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Med. term 1-5
Ch. 1-5 Medical Terms
Term | Definition |
prefix | -the beginning of some words -one letter or a group of letters -precedes a root to give it a different meaning -can have more than one meaning -never requires a combining vowel -can have two prefixes in an occasional medical term |
root | the foundation of the rood that provides its meaning |
combining vowel | vowel that joins a root to another root or to a suffix |
combining form | combination of a root and a combining vowel |
suffix | the ending of some words |
ROOT functions | -the constant unchanging foundation of a medical term -usually of greek or latin origin -one or more is found in most medical terms |
combining vowel functions | -has no meaning of its own -joins a root to another root -joins root to suffix -makes word easier to pronounce -"o" the most common combining vowel, next is "a" |
combining form functions | -combines a root and a combining vowel -can be attached to another root or combining form -can precede a suffix |
combining form examples | 1. cardi/o 2. gynec/o 3. respir/a |
patient (greek/latin form) | an old english term meaning to suffer or undergo; the term refers to a person who is under medical or surgical treatment |
medical (greek/latin form) | from a latin term meaning to heal; it means pertaining to the practice of medicine |
breath (greek/latin form) | an old english word meaning a single cycle of inhaling and exhaling |
mucus (greek/latin form) | a latin word for a clear sticky secretion |
knee (greek/latin form) | an old english word meaning an angular shape; today its referred to the joint (a latin word for junction) between the upper and lower leg |
quadrant (greek/latin form) | a latin word meaning a quarter. the abdomen is divided into four quadrants by horizontal and vertical planes that intersect at the umbilicus, which is a latin word for navel or belly button. |
record (greek/latin form) | a latin word meaning to remember. A medical record is a written account of a patient's medical history |
care (greek/latin form) | an old english word meaning to worry. when you care for your patients you look after them and are concerned about them. |
specialist (greek/latin form) | a latin word meaning of a given species. a specialist devotes professional attention to a particular subject area. |
apex (greek/latin form) | a latin word meaning tip or summit (as in mount everest); the apex of the heart is the downward pointing tip of the cone-shaped heart. |
patent (greek/latin form) | a latin word meaning open or exposed; a patent blood vessel is open to the circulation of free flowing blood. |
toxin (greek/latin form) | a greek word meaning poison; a toxin is a poisonous substance formed by a cell, such as a bacterium. |
lymph (greek/latin form) | a latin word meaning clear spring water; lymph is a clear, shimmering fluid collected from the body tissues |
breech (greek/latin form) | an old english word meaning buttocks; in obstetrics, a fetus is in a breech presentation when the buttocks, rather than the head, are the presenting part of delivery. |
terms that are alike: illum and illeum | - a bone in the pelvis - a segment of the small intestine |
terms that are alike: ureter and urethra | - the tube from the kidney to the bladder - the tube from the bladder from the outside |
terms that are alike: trapezius and trapezium | - a muscle in the back - a bone in the wrist |
terms that are alike: malleus and malleolus | - a small bone in the middle ear - a bony protuberance at the ankle |
terms that are alike: neurology and urology | -the study of diseases of the nervous system -the study of diseases of the kidney and bladder |
diagnostic suffix: -oma hematoma | -tumor, mass - the collection of blood in a tissue |
diagnostic suffix: -uria hematuria | -urine -blood in the urine |
diagnostic suffix: -dialysis hemodialysis | -to separate - removal of excess waste materials from blood |
diagnostic suffix: -chezia hematochezia | -pass a stool -passage of a bloody stool |
diagnostic suffix: -crit hematocrit | -to separate -percentage of red blood cells in the blood |
diagnostic suffix: -gram cardiogram | - record -record derived from the heart |
diagnostic suffix: -graph cardiograph | -instrument for recording -instrument for recording the heart |
diagnostic suffix: -lysis hemolysis | -destruction -destruction of red blood cells |
diagnostic suffix: -philia hemophilia | -attraction -an inherited blood disease |
diagnostic suffix: -ptysis hemoptysis | -spit -cough up bloody sputum |
diagnostic suffix: -rrhage hemorrhage | -to flow profusely -to bleed profusely |
diagnostic suffix: -rrhoid hemorrhoid | -to flow - painful anal swelling of venous blood |
surgical suffix: -centesis arthrocentesis | -surgical puncture -surgical puncture of a joint space with a needle |
surgical suffix: -desis arthrodesis | -fixation -surgical binding together of the bones of a joint |
surgical suffix: -ectomy appendectomy | -surgical removal -surgical removal of appendix |
surgical suffix: -plasty rhinoplasty | -surgical repair -surgical repair of nose |
surgical suffix: -rrhaphy herniorrhapy | -surgical structure -surgical structure of a hernia |
surgical suffix: -stomy tracheostomy | -surgical formation of an opening -surgical formation of an artificial opening into the trachea into which a tube is inserted |
surgical suffix: -tomy tracheotomy | -surgical incision -surgical incision into the trachea to enable a tracheostomy to be inserted |
surgical suffix: -tripsy lithotripsy | -crushing -crushing of a stone ex: in the ureters |
pathological suffix: -algia arthralgia | -pain -pain in the joints |
pathological suffix: -ectasis bronchiectasis | -dilation -chronic dilation of bronchi |
pathological suffix: -edema lymphedema | -accumulation of fluid and tissues -swelling in tissues as a result of obstruction of lymphatic vessels |
pathological suffix: -emesis hematemesis | -vomiting -vomiting of blood |
pathological suffix: -genesis osteogenesis | -form, produce -formation of new bone |
pathological suffix: -itis cystitis | -inflammation -inflammation of urinary bladder |
pathological suffix: -oma hematoma | -tumor, mass -mass of blood leaked outside blood vessels into tissues |
pathological suffix: -osis cyanosis | -abnormal condition -dark blue coloration of blood due to lack of oxygen |
pathological suffix: -pathy neuropathy | -disease -any disease of the nervous system |
pathological suffix: -penia erythropenia | -deficiency or lack of -decrease of red blood cells |
pathological suffix: -phobia agoraphobia | -fear of -an unfounded fear of public places that arouses a state of panic |
pathological suffix: -stenosis arteriostenosis | -narrowing -abnormal narrowing of an artery |
adjectival suffixes: -ac, -ary, -ior, -al, -ale, -alis, -ar, -aris, -atic, -active, -eal, -ent, -etic, -ial, -ic, -lca, -lcal, -lne, -iosum, -ious, -istic, -ius, -nic, -ous, -tic, -tiz, -tous, -us | pertaining to |
noun suffix: -iatry psychiatry | -treatments, medical specialty -diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders |
noun suffix: -ician pediatrician | -expert, specialist -medical specialist in childrens development and disorders |
noun suffix: -icle ossicle | -small, minute -small bone, relating to the three small bones in the middle ear |
noun suffix: -ist dentist | -expert, specialist -specialist in disorders of the orofacial complex |
noun suffix: -istry dentristy | -medical speciality -speciality in disorders of the orofacial complex |
noun suffix: -ole arteriole | -small minute -small artery |
noun suffix: -ule venule | -small, minute -small vein |
position prefix: ante- antevert | -before, forward -to tilt forward, as a uterus can |
position prefix: anti- antibiotic | -against -an agent that can destroy bacteria in other microorganisms |
position prefix: circum- circumcision | -around -to cut around the penis to remove the foreskin |
position prefix: endo- endocrine | -inside, inner -a gland that secretes directly into the blood |
position prefix: epi- epidermis | -above, over, upon -top layer of skin |
position prefix: exo- exocrine | -outside, outward -a gland that excretes outwardly through ducts |
position prefix: hyper- hypertrophy | -above, excessive -increase in size |
position prefix: hypo- hypodermis | -below -tissue layer below the top layer of the skin |
position prefix: inter- intercostal | -between -space between two ribs |
position prefix: intra- intradermal | -inside, within -within the skin |
position prefix: para- paranoid | -adjacent, alongside -having delusions of persecution |
position prefix: peri- perinatal | -around -around the time of birth |
position prefix: post- postnatal | -after -after the time of birth |
position prefix: pre- prenatal | -before -before the time of birth |
position prefix: retro- retrovert | -backward -to tilt backward, as a uterus can |
position prefix: supra- suprapubic | -above, excessive -above the pubic bone |
position prefix: trans- transdermal | -across, through -going across or through the skin |
position prefix: ultra- ultrasound | -higher, beyond -very high-frequency sound waves |
measurement prefix: bi- bilateral | -two, twice, double - on two sides of the body |
measurement prefix: brady- bradycardia | -slow -slow heart rate |
measurement prefix: di- diplegia | -two -paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body |
measurement prefix: eu- eupnea | -normal -normal breathing |
measurement prefix: hemi- hemiparasis | -half -weakness of one side of the body |
measurement prefix: macro- macrocyte | -large -large red blood cell |
measurement prefix: micro- microcyte | -small -small red blood cell |
measurement prefix: mono- monocyte | -single, one -white blood cell with a single nucleus |
measurement prefix: multi- multipara | -many -a woman who has given birth at least twice |
measurement prefix: pan- pancytopenia | -all -deficiency of all types of blood cells |
measurement prefix: poly- polyuria | -excessive -excessive production of urine |
measurement prefix: primi- primipara | -first -a woman who has given birth for the first time |
measurement prefix: quadri- quadriplegia | -four -paralysis of all four limbs |
measurement prefix: tachy- tachycardia | -rapid -rapid heart rate |
measurement prefix: tri- tricuspid | -three -having three points, a tricuspid heart valve has three flaps |
measurement prefix: uni- unipolar | -single, one -depression |
directional prefix: ab- abduction | -away from -action of moving away from the midline |
directional prefix: ad- adduction | -towards -action of moving toward midline |
directional prefix: ante- antevert | -coming before, in front of -to tilt foward |
directional prefix: sub- subdural | -under -in the space under the dura mater |
directional prefix: syn- synapse | - coming together -junction between two nerve cells |
singular and plural endings: -a -ae | -axilla -axillae |
singular and plural endings: -ax -aces | -thorax -thoraces |
singular and plural endings: -en -ina | -lumen -lumina |
singular and plural endings: -ex -ices | -cortex cortices |
singular and plural endings: -is -es | -diagnosis -diagnoses |
singular and plural endings: -is -ides | -epididymis -epididymides |
singular and plural endings: -ix -ices | -appendix -appendices |
singular and plural endings: -ma -mata | -carcinoma -carcinomata |
singular and plural endings: -on -a | -ganglion -ganglia |
singular and plural endings: -um -a | -septum -septa |
singular and plural endings: -us -era | -viscus -viscera |
singular and plural endings: -us -i | -villus -villi |
singular and plural endings: -us -ora | -corpus -corpora |
singular and plural endings: -ex -ges | -phalanx -phalanges |
singular and plural endings: -y -ies | -ovary -ovaries |
singular and plural endings: -yx -ices | -calyx -calices |
word analysis and definition: abdomen abdominal | root: (abdomin-abdomen) -the part of the trunk that lies between the thorax and the pelvis -pertaining to the abdomen |
word analysis and definition: colic colicky | root: (col-colon) -pertaining to the colon -pain in the colon |
word analysis and definition: costovertebral | root: (cost/o- rib) (vertebr- spine) -pertaining to the rib and spine |
word analysis and definition: hypertension hypotension | root: (tens- pressure) -persistent high arterial blood pressure -persistent low arterial blood pressure |
word analysis and definition: radiopaque | root: (radi/o-radiation) -impenetrable by x-rays or other forms of radiation |
word analysis and definition: ureter | -tube that connects the kidney to urinary bladder |
word analysis and definition: urethra | -canal leading from the urinary bladder to the outside |
atom | -a small unit of matter |
blastocyst | root: (blast/o- immature cell) -first two weeks of the developing embryo |
cell cellular cytology | root: (cellul- small cell) root: (cyt/o- cell) -smallest unit capable of independent existence -pertaining to a cell -study of cell |
fertilization fertilize | root: (fertiliz- to bear) -union of male sperm and female egg |
holistic | root: (holist- whole) -pertaining to the care of the whole person in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. |
molecule molecular | root: (molec- mass) -very small particle consisting of two or more atoms held tightly together |
oocyte | root: (cyte- cell) (o/o-egg) -female egg cell |
organ organelle | root: (organ-organ) -structure with specific functions in a body system -part of a cell having a specialized function(s) |
tissue | -collection of similar cells |
vitro in vitro fertilization (IVF) | -process of combining sperm and egg in a laboratory dish and placing resulting embryos inside a uterus |
zygote | -cell resulting from the union of the sperm and egg |
basic function of life: | -manufacture of proteins and lipids -production and use of energy -communication with other cells -replication of DNA -reproduction |
organelle examples: | nucleolus, nucleus (the largest organelle), E.R., ribosomes, golgi complex or apparatus, lysosomes, mitochondria |
chromatin | root: (chromat-color) -substance composed of DNA that forms chromosomes during cell division |
cytoplasm | -clear, gelatinous substance that forms the substance of a cell except for the nucleus |
chromosome | root: (chrom/o- color) -body in the nucleus that contains DNA and genes |
DNA | -source of hereditary characterisitcs found in chromosomes |
electrolyte | root: (electr/o- electric) -substance that, when dissolved in a suitable medium, forms electrically charged particles |
hormone hormonal | -chemical formed in one tissue or organ and carried by the blood to stimulate or inhibit or function of another tissue or organ |
intracellular | root: (cellul- small cell) -within the cell |
membrane membranous | -thin layer of tissue covering a structure or cavity |
metabolism metabolic | root: (metabol- change) -the constantly changing physical and chemical processes occurring in the cell -pertaining to metabolism |
mitochondrion mitochondria | root: (mit/o- thread) (chondr/o- cartilage, rib, granule) -organelle that generates, stores, and releases energy for cell activities |
nucleus nuclear | root: (nucle- nucleus) -functional center of cell structure |
nucleolus | root: (nucle/o- nucleus) -small mass within the nucleus |
steroid steroidal | root: (ster- solid) -large family of chemical substances found in many drugs, hormones, and body components |
anabollism | root: (anabol-build up) -the build up of complex substances in the cell form simpler ones as a part of metabolism |
carbohydrates | root: (carb/o- carbon) (hydr- water) -a group of organic food compounds that includes sugars, starch, glycogen, and cellulose |
catabolism | root: (catabol- breakdown) - breakdown of complex substances into simpler ones as a part of metabolism |
lysosome | root: (lys/o- decompose) -enzyme that digest foreign material and worn out cell components |
protein | root: (prot/e- first) -class of food substances based on amino acids |
ribosomes | root: (rib/o- like a rib) -structure in the cell that assembles amino acids into proteins |
connective tissue | -bind, support, protect, fill spaces, store fat -distributed throughout body; for example, in blood, bone, cartilidge, and fat |
epithelial tissue | -protect, secrete, absorb, and excrete -cover body surface, cover and line internal organs, composed glands |
muscle tissue | -movement -attached to bones, and the walls of hollow internal organs, and in the heart |
nervous tissue | -transmit impulses for coordination, sensory reception, motor actions -brain, spinal cord, nerves |
anterior | root: (anter- before, front part) - front surface of body; situated in front |
collateral | root: (later- side) -situated at the side; having an excessory function |
coordinate coordination | root: (ordin- arrange) -to bring together different structures into a harmonious function -the harmonious function of interrelated strucutres |
cruciate | -shaped like a cross |
epithelium epithelial | root: (thel/i- nipple) -tissue that covers surfaces or lines cavities -pertaining to epithelium |
excrete excretion | -to pass waste products of metabolism out of the body -removal of waste products of metabolism out of the body |
graft | -transplantation of living tissue |
histology histologist | root: (hist/o- tissue) -structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs -specialist in the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs |
ligament | - band of fibrous tissue connecting two structures |
medial | - near to the middle of body |
meniscus menisci | -disc of connective tissue cartilage between the bones of a joint; for example in the knee joint |
muscle | - a tissue consisting of contractile cells |
patella | -thin, circular bone in front of the knee joint that is embedded in the patellar tendon, also called the knee cap. |
secrete secretion | -to produce a chemical substance in a cell and release it from the cell |
articulate articulation | -to form a joint so as to allow movement -joint formed to allow movement |
capsule capsular | root: (caps- box) -fibrous tissue layer surrounding a joint or some other structure |
cartilage | -nonvascular form, connective tissue found mostly in joints |
collagen | root: (coll/a- glue) -major protein of connective tissue, cartilage and bone |
fibroblast | root: (blast- germ cell) (fibr/o- fiber) -cell that forms collagen fibers |
matrix | -substance that surrounds cells, manufactured by cells, and holds them together |
nutrient | root: nutri- nourish -a substance and food required for normal physiologic function |
osteoblast osteoclast osteocyte | root: (blast- germ cell) (oste/o- bone) -bone-forming cell -bone-removing cell -bone-maintaining cell |
periosteum | root: (oste- bone) -fibrous membrane covering the bone |
synovial | root: (ov/i- egg) -pertaining to synovial fluid and synovial membrane |
tendon | -fibrous band that connects muscle to bone |
organ systems: integumentary | -skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands -protect tissues, regulate body temp., support sensory receptors |
organ systems: skeletal | -bones, ligaments, cartilages, tendons -provide framework, protect soft tissues, provide attachments for muscles, produce blood cells, and store inorganic salts |
organ systems: muscular | -muscles -cause movements, maintain posture, produce body heat |
organ systems: nervous | -brain, spinal cord, nerves, sense organs -detect changes, receive and interpret sensory info., stimulate muscle and glands |
organ systems: endocrine | -glands that secrete hormones; pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, testes, pineal, thymus -control metabolic activities of organs and structures |
organ systems: cardiovascular | -heart, blood cells -move blood and transport substances throughout the body |
organ systems: lymphatic | -lymph vessels and nodes, thymus, spleen -return tissue fluid to the blood, carry certain absorbed food molecules, defend body against infection |
organ systems: digestive | -mouth, tongue, teeth, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small and large intestines -receive, break down, and absorb food, eliminate unabsorbed material |
organ systems: respiratory | -nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs -control intake and output of air, exchange gases between air and blood |
organ systems: urinary | -kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra -remove waste from blood, maintain water and electrolyte balance, store and transport urine |
organ systems: reproductive (male) | -male: scrotum, testes, epididymides, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands, urethra, penis -produce and maintain sperm cells, transfer sperm cells into female reproductive tract, secrete male hormones |
organ systems: reproductive (female | -female: ovaries, uterine, (fallopian) tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva - produce and maintain egg cells, receive sperm cells, support development of an embryo, function in birth process, secrete female hormones |
homeostasis | root: (home/o- the same) -stability or equilibrium of a system or the body's internal environment |
hypertrophy | root: (trophy- development) -increase in size, but not in number, of an individual tissue element |
integrate integration | root: (integr- whole) -to bring together into a complete inharmonious whole |
organ | -structure with specific functions in a body system |
parkinson disease | -disease of muscular rigidity, tremors, and a mask-like facial expression |
posture | -the carriage of the body as a whole and the position of the limbs |
septicemia | root: (septic- infected) -microorganisms circulating in and infecting the blood (blood poisoning) |
spastic spasticity | root: (spast- tight) -increase muscle tone on movement with exaggeration of the tendon reflexes -the condition or state of increased muscle tone on movement |
tracheostomy | root: (trache/o- windpipe) -the incision into the windpipe, usually so that a tube can be inserted to assist breathing |
urinary | root: (urin- urine) - pertaining to urine |
anatomy anatomic | root: (tom- section) -study of structure of the human body -pertaining to anatomy |
anterior | root: (anter- coming before) -front surface of body situated in front |
caudal | root: (caud- tale) -pertaining to or near to the tale |
cephalic | root: (cephal- head) -pertaining to or near to the head |
coronal | root: (coron- crown) -pertaining to the vertical plane dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions |
distal | root: (dist- away from center) -situated away from the center of the body |
dorsal | root: (dors- back) -pertaining to the back or situated behind |
frontal | root: (front- front) -in front; relating to the anterior part of the body |
inferior | root: (infer- below) -situated below |
posterior | root: (poster- coming behind) -pertaining to the back surface of the body; situated behind |
prone | -lying face down, flat on your abdomen |
proximal | root: (proxim- nearest) -situated nearest center of the body |
sagittal | root: (sagitt- arrow) -pertaining to the vertical plane through the body, dividing into left and right portions |
superior | root: (super- above) -situated above |
supine | -lying face up, flat on your spine |
transverse | -pertaining to the horizontal plane, dividing the body into upper and lower portions |
ventral | root: ventr- belly -pertaining to the abdomen or situated near the surface of the abdomen |
cranial cavity | contains the brain within the skull |
thoracic cavity | contains the heart, lungs, thymus glad, trachea, and esophagus, as well as numerous blood vessels and nerves |
abdominal cavity | is separated from the thoracic cavity by the diaphragm and contains the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys |
pelvic cavity | surrounded by pelvic bones and contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, the rectum, the anus, and the internal reproductive organs |
spinal cavity | contains the spinal cord |
abdominopelvic cavity | abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity collectively |
cavity cavities | hollow space or body compartment |
diaphragm | the musculomembranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities |
epigastric epigastrium | root: (gastr/i-stomach) -pertaining to the abdominal region above the stomach -abdominal region above the stomach |
hypogastric | -pertaining to the abdominal region below the stomach |
quadrant | one-quarter of a circle |
umbilical umbilicus | root: (umbilic- belly button) -pertaining to or around the umbilicus or the center of the abdomen |
alimentary canal | -mouth, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, pharynx, and stomach root: (aliment-nourishment) -pertaining to the digestive tract |
accessory organs of digestion include: | teeth, salivary glands, gallbladder, tongue, liver, and pancreas |
bariatric | root: (bari- weight) -treatment of obesity |
digestion digestive | root: (digest- to break down) -breakdown of food into elements suitable for cell metabolism -pertaining to digestion |
esophagus | -tube linking pharynx and stomach |
gastric | root: (gast/r- stomach) -pertaining to the stomach |
gastroenterology gastroenterologist gastrointestinal | root: (enter/o- intestine) -medical speciality of the stomach and intestines -medical specialist in gastroenterology -pertaining to the stomach and intestines |
intestines intestinal | root: (intestin- intestin or gut) -the digestive tube from stomach to anus |
laparoscopy laparoscope laparscopic | root: (lapar/o- abdomen in general) -examination of the contents of the abdomen using and endoscope -instrument used for viewing the abdominal contents -pertaining to a larparoscopy |
lymph lymphatic | root: (lymph- lymph) -a clear fluid collected from tissues and transported by vessels to venous circulation -pertaining to lymph |
mouth | external opening of a cavity or canal |
Roux-en-Y | surgical procedure to reduce the size of the stomach |
transcript transcription transcriptionist | root: (script- writing, thing copied) -an exact copy or reproduction -the action of making a copy of dictated material -one who makes a copy of dictated material |
propulsion | the mechanical movement of food from the mouth to the anus |
absorption absorb | uptake of nutrients and water by cells in the GI tract |
amylase | root: (amyl- starch) -one of a group of enzymes that break down starch |
bolus | single mass of substance |
deglutition | root: deglutit- to swallow -the act of swallowing |
elimination | root: (elimin- throw away) -removal of waste material from the digestive tract |
ingestion | root: (ingest- carry in) -intake of food, either by mouth or through a nasogastric tube |
lipase | root: (lip-fat) enzyme that breaks down fat |
nasogastric | root: (nas/o- nose) -pertaining to nose and stomach |
parastalsis | root: stalsis- constrict -waves of alternate contraction and relaxation of elementary canal wall to move food along the digestive tract |
protease | root: prot/e-protein) -group of enzymes that break down protein |
secrete secretion | -to release or give off, as substances produced by cells |
segment segmental | root: (segment- section) -section of an organ or structure -pertaining to a segment |
abbreviations | CMA- certified medical assistant ESR- erythocyte sedimentation rate SSA- syndrome antibodies A SSB-syndrome antibodies B WBS-white blood cell |
buccinator | root: (buccin- the cheek) -the muscle in the cheek |
enzyme | root: (zyne- fermenting, enzyme) -protein that induces changes in other substances |
gingivitis | root: (gingiv- gums) -inflammation of the gums |
masticate mastication | root: (mastic- chew) - to chew |
oral | root: (or- mouth) pertaining to the mouth |
palate | -roof of the mouth |
papilla papillae | -any small projection |
Sjogren syndrome | autoimmune disease that attacks the glands that produce saliva and tears |
taste | sensation from chemicals on the taste buds |
tongue | mobile muscle mass in mouth; bears the taste buds |
ulcer and ulceration | root: (ulcer- meaning a sore) -erosion of an area of skin or mucosa -formation of an ulcer |
uvula | fleshy projection of the soft palate |
bicuspid (also called premolar) | root: (cusp- point) -having two points; a bicuspid (premolar) tooth has two points |
crown | -part of the tooth above the gum |
cuspid | -tooth with one point |
dentin (dentine) | root: (dent-tooth) -dense, ivory-like substance located under the enamel in the tooth |
enamel | -hard substance covering a tooth |
incisor | chisel-shaped tooth |
lysozyme | root: (lys/o- dissolve) -enzyme that dissolves the cells walls of bacteria |
molar | one of six teeth in each jaw that grind food |
parotid | root: (ot- ear) -parotid gland is the salivary gland beside the ear |
pulp | dental pulp is the connective tissue in the cavity in the center of the tooth |
root | fundamental or beginning part of the structure |
saliva salivary | root: (saliv- saliva) -secretion in mouth from salivary glands |
sublingual | root: (lingu- tongue) -underneath the tongue |
submandibular | root: (mandibul- the jaw) -underneath the mandible |
symptom symptomatic | -departure from the normal experienced by a patient -pertaining to the symptoms of a disease |
aphthous ulcer | painful small oral ulcer |
canker/ canker sore | nonmedical term for aphthous ulcer |
caries | bacterial destruction of teeth |
gingiva gingival gingivitis gingivectomy | -tissue surrounding teeth and covering the jaw -pertaining to the gums -inflammation of the gums -surgical removal of diseased gum tissue |
glossodynia | root: (gloss/o- tongue) -painful, burning of tongue |
halitosis | root: (halit- breath) -bad odor of breath |
leukoplakia | root: (leuk/o- white) (plak- plate, plaque) -white patch on oral mucous membrane, often precancerous |
periodontal periodontics periodontist periodontitis | root: (odont- tooth) -around a tooth -branch of dentistry specializing in disorders around the teeth -specialist in periodontics -inflammation of tissues around tooth |
plaque | patch of abnormal tissue |
pyorrhea | root: (py/o-pus) purulent discharge |
tartar (dental calculus | calcified deposit at gingival margin of teeth |
thrush | infection with candida albicans |
deglutition | the act of swallowing |
dysphagia | root: (phagia- swallowing) -difficulty in swallowing |
emesis hematemesis | root: (eme-to vomit) (hemat-blood) -vomiting -vomiting of red blood |
epiglottis | root: (glottis- windpipe) -leaf-shaped plate of cartilage that shuts off larynx during swallowing |
esophagus esophageal esophagitis | -tube linking pharynx and stomach -pertaining to the esophagus -inflammation of the lining of esophagus |
hernia herniorrhaphy herniate | root: (herni/o- hernia) -protusion of a structure through the tissue that normally contains it -repair of a hernia -to protrude |
hiatus hiatal | root: (hiat- aperture) -an opening through a structure -pertaining to an opening through a structure |
larynx | -organ of voice production |
nasopharynx | root: (nas/o-nose) (pharynx-throat) -region of the pharynx at the back of the nose and above the soft palate |
oropharynx | root: (or/o-mouth) -region at back of mouth between soft palate and the tip of the epiglottis |
pharynx | air tube from the back of the nose to the larynx |
postprandial | root: (prand-meal) following a meal |
relfux | root: (flux-flow) -backward flow |
regurgitation | root: (gurgit-flood) -expelling contents of the stomach into the mouth, short of vomitting |
trachea | -air tube from larynx to the bronchi |
varix varices varicose | -dilated, tortuous vein -characterized by or affected with varices |
chyme | -semifluid, partially digested food passed from the stomach into the duodenum |
dehydration | (hydr- water) -process of losing body water |
duodenum duodenal | (duoden-latin for twelve) -first part of small intestine; approx. 12- finger breadths (9-10 inches) in length -pertaining to the duodenum |
fundus fundic | (fund-bottom) -the portion of the stomach that lies above the entrance of the esophagus -pertaining to the fundus |
gastrin | -hormones secreted in the stomach that stimulates secretion of HCL and increases gastric motility |
hydrochloric acid (HCL) | (chlor-green) -the acid of gastric juice |
intrinsic factor | (intrins- on the inside) (factor-maker) -substance secreted by the stomach that is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B-12 |
malabsorption | (absorpt- to swallow) -inadequate gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients |
mucus mucous mucin | (muc-mucus) -sticky secretion of cells in mucous membranes -relation to mucus or mucosa -protein element of mucus |
pepsin pepsinogen | (pepsin/o-pepsin) -enzyme produceded by stomach that breaks down protein -enzyme converted by HCL in stomach to pepsin |
pylorus pyloric | (pylor-gate) -exit area of the stomach, proximal to the duodenum -pertaining to pylorus |
anorexia | (orex- appetite) -severe lack of appetite; or an aversion to food |
antacid | agent that neutralizes acidity |
dyspepsia | (peps-digestion) -"upset stomach," epigastric pain, nausea, gas |
erosion | -a shallow ulcer in a lining of a structure |
gastritis | inflammation of the lining of the stomach |
gastroesophageal | pertaining to the stomach and esophagus |
gastroscope | endoscope for examining the inside of a stomach |
peptic | (pept- digest) -relating to the stomach and duodenum |
perforation | (perforat-bore through) -erosion that progresses to become a hole through the wall of a structure |
proton pump inhibitor (PPI) | (proton-first) (inhibit-repress) -agent that blocks production of gastric acid |
resection resect | (sect- cut off) -removal of a specific part of an organ or structure |
vagus | tenth (X) cranial nerve; supplies many different organs throughout body |
cecum | blind pouch that is the first part of the large intestine |
ileum ileocecal | (ile/o-ilium) (cec-cecum) -third portion of the small intestine -pertaining to the junction of the ileum and cecum |
jejunum jejunal | segment of small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum where most of the nutrients are absorbed |
mesentary mesentric | root: (entary- intestine) -a double layer of peritoneum enclosing the abdominal viscera -pertaining to the mesentary |
mucosa mucosal | -lining of tubular structure -pertaining to the mucosa |
muscularis | the muscular layer of a hollow organ or tube |
omentum omental | -membrane that drapes over intestines -pertaining to the omentum |
pancreas | -lobulated gland, the head of which is tucked into the curve of the duodenum |
peritoneum peritoneal | membrane that lines the abdominal cavity - |
plica plicae | fold in the mucous membrane |
serosa serosal | -outer most covering of the alimentary tract |
submucosa | (mucosa- lining of the cavity) -tissue layer underneath the mucosa |
villus villi | -thin, hairlike projection, particularly of a mucous membrane lining a cavity |
viscus (means something sticky) viscera visceral | -hollow, walled, internal organ -internal organs, particularly in the abdomen |
celiac celiac disease | (celi- abdomen) (ease- normal function) -relating to the abdominal cavity -disease caused by a sensitivity to gluten |
gastroenteritis | -inflammation of the stomach and the intestines |
Giardia | -parasite that can affect the small intestine |
ileus | -dynamic or mechanical obstruction of the small intestine |
intussusception | (suspect- to take up) -the slippage of one part of the bowel inside, another, causing obstruction |
bile bile acids biliary | -fluid secreted by the liver into the duodenum -steroids synthesized from cholesterol |
bilirubin | bile pigment formed in the liver from hemoglobin |
cholesterol | (chol/e-bile) -steroid formed in liver cells; the most abundant steroid in tissues, which circulates in the plasma attached to proteins of different densities |
emulsify emulsion | (emuls- suspend in a liquid) -break up into very small droplets to suspend in a solution |
gallstone | (gall-bile) (stone- pebble) -hard mass of cholesterol, calcium, and bilirubin that can be formed in the gallbladder and bile duct |
gluconeogenesis | (neo-new) -formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources |
glycogen | the body's principle carbohydrate reserve, stored in the liver and skeletal muscle |
hepatic hepatitis | (hepat- liver) -pertaining to liver -inflammation of liver |
liver | body's largest internal organ, located in right upper quadrant of abdomen |
Murphy sign | Tenderness in the right subcostal area on inspiration, associated with acute cholecystitis |
portal vein provisional diagnosis (preliminary diagnosis) | (provision- provide) -the vein that carries blood from the intestines to the liver -a temporary diagnosis pending further examination or testing |
alanine aminotransferase (ATL) amiotransferase (AST) aspartate | (amin/o-nitrogen compound) (tranfer-carry) (aspartate-amino acid) -enzymes that are found in liver cells and leak out into the blood stream when the cells are damaged enabling liver damage to be diagnosed -a salt of aspartic acid |
ascites | (asc-belly) -accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity |
cholestatic | (stat-standing still) (chol/e-bile) -stopping the flow of bile |
cirrhosis | (cirrh-yellow) -extensive fibrotic liver disease |
hemochromatosis | (chromat-color) (hemo-blood) -dangerously high levels of iron in the body with deposition of iron pigments in tissues |
phosphatase | (phosphat- phosphorus) -enzyme that liberates phosphorus |
acinar cells | (acin-grape) -enzyme-secreting cells of the pancreas |
carboxypeptidase | (carboxy-group of organic compounts (peptid-digestion) -enzyme that breaks down protien |
disaccharide | (sacchar-sugar) -combination of two monosacchrides |
endocrine gland | (crine-secrete) -a gland that produces an internal or hormonal and secretes into the blood stream |
exocrine gland | -a gland that secretes outwardly through excretory ducts |
fatty acid | -acid obtained from the hydrolysis of fats |
islet cells | -hormones secreting cells of the pancreas |
monoglyceride diglyceride triglyceride | -fatty substance with a single fatty acid -substance with two fatty acids -subastance with three fatty acids |
pancreas pancreatic pancreatitis | -lobulated gland the head of which is tucked into the curve of the duodenum -pertaining to the pancreas -inflammation of the pancreas |
secretin | (secrete-separate) -hormone produced by duodenum to stimulate pancreatic juice |
trypsin chymotrypsin | (tryps-friction) (chym/o-chyme) -enzyme that breaks down protein -trypsin found in chyme |
amino acid | (amin/o- nitrogen compound) -the basic building block of a protein |
carbohydrate | -group of organic food compound that includes sugars, starch. glycogen, cellulose |
chyle | - a milky fluid that results from the digestion and absorbtion of the fats in the small intestine |
lacteal | (lact/e-milk) -a lymphatic vessel carrying chyle away from the intestine |
lipid | -general term for all type of fatty compounds for example cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids |
mineral | (miner-minds) -inorganic compound usually found in earth's crust |
protein | -class of food substances based on amino acids |
celiac celiac disease | (abdomen) -relating to abdominal cavity -disease caused by sensitivity to gluten |
constipation | (constip- press together) -hard, infrequent bowel movements |
crohn disease (region enteritis) | -inflammatory bowel disease with narrowing and thickening of the terminal small bowel |
diarrhea | (rrhea- to flow and discharge) -abnormally frequent and loose stool |
dysentery | (entery- intestine) -disease with diarrhea, bowel spasms, fever, and dehydration |
enteroscope enteroscopy | -slender, tubular instrument with light source and camera to visualize the digestive tract -the examination of the lining of the digestive tract |
gluten | insoluble protein found in wheat, barley, and oats |
intolerance | inability of small intestine to digest and dispose of a particular dietary constituent |
lactose lactase | (lact- milk) disaccharide found in cow's milk -enzyme that breaks down lactose to glucose and galactose |
neuropathy | (neuro- nerve) -any disease of the nervous system |
anus anal | -terminal opening of the digestive tract through which feces are discharged |
appendix appendectomy vermiform appendicitis | -small blind projection from the pouch of the cecum -surgical removal of the appendix -worm shaped; used as a descriptor for the appendix -inflammation of the appendix |
colon colic colitis | -the large intestine, extending from the cecum to the rectum -spasmodic, crampy pains in the abdomen -inflammation of the colon |
feces fecal defecation defecate | (fec- Feces) (de- from, out of) -undigested, waste material discharged from the bowel -pertaining to the feces -evacuation to feces from rectum to anus -process of defecation |
flatus flatulence flatulent | (flatul- excessive gas) -gas or air expelled through the anus -excessive amount of gas in the stomach and intestines |
flexure | a bend in the structure |
gastrocolic reflex | (reflex- bend back) -mass movement of feces in the colon and the desire to defecate caused by taking food into stomach |
ileocecal sphincter | -band of muscle that encircles the junction of the ileum and cecum |
perimeter | an edge or border |
rectum rectal | -terminal part of the colon from the sigmoid to the anal canal - |
sigmoid | -sigmoid colon is shaped like an "S" |
bowel | another name for intestine |
diverticulum diverticula diverticulosis diverticulitis | (diverticul- byroad) -a pouchlike opening or sac from a tubular structure -presence of a number of small pouches in the wall of the larch intestine -inflammation of the diverticula |
fissure | deep furrow or cleft |
fistula | abnormal passage |
hemorrhoid hemorrhoids hemorrhoidectomy | -dilated rectal vein producing painful anal swelling -surgical removal of hemorrhoids |
intussusception | (suspect- to take up) -the slipping of one part of bowel inside another to cause obstruction |
lumen | the interior space of a tubelike structure |
McBurney point | one-third the distance from the anterior superior illiac spine to the umbilicus |
metastasis metastases | (stasis- placement) -spread of a disease from one part of the body to another |
peritoneum peritoneal peritonitis | periton/e- stretch over -membrane that lines the abdominal cavity -pertaining to the peritoneum -inflammation of the peritoneum |
polyp polyposis polypectomy | -mass of tissue that projects into the lumen of the bowel -presence of several polyps -excision of removal of polyp |
precancerous | lesion from which a cancer can develop |
proctitis | (proct- anus and rectum) -inflammation of lining of rectum |
ulcerative | (ulcer-sore) marked by an ulcer or ulcers |
anastomosis anastomoses | (anastom- joint together) -a surgically made union between two tubular structures |
coagulate | (coagul- clotting) -form of a clot |
endoscope endoscopic endoscopy anoscopy colonoscopy gastroscopy | -instrument for examining inside of a tubular or hollow organ -pertaining to use of endoscope -the use of an endoscope -endoscopic examination of the anus -examination of inside of colon by endoscopy -endoscopic examination of the stomach |
ileoscopy panendoscopy proctoscopy sigmoidscopy | -endoscopic examination of the ileum -examination of inside the esophagus, stomach, upper duodenum -examination of inside of anus and rectum - endoscopic exam of sigmoid colon |
enema | an injection of fluid into rectum |
hematochezia | the passage of red, bloody stools |
melena | the passage of black, tarry stools |
occult | -not visible on surface |
ostomy colostomy ileostomy | -surgery to create an artificial opening into a tubular structure -artificial opening from colon to outside of body -artificial opening from ileum to outside of body |
stoma | -artificial opening |