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LOM Chapters 5&6(b)

Language of Medicine 7th Edition Chapters 5&6 Vocabulary

Medical TermDefinition
mastcation chewing
deglutation swallowing
peristalsis contraction surrounding the esophagus
anorexia lack of appetite
ascites abnormal accumulation of fluids in kidney area
dysphagia painful swallowing
jaundice yello-orange color of skin due to excess biliruben in the bloodstream
herpetic stomatitis cold sore; herpes infection of the mouth
hemorrhoids swollen, twisted vericose veins in rectal region
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
emulsification process of breaking down fat
IBS irritable bowel syndrome; due to stess and tension
barium enema taken anally; discovers issues with the rectum and colon
barium swallow taken by mouth; determines issues of the esophagus and stomach
LFT liver function test
PUD peptic ulcer disease
PC post-cebus (after meals)
AC anti-cebus (after meals)
PO per oral (by mouth)
NPO nothing by mouth
flatus gas expelled through anus
steatorrhea fat in the feces
volvulus twisting of the intestine upon itself
diverticulosis abnormal side pockets in the intestinal wall
ulcerative colitis chronic inflammation of the colon with presence of ulcers
cirrhosis chronic degenerative disease of the liver
colon large intestine
gallbladder small sac under the liver; stores bile
cecum first part of the large intestine
anus opening of the digestive tract to the outside of the body
jujenum second part of the small intestine
esophagus tube connecting the throat to the stomach
ilium third part of the small intestine
liver located RUQ; secretes bile, stores sugar, produces blood proteins
pharynx throat
sigmoid colon lower part of the colon
duodenum first part of the small intestine
pancreas located under the stomach; produces insulin and digestive enzymes
parotid salivary gland near the ear
pyloric shpincter ring of muscles at the distal end of the stomach
pulp soft inner section of a tooth
biliruben pigment produced with bile
insulin hormone produced by insulin cells of the pancreas
mesentary membrane the connects the small intestine to the abdominal wall
mucosa mucus membrane
portal vein large blood vessel that carries blood from the intestines to the liver
anastomosis new surgical connection between two organs
biliary pertaining to bile ducts and organs
borborygmus rumbling sound produced by gas in the GI tract
idiopathic cause is unknown
dysentery painful, inflamed intestines caused by bacterial infection
Created by: shara
Popular Medical sets




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