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Medical Terminatator

Arthr/o joint
Rhin/o nose
Neur/o nerve
Nephro kidney
Hepat/o liver
Crani/o skull
Gastr/o stomach
Cephl/o head
Thorac/o chest
Enter/o Small Intestine
Col/o Colon
Blepharo eye lid
Bucc/o cheek
Ped/o foot
Bronch/o Bronchi
Proct/o anus or rectum
My/o muscle
Oste/o Bone
Hem/o Blood
Optholm/o eyes
-itis inflammation
-rrhea excessive flow
-tomy incision
-megaly enlargement
-rrhexis rupture
-rraphy suturing in place
Appendic/o appendix
Adren/o Adrenal Gland
Gingival gums
Ot/o ear
Pulmon/o lungs
Odont/o tooth
Chole/o Gall Bladder
Splen/o Spleen
Cardi/o Heart
Derm/o skin
-ac, -al, -ic, -ary, -ar pertaining to
-esis, -ia, -a, -ism, -ity, -y, -osis, -tion, -sis, -iasis, -sia pertaining to
-ia abnormal state
-oma tumor
-oxia oxygen
-algia pain
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-dynia pain
-genesis beginning, origin
-gram record
-graph instrument to record
-graphy process of recording
-ician one who
-ictal seizure
-ist, -ologist specialist
-logy study of
-malacia softening
-paresis slight paralysis
-pathy disease
-penia lack of
-plasty surgical repair
-pnea breathing
-rrhage excessive flow
a-, an- without, lacking
ab- away from
ad-, af- toward
anti- against, opposing, preventing
co-, con-, com- together
contra- against, opposed
supra-, super- excessive, above
tachy- fast
dia- across, between, apart, through
dis- apart, free from
dorso- to the back
dys- bad, difficult, painful, abnormal
ect-, ecto-, exo- outside of
em-, en-, eso- within, in, into
end-, endo-, ent-, ento- in, within
ep-, epi- over, on, upon
eu- good
extra-, extro- outside of, beyond, outward
hemi- half
hyper- over
hypo- under, less than
im-, in- in
infra- under, beneath
inter- between
intra-, intro- between
mal- bad, abnormal
mega-, megalo- large
micro-, micro- small
mult-, multi many
neo- new
oligo- few, small
para- beside, beyond
peri- surrounding
poly- many, excess
post- after
pre-, pro- before
pyo- pus
steno- narrow
sub- under, below, beneath
brady- slow
therm- heat
trans- across, through
cyano- blue
erythro- red
leuko- white
melano- black
nulli- zero
mon-, mono- one
bi-, di-, diplo- two
tri- three
Created by: Dinoguy1
Popular Medical sets




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