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MSP Step 2 Rapid 6

Antidepressants associated with hypertensive crisis MAOIs
Galactorrhea, impotence, menstrual dysfunction, and decreased libido Dopamine antagonists
mother who is angry at her husband yells at her child Displacement
Pedophile enters the monastery Reaction formation
Woman calmly describes a grisly murder Isolation
Hospitalized 10-year-old child begins to wet his bed again Regression
Life-threatening muscle rigidity, high fever, and rhabdomyolysis Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Recurrent episodes of palpitations, diaphoresis, and fear of going crazy Panic disorder
Most serious side effect of clozapine Agranulocytosis
3 months of social withdrawal, worsening grades, flattened affect, and concrete thinking Schizophrenic form disorder
Key side effects of atypical antipsychotics Weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes mellitus, QT prolongation
After treatment with IV haloperidol patients eyes deviate sideways Acute dystonia (oculogyric crisis)
Treatment of Acute dystonia (oculogyric crisis) Benztropine or diphenhydramine
Medication to avoid in patients with a history of alcohol withdrawal seizures Neuroleptics
13-year-old with a history of theft, vandalism, and violence towards animals Conduct disorder
Medications to avoid in patients with PTSD Benzodiazepines
Violent patient with vertical or horizontal nystagmus PCP intoxication
A woman who was abused as a child frequently feels outside of or detached from her body Depersonalization disorder
A schizophrenic patient develops uncontrolled tongue movement after a year of medication Tardive dyskinesia
Treatment of tardive dyskinesia Decrease or discontinue medication and consider another antipsychotic
Risk factors for DVT Stasis, endothelial injury, hypercoagulability
Criteria for exudative effusion peural/serum Protein >0.5 peural/serum LDH >0.6 LDH greater than two thirds the upper limit of normal
Causes of exudative effusion Leaky capillaries, malignancy, TB, bacterial or viral infection, PE with infarct, and pancreatitis
Causes of transudative effusion CHF, liver or kidney disease, protein losing enteropathy
↓ FEV1/FVC obstructive pulmonary disease
↑ FEV1/FVC, ↓ TLC Restrictive pulmonary disease
Honeycomb pattern on chest x-ray Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Treatment of diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis Supportive care, steroids
Treatment of superior vena cava syndrome Radiation
Treatment for mild persistent asthma Inhaled beta agonists and inhaled corticosteroids
Treatment for COPD exacerbation Oxygen, bronchodilators, antibiotics, corticosteroids with paper, smoking cessation
Treatment for chronic COPD Smoking cessation, home ox tin, beta agonists, anti-cholinergic, systemic or inhaled corticosteroids, flu and pneumococcal vaccines
Acid-base disorder in pulmonary embolus Respiratory alkalosis with hypoxia and Hypocarbia
Non-small cell lung cancer associated with hypercalcemia Squamous cell carcinoma
Lung cancer associated with SIADH Small cell lung cancer
Lung cancer highly related to cigarette exposure Small cell lung cancer
Treatment of tension pneumothorax Needles thoracotomy
Characteristics favoring carcinoma in an isolated pulmonary nodule -Age >45 to 50 -new or large in comparison to old film -absence of calcification or irregular calcifications -greater than 2 cm -irregular margins
Hypoxemia and pulmonary edema with normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ARDS
Pulmonary fibrosis, pleural plaques, broncogenic carcinoma, mesothelioma Asbestos exposure
Infection commonly associated with silicosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Causes of hypoxemia Right to left shunt, hypoventilation, low inspired oxygen tension, diffusion defect, and VQ mismatch
Renal tubular acidosis associated with abnormal hydrogen ion secretion and kidney stones RTA type 1 (Distal)
Renal tubular acidosis associated with abnormal HCO3- and rickets RTA type II (proximal)
Renal tubular acidosis associated with aldosterone defect and hyperkalemia RTA type IV (distal)
Differential of hypervolemic hyponatremia Cirrhosis, CHF, nephritic syndrome
doughy skin Hypernatremia
Chvostek and Trousseau's sign Hypocalcemia
Most common causes of hypercalcemia Malignancy and hyperparathyroidism
T wave flattening and U waves Hypokalemia
Peaked T waves and widened QRS Hyperkalemia
First-line treatment for moderate hypocalcemia IV hydration and loop diuretics
Most common type of kidney stone Calcium oxalate
Hematuria, hypertension, and only Curia Nephritic syndrome
most common form of Nephritic syndrome Membranous
most common form of glomerulonephritis IgA nephropathy/bergers disease
Glomerular nephritis with deafness Alport syndrome
Glomerulonephritis with hemoptysis Wegener's granulomatosis and Goodpasture syndrome
Red cells in urine sediment Glomerulonephritis/nephrotic syndrome
Eosinophils in urine sediment Allergic interstitial nephritis
Waxy cast in urine sediment and Maltese crosses Nephrotic syndrome
Drowsiness, Asterixis, nausea, and pericardial action rubs Uremic syndrome in patients with renal failure
Low urine specific gravity in the presence of high urine osmolality Diabetes insipidus
Treatment of SIADH Fluid restriction, demeclocycline
Hematuria, flank pain, and palpable flank masses Renal cell carcinoma
Testicular cancer associated with increased hCG and AFP Choriocarcinoma
Most common type of testicular cancer Seminoma
Most common histology of bladder cancer Transitional cell carcinoma
Complication of overly rapid correction of hyponatremia Central Pontine demyelination
Acid base disturbance seen in pregnant women Respiratory alkalosis
Elevated erythropoietin, elevated hematocrit, and normal oxygen saturation Renal cell carcinoma or erythropoietin producing tumor
Treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia Terazosin, finasteride, or TURP
Side effects of corticosteroids Acute mania, immunosuppression, thin skin, osteoporosis, bruising, myopathies
Treatment for acetaminophen overdose N-acetylcysteine
Treatment for opioid overdose naloxone
Treatment for benzodiazepine overdose Flumazenil
Treatment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome and malignant hyperthermia Dantrolene
Treatment for malignant hypertension Nitroprusside
Treatment of atrial fibrillation Rate control, rhythm conversion, anti- coagulation
Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia Stable = rate control with carotid massage or vagal stimulation
Causes of drug induced SLE INH penicillamine Hydralazine procainamide chlorpromazine methyldopa quinidine
Macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia with neurologic symptoms B12 deficiency
Macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia without neurologic symptoms Folate deficiency
Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment 100% O2 or hyperbaric oxygen
Plugged in the urethral meatus or high riding prostate Bladder rupture or urethral injury
Test to rule out urethral injury Retrograde cystourethrogram
Radiographic evidence of aortic dissection Widened mediastinum, tracheal deviation to the right
Acceptable urine output for trauma patients 50 mL per hour
Acceptable urine output in a stable patient 30 mL per hour
Signs of neurogenic shock Hypotension and bradycardia
Signs of increased intracranial pressure Hypertension, bradycardia, and abnormal respirations
↓ CO, ↓ PCWP, ↑ PVR Hypovolemic shock
↓ CO, ↑ PCWP, ↑ PVR Cardiogenic shock
↑ CO, ↓PCWP, ↓PVR Septic shock
Treatment of septic shock fluid and antibiotics
Treatment of cardiogenic shock Pressers such as dopamine
Treatment of hypovolemic shock Fluid and blood repletion
Treatment of anaphylactic shock Diphenhydramine or epinephrine 1:1000
Signs of air embolism A patient with a chest trauma who was previously stable suddenly dies
Signs of cardiac tamponade Distended neck veins, hypotension, diminished heart sounds, pulses paradoxes
Absent breath sounds, dullness to percussion, shock, flat neck veins Massive hemothorax
Absent practice sounds, tracheal deviation, shock, distended neck veins Tension pneumothorax
Created by: dudedudedudedude
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