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Medical Terminology


Aden/o gland
Aer/o air
Auto/o self, own
Bi/o life
Carcin/o cancerous;cancer
Cry/o cold
Crypt/o hidden
Dipl/o double
Ex/o out;away from
Gyn/o;Gynec/o female
Hydro/o water
Macr/o large
Morph/o shape;form
Narc/o numbness;stupor;sleep
Nat/i birth
Necro/o death
Nyct/o;Noct/o night
Olig/o scanty
Onc/o tumor
Path/o disease
Py/o pus
Quardr/o four
Mon/o single
Hypn/o sleep
Home/o tissue
Nephr/o;Ren/o kidney
Hepat/o liver
Cerebr/o cerebrum(largest part of the brain)
Encephal/o brain
Cephal/o head
oste/o;osse/o bone
Phot/o light
py/o pus
quardri;quardr/o four
scer/o;scera (white of eye)
seps/o infection
son/o sound
staphyl/o clusters
stern/o sternum (breastbone)
strept/o twisted chains
therm/o heat
chlor/o green
chrom/o color
cyan/o blue
erythr/o red
leuk/o white
albin/o white
melan/o black
purpur/o pus
kal/i potassium
natr/o sodium
adip/o;lip/o fat
my/o muscle
neur/o nerve
sarc/o flesh (connective tissue)
cardi/o heart
aden/o gland
bi/o two
cerebr/o cerebrum
arthr/o joint
cyst/o urinary bladder
cyt/o cell
derm/o;dermat/o skin
encephal/o brain
electr/o electricity
erythr/o red
enter/o intestines
gastr/o stomach
gno/ O knowledge
hemat/o blood
cis/o to cut
nephr/o kidney
leuk/o white
iatr/o physician or treatment
hepat/o liver
neur/o nerve
opthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
psych/o mind
radi/o ex-ray
ren/o kidney
rhin/o nose
sarc/o flesh
sect/o to cut
thromb/o clot
Epitheli/o epithelium
Fib/o Fiber
Hist/o Tissue
Kary/o Nucleus
Lip\o Fat
My/o Muscle
neur/ O nerve
orgaN/ O organ
Sarc/ O flesh, connective tissue
system/ O system
viscer/ O internal organ
lei/ O Smooth
rhado/0 rod-shaped
somat/o bodY
chlor/ O green
chrom/o color
cyan/o blue
erythr/ O red
leuk/o white
xanth/0 yellow
Popular Medical sets




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