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Mod A
Unit #2
Term | Definition |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-spasm | sudden, involuntary twitching |
py/o | pus |
trop/o | turn, change |
emmetr/o | in proper measure |
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid |
eso- | inward, within |
chalaz/o | cyst |
blephar/o | eyelid |
-rrhea | flow, dishcarge |
myring/o | eardrum |
ot/o | ear |
-opia | vision |
exo- | away from, outward |
dacry/o | tears |
PEARL | pupils eaqual and reactive to light |
ambi- | on both sides |
-cus | hearing |
presby/o | old age |
med/i | middle |
my/o | muscle |
-osis | disease, abnormal condition |
hyper- | above beyond, excessive |
-ia | pertaning to |
myc/o | fungus |
-itis | inflammation |
-algia | pain, suffering |
-otomy | surgical incision |
-dynia | pain |
BOM | bilaterial, otitis, media |
aden/o | gland |
tinnit/o | ringing, buzzing |
tympan/o | eardrum |
veritg/o | dizzy |
-us | thing, structure |
horde/o | hard |
nyctal/o | night, darkness |
OD | right eye |
OU | each eye |
AD | right ear |
AS | left ear |
AU | both ears |
OS | left eye |
verigto | dizziness |
emmetropia | state of normal vision |
blepharospasm | a twitching of the eyled muscles |
presbycusis | loss of hearing (due to natural aging process) |
otomycosis | fungla infection of the ear |
myringotomy | surgical incision into the eardrum |
nyctalopia | inadequate night vision |
myringoplasty | surgical repair of the eardrum |
hordeolum | a bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle(stye) |
tympanocentesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid from ear |
dacryoadenitis | inflammation of a tear gland (tearduct) |
chalazion | a cyst of the eyelid |
ambiopia | double vision |
otopyorrhea | flow or discharge of pus from the ear |
nystagmus | twitching of the eye |
otitis media | middle ear infection |
otalgia | earache |
presbyopia | poor vision |
myopia | nearsightedness |
exotropia | (crossed eyed) an obvious outwrd turning of one eye in relation to another |
tinnitis | ringing in the ears |
hyperopia | farsightedness |