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med prefix, root,etc

medical prefixes, roots, suffixes, etc.

a/n absence, without
ambi around, all sides
bi two
brady slow
dys difficult, painful
eu good,normal
ex out of
hetero different
homo same
hyper above, beyond, excessive
hypo low, decrease, deficient, below
intra within, into
litho stone, calculus
mal bad, abnormal
mega great, large
micr/o small
mono one
olig/o few, little
poly much, many
pseudo false
tachy rapid
trans across, through
abdomin/o abdomen
aden/o gland
angi/o lymph or blood vessel
ankyl crooked, bent, fusion
bili bile
blephar/o eyelid
branchi/o arm
carcin/o cancer
cardi/o heart
cephal/o head
cerebr/o cerebrum
cervic/i/o neck
chol/e bile
chondr/o cartilage
cyst/i/o bladder
derm skin
gastro stomach
heme/a/o blood
hepat/o liver
lith/os stone
myel/o marrow, spinal cord
nephr/o kidney
neuro nerve
oss, oste/o bone
phryng/o pharynx
pleur/o side, rib, pleura
pnea breathing
pyel/o renal pelvis
rhin/o nose
sten narrowing
thorac/o chest
thromb/o clot
algia pain
centesis puncture a cavity to remove fluid
ectomy surgical removal
itis inflammation
lysis destruction, breakdown
oma tumor
opathy disease of
oplasty surgical repair
orrhagia hemorrage
orrhaphy surgical repair/suture
ostomy cutting into(incision)
otripsy crushing, destroying
paresis weakness
plasia growth
poiesis production
rrhea fluid discharge
scope observe
taxis movement
tripsy crushing
trophy growth
epi upon
infra below, under
ipsi same
meta after, beyond, transformation
peri surrounding
retro behind, back
supra above, upon
trans across, through
anterior or ventral near or at the front of the body
posterior or dorsal near or at the back of the body
superior above
inferior below
lateral side
distal furthest from origin
proximal nearest to origin
medial middle
supine lying face upward
prone laying face downward
sagittal vertical body plane that divides the body into right and left
transverse horizontal body plane that divides the body into top and bottom sections
coronal vertical body plane that divided the body into front and back sections
Created by: stilestina
Popular Medical sets




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