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Bonewit Chapt 18

Hematology (Stacy Maloon)

ameboid movement movement used by leukocytes that permits them to propel themselves from the capillaries into the tissues
anemia a condition in which there is a decrease in the erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
anisocytosis a variation in the size of red blood cells
anticoagulant a substance that inhibits blood clotting
bilirubin an orange-colored bile pigment produced by the break down of heme from the hemoglobin molecule
diapedesis the ameboid movement of blood cells (especially leukocytes) through the wall of a capaillary and out into the tissues
hematology the study of blood & blood forming tissues
hemoglobin the iron containing pigment of erythrocytes that transport oxygen in the body
hemolysis the breakdown of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin into the plasma
hypochromic a red blood cell with a decreased concentration of hemoglobin
leukocytosis an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells (greater than 11,000 per cubic millimeter of blood)
leukopenia an abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells (less than 4500 per cubic millimeter of blood)
microcytic an abnormally large red blood cell
macrocytic an abnormally large red blood cell
normochromic a red blood cell with a normal concentration of hemoblogin
normocytic a normal sized red blood cell
oxyhemoglobin hemoglobin that has combined with oxygen
phagocytosis the engulfing & destruction of foreign particles, such as bacteria, by special cells call phagocytes
polycythemia a disorder in which there is an increase in the red blood cell mass
Created by: stacymaloon
Popular Medical sets




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