper Speed: 30mm/sec, which means every 30mm of paper is equal to 1 second. 1 large section on a page, 5 smaller sections. 15 and 60 are also used at times.
OSET: Digital Recording - Amplifiers: 2 reference inputs are needed. One for system reference at input 2 and one to prevent data loss. 25 electrodes total; 21 scalp, ground, system reference, and 2 extra are requited. 9 additional to equal 32 is recommended.
OSET: Digital Recording - Amplitude (So the amplifiers will not saturate but will allow the full range of activity): A recording dynamic range of ±2 mV is recommended.
OSET: Digital Recording - Calibration: A standard microvolt input is applied to each amplifier.
OSET: Digital Recording - Pt Information: DOS, DOB, place of test, last sz, state of behavior, meds, relevant medical hx.
OSET: Digital Recording - Annotations & Comments: A digital system should have a capacity for over 30 programmed comments, & free text comments. Ability to insert comments after recording should also be a part of the system. Date, time of day, and elapsed time should be indicated on every screen.
OSET: Digital Recording - Activation Procedures: Should provide for HV and post HV comments, as well as a timer. Manual and programmable PS protocols should be included with the system along with a strobe indicator on the recording. Available stimulation frequencies should range from 0.5 to 30 Hz.
OSET: Digital Recording - Online Record Review Digital system should include the ability to review earlier section while on real-time acquisition. Allows the tech opportunity to review paroxysmal events and change the display montage and filter settings while continuing to acquire data.
OSET: Digital Recording - Simultaneous Display The ability to simultaneously compare two segments from within the same recording or different recording is desirable.
OSET: Digital Recording - Views as Recorded Allows playback of the EEG recording with the same montages, filter settings, and sensitivity settings that were used by the technologist during the original recording.
OSET: Digital Recording - Equipment Maintenance Digital have the same routine inspection as analog equipment. Includes ground leakage checks, cord resistance measurements, and thorough cleanings, routine computer maintenance including re-seating of all connections, and a disk integrity check.
OSET: Digital Recording - Storage/Retrieval All files must be transferred off the recording instrument and saved onto an external disk. Compressed data is desirable because three times the number of studies can be stored. A LAN between the recording and reading station is recommended.
OSET: Digital Recording - Universal Data Interpretation Provides opportunity to exchange data between systems of different manufacturers. It is a desirable feature especially between dissimilar systems or even different locations. This is currently difficult with some systems due to differences in software.
What does OSET stand for? International Organisation of Societies for Electrophysical Technology.
Created by: kmburg5840
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